Above the huge fingers that crossed the endless chaotic void were attached to the terrifying aura that belonged to the ancient wilderness.

In the instant of this terrifying aura, Osiris’s face turned white, and the horror in his eyes was even more difficult to conceal.

The strength of that breath even made him shiver.

“What level of existence is this finger!” It actually made me feel horrified in my heart. It was as if if the owner of that finger had appeared, I would have been on my knees at once! ”

Osiris could be sure that he had never felt that way before.

Even when confronted with the supreme god of the entire Nile God Domain, Atum Ra, there was no such shock.

It seems that this is no longer the leading position in the cultivation realm, but a crushing from the life level!

From the Crossing to the Heavenly Immortals, it is the first transformation of the life level!

From Da Luo Ru Zhun Sheng, it is the second transformation of the life level!

From quasi-sainthood to sub-sainthood is the third transformation of the life level!

Today’s Osiris, as a saint, has already experienced three life level transformations.

Even true saints are just that.

And the saints can already be said to be standing at the top of the world!

Now, Osiris felt crushed from the level of life.

“Doesn’t that mean that there is a more powerful being above the saints?”

This speculation made Osiris swallow his spit involuntarily, and the horror in his heart was even worse.

The Endless Chaos Void is vast and boundless, and the several great worlds of the Chaos Void are now just a corner of the Endless Chaos Void.

So in other corners, is there a powerful being beyond the realm of saints?

“No one knows how to survive the Great Avenue Robbery, and no one knows the result, and those who are beyond the lives of the saints are probably the ones who have truly survived the Avenue Robbery!”

Osiris murmured in his heart, “This means that in other places of the Endless Chaos Void, there have already been many Dao Raids.” And in this vast void, there are also many powerful beings who are beyond the saints, and even higher! ”

“Those powerful beings may have undergone four life-level transformations, or five, or even six, seven times…”

If someone had told Osiris this before, Osiris would have laughed at best, and would never have believed it.

But at this moment, when he felt the pressure of being higher than his life level, Osiris was convinced of it.

However, Osiris also knew in his heart that this critical juncture was not the time to think about these things on his own!

The finger that contained the terrifying aura was getting closer and closer, and if it were true, even if he was a sub-saint, he would probably be deeply damaged, and even if he could be directly killed

Therefore, at the moment, Osiris could not care less about pursuing and killing those Terran strong people who were dragged into the void by Ronan, but immediately anointed the soles of his feet, and Satui ran to try to open the attack from behind.

But soon, Osiris was shocked to find that the fingers that came slowly from behind, no matter how he ran, were shortening the distance between himself and himself at a constant speed.

This discovery made Osiris suddenly break out in a cold sweat on his head!

But when it comes to the life level that the person who shot it may have, Osiris is not surprised.

After gritting his teeth, Osiris knew that it would not be easy to avoid the fingers coming from behind.

Therefore, at the moment, it is also a direct flash, returning from the endless chaotic void to the Olympus world, trying to resist the terrible finger with the help of the barrier of the big world!

But all this is just Osiris’s unrealistic fantasy!

At the same time that Osiris returned to the Olympus world, the huge finger that contained great power also descended into the Olympus world at the same time.

And the barrier of the Olympus world could not stop this finger from the outside.

And when this finger landed on the Olympus world, all the saints and saints of the Olympus world invariably felt this extremely terrible breath!

“What is this?”

“What kind of existence has descended to this side of the world?”

“How can such a terrible breath be?”

Voices of wonder resounded in all corners of the Olympus world.

Even Kaos, who was always in a sleeping state, actually had the tendency to wake up under the touch of this breath.

The next second, a series of divine incarnations descended on the place where Lonan and Osiris were fighting.

The Abyss God of Hell, Taltalus, the Mother Earth God Gaia, and the Terran Four Saints have descended at the same time!

On the other side, the dark god Erepos and the god of love, Eros, as well as the frost giants of the sub-holy Mimir and the Nile god sub-holy god Nute, all descend at the same time!

The divine thoughts of the two saints descended at the same time, and a feeling of-for-tat confrontation swept through the entire heaven and earth in an instant.

However, after the two sides came, their eyes were invariably focused on the fingers that came from outside the boundary, and on the body of Osiris, who was fleeing at the moment.

“The target of that finger is Osiris!”

“How could Osiris have provoked such a being?”

A series of suspicious voices sounded at the same time in both camps.

At the same time, Osiris, who was fleeing, also discovered the arrival of his friendly army.

At this moment, he couldn’t care less about face, and immediately shouted to the god Nute who was in the same source: “Mother, save me!” ”

Osiris was the heir of the god Nute and the god of the earth, Gab.

The god Nute heard his son’s cry for help, and naturally could not ignore it.

However, the pressure that was faintly emitted from that huge finger made her dare not easily stop it, and she could only send a voice to the rest of the extremely allies.

“Gentlemen, hurry up and rescue my child, for if he falls into the hands of the mighty outside this realm, our war in the world of Olympus will be at a disadvantage!”

Nute’s voice fell at the same time, and the rest of the saints, Yassen, nodded at the same time.

Immediately afterward, several incomparably strong breaths directly soared into the sky! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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