The sudden demise of Osiris made the faces of the sub-saints and quasi-saints who were on the enemy side of the Terran race sink involuntarily.

Because, the fall of a saint has brought too great a variable to the war!

“Now that Osiris is dead, it’s not time to get tangled up with the Terran side. When entangled, you must retreat first, and wait for later! ”

The dark god Erepos quickly made a decision and sent a message to the rest.

The god of love, Eros, is naturally advancing and retreating with his brother, and the frost giant Mimir has not been able to work, and at this moment, Wen Yan is even more in favor of it.

The only person who was dissatisfied with this decision was the god Nute.

After all, it was her own child who was killed!

Just thinking about this, the god Nute had an irrepressible anger in his heart!

However, despite the anger, the god Nute did not carry the anger behind his back.

Although she was a little dissatisfied with Erepos’s decision, she also knew that retreating first was the best option now.

Now, after losing one of Osiris’ warrior powers, there were only two saints on their side, two sub-saints.

But on the other side, there were also two saints, and a whole four saints!

In terms of the number of sub-saints, there are two more.

And these two sub-saints still belong to the same race, have cooperated with each other for many years, and the strength of their hands cannot be underestimated!

If you force a war, you will not get any benefits!

Thinking of this, despite his unwillingness, the god Nute had no choice but to nod his head and agreed to the decision to retreat.

However, if they wanted to leave, how could Tartaros and the four Terran saints let them go so easily?

Isn’t the worst timing for them, the best time for the Terran side?

The saints and sub-saints naturally understood this truth.

Therefore, just as Eribos and the others were preparing to leave this square world, the heavens and earth were forcibly condensed together in an instant!

“Tartaros, what do you mean by that!!”

The god of love, Eros, changed his face and asked Tartaros with a series of bad questions.

On the other side, the dark god Erepos, frowned involuntarily: “Gaia, do you want to fight us in the final battle now?” ”

In the face of the two saints’ persecution, Gaia, whose face was obscured by the breath of the sage, did not say much, but the aging Tartaros threw off his sleeve, and the thin wrist holding the scepter shook slightly, before slowly saying: “If you don’t do it now, do you have to wait until you go back to pass through the qi?” ”

“Hmm, Tartaros, do you really think that if you die a riz, you will eat us?” If you force me to be anxious, it is a big deal to break the net of fish death, and no one should think about it! ”

Erepos gritted his teeth and threatened, although he was somewhat backward in terms of holy numbers.

However, this quantitative post, however, is not fatal.

Because the battle between the saint and the saint level is difficult to end in a short period of time, unless the combat power exceeds too much.

In the case of little difference in strength, although one against two will definitely be suppressed, it is even more difficult to be killed.

It was precisely because of this that Erepos now had the courage to say that the fish died and the net broke.

In Erebpos’s view, the Tartalos side would never fight with themselves to break the net, after all, both the saints and the sub-saints had survived for too long and too long.

And they can live long, long and long!

There is no doubt that the longer a person lives a life, the more they are afraid of death.

Erepos was convinced that if the other side did not crush his own combat strength, it would be impossible to start the final battle.

However, the result of the facts made Eribos directly stunned.

For Tartaros did not respond to his words at all, but directly placed his scepter in the void, and the world was as if it had been stripped from the world of Olympus.

Both the Heavenly Dao and the Will of the World are withdrawing from this place at this moment!

Without the shroud of the Heavenly Dao and the will of the world, there is no longer any difference between the saints and the sub-saints!

This is the answer to Tartaros.

The final showdown, right now!

Faced with such a result, the dark god Erepos and the god of love Elos sank their faces at the same time, and the god Nut and the frost giant Mimir were even more frowning, and their looks were full of jealousy.

If a decisive battle were to be fought in such a state as it is now, it would undoubtedly not be a good thing for them!

“Tartaros and Gaia seem to have made up their minds, this battle is inevitable, we are now at a disadvantage, not for victory, only for a breakthrough!”

The voice of Erepos soon sounded in the hearts of Eros, Nute and the Frost Giant Mimir.

Mimir and the others all nodded their heads, and although they were outnumbered, this disadvantage was not so great that it could make them collapse.

If you clench your teeth and break through together, only the numerical superiority of the two sub-saints is simply not enough to intercept them!

Say do it, Erebos and the others did not hesitate for a moment, and directly rushed in a certain direction at the same time.

And there is the Fuxi Clan who is guarding!

The Fuxi clan, originally one of the Taigu Demon Clan, was voluntarily reincarnated as a human being, with the merit of teaching the human race, and was the first sub-saint in the history of the human race, and its strength naturally could not be underestimated.

Moreover, Fu Xi’s body even possessed the rare spiritual treasure of the River Tuluo Book, which was incredibly powerful.

Coupled with the fact that the Fuxi Clan was very proficient in the prohibition and deduction of the Fa, it could be said that it was the most difficult one among the five sub-saints of the Terran race.

This Erebos and others chose to use the Fuxi clan as a breakthrough, which can only be said to be the wrong target.

“Fuxi, be careful!”

The rest of the Terran sub-saints, after seeing the situation, shouted at the Fuxi clan.

And Fu Xishi just smiled, and there was no nervous feeling on his face.

Reaching forward, a simple book page appeared on the palm of Fu Xi’s hand.

Immediately afterward, the quaint pages suddenly unfolded without wind and automatically. 、

And as the page unfolded, the world changed suddenly.

The Yasheng who were originally rushing towards the Fuxi Clan suddenly felt as if they had fallen into a labyrinth, and it was no longer possible to distinguish the direction! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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