The Buddha’s kingdom in the palm of your hand is a powerful divine power created by the enlightened Daoist before he was sanctified.

With this powerful divine power, the Daoist was almost invincible in the Flood Desolation World at that time, and there were at least a few people who could oppose it, and there were very few who could escape from this palm Buddha’s kingdom.

In his lifetime, the person who received the Dao had only met a person whose cultivation realm was far inferior to his, but who could only escape from the Buddha’s kingdom in his hands.

That was the creator of the art of fishing for the moon in the well, who had escaped from the hands of the usher with the technique of fishing for the moon in the well.

What a shame is this for the guides?

So, after experiencing that humiliation, the Taker was pained and returned to the Western retreat.

On the basis of the Buddha’s kingdom in the palm of his hand, he created a more powerful magic power, that is, the world of Meru!

The Buddha’s kingdom in the palm of the hand is only in the position of second-class divine power in the list of flood and desolate divine powers.

But the world of Meru is a real first-class divine power.

However, after the creation of the world of Meru, the creator of the Moon Hunting Technique in his hand has been besieged and killed by the enemy.

And the art of catching the moon in the palm of the hand also accompanied the demise of the creator, and has been lost in the world ever since.

So much so that the goal of the Guiding Dao Man to create this magic magic could no longer be accomplished!

The emergence of Luonan, as far as the leader of the road is concerned, is undoubtedly a hope that the goal that could not be completed at the beginning can be completed.

Therefore, when facing Luonan, the ushers who had already incarnated as Amitabha Buddha, did not need any divine powers, and as soon as they came up, they trapped Luonan with the world of Meru!

On the one hand, this is naturally to clean up a great enemy for oneself, and on the other hand, there is also a competitive pride in the heart.

I want to see if Lonan, as a descendant of the Technique of Fishing the Moon in the Well, can escape from his own world of Sumire!

And this is also to prove who is more powerful in the world of Sumire and the art of fishing for the moon in the well!

This is what Amitabha Buddha had in mind.

Now, Lonan, trapped in the world of Meru, probably guessed it.

“I was warned long ago that I should be careful of Amitabha’s Sumire world, but this time I was careless.”

After returning to the space where the Buddha Yin was singing, Luo Nan’s brow frowned involuntarily: “Now it has become very difficult to get out of this Sumire world, and it is obviously not enough to rely on the technique of fishing for the moon in the well alone!” ”

Lonan murmured, his mind beginning to think about how to escape from the world of Sumire.

This world of Meru really does a grain of sand, and the flowers are all a world.

These worlds are interlocked, forming a closed loop, and the art of fishing for the moon alone cannot run out at all.

And this also makes Ronan quite big!

And just as Luo Nan was meditating, this space where the Buddha was chanting, but suddenly there was a loud roar!

Immediately afterward, a series of terrifying cracks were created in this world.

After only a few breaths, the space filled with Buddhist chanting directly shattered, and then Luo Nan appeared in a familiar yellow sand.

But soon, Ronan’s pupils suddenly shrunk.

Because as far as his eyes could see, he suddenly saw another figure.

The figure was slightly hunched, wearing worn-out monk’s robes.

However, the hair on his face and the golden rod he was holding in his hand made Ronan suddenly think of a being.

Such a monkey-like appearance can be trapped in the world of Meru by Amitabha Buddha, and the body of the person in front of him seems to be about to come out!

“Fight to defeat the Buddha?”

Ronan wondered.

The monkey with the golden rod in his hand waved his hand, “Where is the Buddha?” ”

After laughing at himself, Sun Wukong went up and down a lot of Luonan and said, “The breath on your body is somewhat familiar, I seem to have encountered it at some point…”

Frowning and thinking about it, Sun Wukong suddenly said, “By the way, you were the boy who killed Maitreya Buddha on the Spirit Mountain, and I asked you to bring a sentence to the master for me, but you were done?” ”

Hearing this, Luo Nan’s face flashed a touch of embarrassment: “Oh, there are many big things happening in the outside world now, and they haven’t come yet.” ”

Sun Wukong didn’t care when he heard it: “No obstacles, no obstacles, and then the old Sun himself thought about it, so don’t say it.” By the way, how did you get caught by that Amitabha Buddha? ”

Hearing Sun Wukong’s inquiry, Luo Nan also told Sun Wukong in detail about the previous reason.

Sun Wukong has been locked up in the world of Meru since the beginning of the Great Path Raid, and he can’t get out of it at all, so he doesn’t know many things happening in the outside world.

At this moment, it was hard to see outsiders coming, and I couldn’t stop asking questions under the curiosity in my heart.

Sun Wukong used to be very kind to Luo Nan, so Luo Nan also did not tire of it, carefully telling everything that had happened in the outside world over the years.

After listening to what Luo Nan said, Sun Wukong’s monkey face was full of pity, patting the big tui and saying: “The outside world has been so wonderful all these years, but it is a pity that the old Sun is trapped in such a broken place, it is really angry!” ”

Listening to Luo Nan talk about those battles, Sun Wukong couldn’t help but feel that his blood was boiling, and he was eager to pick up his golden hoop stick and go outside to fight for a while!

However, now that he and Ronan had become the caged bird, trapped in this world of Meru and unable to escape, let alone go out and kill them.

After the two of them were sorry for a while, Luo Nan asked, “Great Sage, why did you just smash that space?” ”

Mentioning this, Sun Wukong suddenly came to the spirit: “Although Lao Sun is not proficient in these spatial paths, he has also done some research in the years when he was trapped here, and he has some speculations about this world of Sumire in his heart.” ”

Hearing this, Luo Nan’s eyes lit up, if Sun Wukong’s guess was really useful, with his understanding of space, maybe he could really get out of here.

Therefore, the current is also a rush to ask.

And when Sun Wukong learned that Luo Nan was proficient in space and space, his face also flashed a touch of joy, and he directly revealed his understanding of the world of Sumire! _

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