Hearing Osiris’s cry for help, several powerful breaths immediately soared into the sky.

Neither the dark god Erepos nor the god of eros, could have watched Osiris being killed before their eyes.

After all, if Osiris falls, then their side will be directly at a huge disadvantage in the midst of war.

So no matter what, it is necessary to keep the name of Osiris.

As for Osiris’ mother, Nute, the god of heaven, it is not necessary to say how it is possible to watch her own heirs die.

Therefore, these three people also shot almost at the same time!

After counting down, only the frost giant Mimir had a strange glint in his eyes, and after a slight hesitation, he raised his huge palm and prepared to reasonably intercept the fingers that crossed the border with the rest of the people.

And just as several people were preparing to move, a figure suddenly appeared here.


“How did you end up here?”

After discovering this figure, the four human saints invariably flashed a trace of surprise on their faces, obviously not expecting that Luo Nan would actually appear in this place.

And Tartaros and Gaia, the surprise in their eyes was no less than that of the Terran sages.

This is a battle between a Yasheng and another powerful person of unknown rank, what is Ronan doing here?

Therefore, the doubtful eyes of several people also fell on Lin Feng’s body at the same time.

However, Lin Feng did not have time to explain to these people at this moment, and could only shout at the two saints of the Terran Yasheng and Olympus Worlds: “Stop them from helping Osiris, this is the best time to kill Osiris!” ”

Hearing Lonan’s cheers, the four Terran saints and the two saints of the Olympus world all looked moved.

After glancing at each other, a decision is made in your heart!

Ronan is right, now is indeed the best time to kill Osiris!

And once Osiris is killed, without the combat power of a sub-saint level, the balance of victory will tilt to their side a lot.

In this way, it is even possible to change the trend of the entire war!

Thinking of this, several people did not hesitate for a moment, and directly attacked at the same time, intercepting the other saints who had already acted.

In this way, several saintly breaths collided together!

Suddenly, the heavens shook, and the whole world of Olympus seemed to be trembling because of the shots of the saints. Shake it up.

And just in this trembling. In the midst of the trembling, the fingers that crossed over were also getting closer and closer to Osiris.

And the panic on Osiris’s face was getting thicker!

That huge finger, like a tarsal bone, could not be shaken off, and Osiris did not dare to reflexively resist, and at this moment he had fallen into an extremely embarrassing situation.

He initially fled into the world of Olympus. On the one hand, he wanted to use the world to block that finger, and on the other hand, he hoped that Nut would feel the breath and come to help.

If it were able to and the power of several of its saints and saints, it would certainly be able to successfully block that huge finger.

However, Osiris’s plan had already collapsed at this moment.

The barrier of the Olympus world did not have the slightest blocking effect on the huge finger.

Although the Nute Erepos and others he had hoped for had come here, they were intercepted by the Terrans Yasheng and Taltalos, and there was no time to help.

Suddenly, Osiris was in a desperate situation!

“Impossible! I could never die here! ”

Osiris gritted his teeth and tried desperately to escape.

At this point, he would no longer want to find trouble for Luo Nan or those Terran strongmen, he just wanted to save his life at the moment!

However, this expectation is also difficult to achieve today!

Just when Osiris was desperately running away, he suddenly felt that the space around him was suddenly frozen!

This kind of condensation shocked Osiris, who immediately turned around, and then saw that Lonan, who was not far behind him, had already drawn a circle in front of him.

That circle is like a wellhead!

Two whole worlds are separated.

Right now, Osiris is inside the world in the well, and Ronan is outside the world in the well!

For the first time, the first-class divine power of the Honghuang Divine Ability, and the Daoist Fixation Technique and the Buddha’s Sumire World Technique of Fishing for the Moon in the Well were displayed in front of Osiris for the first time!

With Lonan’s current cultivation, with the help of the power of chaos to induce this technique of fishing for the moon in the well, it is completely possible to imprison Osiris in it for a moment.

And this moment is enough time to make Osiris go to his own doom!

Feeling the solidification of the space around him, Osiris did not pause for a moment and immediately began to bombard the surroundings violently.

The divine power of the whole body tilted out as if it did not want money.

At this moment, Osiris could not care about anything, for him, as long as he could live, nothing else mattered!

But how easy is it to break through the shackles of the Moon Fishing Technique in this well?

Just as Osiris was struggling, the huge finger that contained great power finally landed on Osiris’s body in Osiris’s desperate gaze!

Suddenly, a terrible energy like a torrent poured directly into Osiris’s body!

Bang Bang Bang!

A muffled sound that seemed to explode continued to resound in Osiris’s body.

And the light in Osiris’s eyes also dimmed in an instant.


With a muffled sound, Osiris’s body directly exploded, and his body, flesh, and soul, all shattered at this moment!

A saint, here falls!

The dissipation of Osiris’s breath made the fiery saints who had originally fought invariably stop.

“My son!!”

The god Nute let out a mournful cry from his mouth, and Erebos and Eros’s faces were also quite ugly.

Without the combat power of Osiris, their situation would be even more dangerous.

Once defeated, what awaited both of them was to be forcibly kicked off the throne and then directly killed.

This result is obviously unacceptable to the two saints.

Therefore, at this moment, the two of them also blackened their faces: “Where did that huge finger come from!” “_

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