With the sound of a soft voice in his ears, the experience gained by killing Horus also directly increased Lonan’s level to 1v267!

In other words, Luo Nan’s simple cultivation realm now had already reached the level of the Third Order Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Along with the cultivation of the third order of the Great Luo Golden Immortal Level, Luo Nan could clearly feel that the three flowers on his top were becoming more and more obvious, and the five qi in the xiong were also gradually corrected. Wrap it up.

In response to this, his perception of the will of the Heavenly Dao was constantly increasing, and the purity of the Immortal Force in his body was much stronger than before.

After feeling this, Luonan’s zui corner also couldn’t help but have a smile.

“Unfortunately, the Sphinx’s experience didn’t come to fruition.”

Luo Nan sighed in his heart, if he could collect the experience of the Sphinx together, then he might be able to directly upgrade to 1v270 and enter the level of the fourth-order Great Luo Jinxian.

And just when Luo Nan secretly felt pity in his heart, the soft spirit voice that had disappeared was once again ringing in his ears.

“Ding, congratulations on getting the Void Sutra!”

This sudden sound made Ronan directly stunned.

The Void Sutra!

It won’t be the Void Sutra!!?

Under the pressure of the throbbing in his heart, Luo Nan quickly divided a wisp of divine consciousness to explore the information he had just obtained in his mind.

“The Great Avenue is like a measure, the Sect of All Things, and the Light and the Dust…”

Seeing the opening three sentences alone, Ronan’s breathing couldn’t help but be anxious. Hurry up.

Isn’t this exactly the Great Void Technique of the Void Emperor!

Then, a message appeared in Ronan’s mind.

【Void Sutra】: The Void Emperor looks at all things, captures the eternal and unchanging laws and creates the immortal scriptures, and masters the ultimate of space, no one can stand out!

Seeing this message, Ronan no longer had any doubts in his heart.

“I didn’t expect that this time, I actually got the Void Emperor’s Void Scripture!”

The strength of the Void Emperor, Luo Nan naturally knew.

The Void Emperor was not weaker than others in his lifetime, preaching with the infinite void, controlling the Void Extreme Dao, calming the darkness and turmoil, suppressing the Immortal Mountain, and the gods outside the battlefield, never flinching!

There is a poem: The emperor of the Immortal Mountain is gushing, and the gods outside the territory are difficult to fight. The Emperor of the Troubled World exhibited his divine power and monopolized the heavens and moved the void!

Just by reading it from later generations, we can also see the strength of the Void Emperor.

And what the Void Emperor learned all his life was recorded in that Void Sutra.

It can be said that once you learn the magic power of the Void Sutra, the application of the intermediate one can reach a certain level of extreme, and then you can freely cross the void

Therefore, in Luo Nan’s heart, he could say that he was quite eager for the Void Sutra he had just obtained!

And just as Ronan was about to study the Void Sutra carefully, the words of Hou Yi came from his ears.

“Brother Lonan, what’s wrong with you?”

Hou Yi looked a little worried at this moment, after a spear killed Horus, Ronan had been standing still, very strange.

At first, he thought that Ronan was pausing for a while, but then he saw that Ronan’s look changed several times, which made him worried.

Hearing Hou Yi’s concerned voice, Luo Nan came back from his excitement and realized what kind of situation he was in now.

In this Golden Palace Hall, it was obviously not a good place to study the Void Sutra.

Therefore, Luo Nan could only put the Void Sutra aside for the time being, and instead shook his head at Hou Yi: “It’s all right.” ”

“Friends from afar, as you can see, I have completely broken with the guys in the Nile God Domain, and the Dao Dao oath can be made immediately, but you should also show your sincerity.”

Thor headed towards Lonan.

Ronan nodded, then commanded Thor and made the Great Oath.

Once an oath is made to the Dao, the cost of violating it is undoubtedly very great, and even the saints will be deprived of everything by the Dao in an instant!

After Thor had made a vow that he would side with the Terrans in the ensuing war, Ronan took the Heart of the Frost Giant out of the storage ring and handed it to Thor.

Receiving the Heart of the Frost Giant the size of a human head from Ronan’s hand, Thor’s body trembled. I shook a little, which showed the excitement in his heart!

“With this thing, Father will soon be able to wake up!”

Thor had an irrepressible joy on his face, and then he said to Ronan with a serious face, “Although it is only a profit exchange, you can send my father the Heart of the Frost Giant, and you deserve the gratitude of the Asa God Clan!” ”

“When I wake up my father, I will immediately take people to the world of Olympus and stand on the same front as you against you!”


Outside the Rainbow Bridge, the figures of Luo Nan and Hou Yi appeared at the same time.

After receiving the promise from Thor, Ronan did not stay in the Golden Palace for a long time, but left with Houyi.

“Are we now heading to the world of Olympus?”

Hou Yi asked toward Luonan.

Lonan nodded, “The war in the Olympus world has probably begun, and we need to get there right away.” ”

Hou Yi gently stroked the longbow behind his back, and his eyes narrowed slightly: “I can’t wait to smell the blood of that exotic god.” ”

The Lich Clan is already warlike.

Although the passing of hundreds of millions of years has made Houyi’s temperament much calmer, at the moment of the war, his zui corner is also a bloodthirsty smile.

It was as if it had been recalled from the ancient Lich Wars.

Because the nine planes of the World Tree do not border the Olympus World, Lonan and Houyi also returned to Neverheim along the same road, and then crossed the space node and returned to the Pangu World first.

After that, through the space node of the Pangu world, it entered the Olympus world.

Of course, in the process of crossing the endless chaotic void, Luo Nan also restored the chaotic power lost in his body to the peak state.

After all, what awaits him next is undoubtedly a fierce battle.

Only by fully replenishing the power of Chaos could Ronan exert his full combat strength! _

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