A cool breeze blew into Ronan’s neck, only to feel the cold shiver of his back touching it, it was a threat of death!

“Lightning armor!”

Ronan has no time to make the net of thunder, can only rely on his last layer of defense, this layer of defense has a total of two parts, it is that double protection, one layer in the periphery, the formation of electromagnetic fields, blocking most of the attacks, the other part of the protection in the clothes, can reduce a lot of vibration, to prevent internal organs from being damaged,

Originally, this was his last bottom line, but it was easily broken by Frisa.


Frissa sneered and stretched out leisurely. A finger pierced into the outer part of the lightning armor behind Ronan, the high-voltage lightning could have destroyed everything, even enough to destroy several mountains, but it could not help Frissa’s mere finger, under this poke, it quickly fell apart and collapsed.

When Frisa was about to poke Ronan, the second layer of defensive armor activated to block it, and this layer of armor was the strongest. Hard, especially after Ronan discovered Frissa’s move, deliberately strengthened the defense of this back.


Even so, Ronan was still thrown out by Frisa with a flick of his finger, gliding hundreds of feet in mid-air, about to hit the ground.

At this time, both layers of his armor were greatly damaged.

Unbelievably, just one face, the difference between victory and defeat.

In mid-air, Ronan turned over, after a few turns, smoothly landed, just a moment of footsteps on the ground, some unsupported, almost fell, obviously just now Friesha’s finger consumed a lot of Ronan’s physical strength, as well as spiritual power.


Ronan stared at Frisa coldly, thinking about what to do next, when suddenly Frisa’s figure moved and disappeared from the spot.

His speed was too fast for Ronan to catch, only to feel a cool breeze coming from his face, and then his shoulders sank, and the whole person seemed to have suffered a jackhammer and was trampled into the ground by Frieza.


Electric sparks came out, and Ronan could not produce the strength to resist for a while, even the Thunder King Fist was difficult to operate.

This is mainly because Frisa is not only fast, but also incomparably powerful, after opening the third stage, his strength is worthy of the four words of “Cosmic Emperor”.

“Lightning armor!”

Ronan roared in anger, and thunder erupted on his body again, trying to condense a layer of lightning armor to defend against Frieza’s attack.

However, Frissa sneered, condescendingly, and slammed out with one foot, smashing the condensed thunder and lightning into pieces, and the soles of her feet fell and trampled on Ronan’s body.


Ronan spewed out a mouthful of blood, his consciousness was somewhat blurred, only the remaining survival instinct remained, his fingers moved slightly, and thunder and lightning floated from all sides and condensed into the surrounding body.

“Hahaha, just an earthling, repeatedly challenged me, you are also a lot of ability, I give you a pain!”

Frisa looked evil, wrapped her hands around her, one foot, and trampled down with the power of a mountain, and this foot, he aimed at Ronan’s head.

Death is coming.

Ronan was almost like a marquee, and a series of images appeared in his mind, most of which were battles.


Ronan smiled helplessly.

Along the way, he fell into various desperate situations, and in order to survive, he lived extremely hard.

Now, finally, I’m going to die.


At some point, Ronan found a fragment.

It was the scene when he had just arrived in the Dragon Ball World, and he was severely poisoned, surrounded by Sun Wukong and Bik, and finally fell down.

Fortunately, Sun Wukong was kind in heart and did not let Bik kill him.

Next, he fell into a hellish dream, in which a purple virulence was the main force, which was constantly eroding his consciousness.

Ghost Poison!

The ghost poison dispels all of Ronan’s own consciousness, and over time, he can transform into a walking dead without any emotion, and then he will be equivalent to death.


“Dispelling emotions?”

Ronan suddenly froze, and his eyes lit up.

Because he found that the effect of ghost poison seemed to have some similarities with the Super Saiyans.

Because the Super Saiyans are in a state where the Saiyans lose their minds and are left to fight.

If, indulging a part of one’s own consciousness and eroding the ghost poison, will it turn itself into a super Saiyan in response to the Saiyan bloodline?

Ronan was thinking infatuatedly, but it seemed that everything was already doomed, and Frisa had already stomped down with this fierce kick.

“Brother Ronan!”

Just at this moment, the figure of a child flew violently from the edge of the sky, very fast, the explosive force was sufficient, for a time, there was a tendency to reach the strength of the second stage of Frisa, and the white light hit Frisa with a blink of an eye.


Frisha was in pain, he never imagined that there could be such a strong person in the vicinity, bursting out such a powerful force, and could actually repel him.

But fortunately, after this blow, the child seemed to lose all his strength and collapsed.

“This kid is…”

Frisa was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly found out, is this not Sun Wukong’s son Sun Wukong?

Indeed, he had received information before, and after Sun Wulian exploded his potential, he could gain super powerful power in an instant, and even at that time, he could repel Latiz and pose a threat to Vegeta.

However, even so, Sun Wuyan should be far from Frisa’s strength level.

“This child is also a cancer!”

Frisa’s eyes narrowed and smiled, not thinking that he had planned to eliminate the Saiyans and kill Ronan and Sun Wukong, but at this time, he sent a potential stock in vain.

How can such a threat not be removed.

The palm of his hand was raised, and a purple light qi knife was waved out of Frieza’s hand and slashed at Sun Wuyi.


At this time, Sun Wukong had no strength and could only watch his son die in the hands of Frissa.


Sun Wukong’s emotions finally exploded at this moment, grief, hatred, anger, intertwined, as if to induce some kind of energy, through the body.

“Good to be here!”

Ronan laughed, his soul power, at this time clearly felt a huge amount of energy, sprouting in his body.

That’s Super Saiyan energy! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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