Thor’s Hammer, also known as “Myrnir”, is a rare artifact among the nine planes of the World Tree, second only to the sharpshooter “Gangnir” in Odin’s hand in the entire Asa God Clan!

Thor’s hammer contains extremely powerful powers.

It can be said that in Norse mythology, Thor, who holds Thor’s hammer, and Thor, who does not master Thor’s hammer, are completely two people!

And today’s Thor, even if he did not master Thor’s hammer, the cultivation realm was still a true sub-saint, far more powerful than Horus and the Sphinx.

At this moment, holding Thor’s hammer in his hand, he completely crushed the two people from the Nile in terms of combat strength.

And these two people, seeing Thor summon Thor’s hammer, their faces were suddenly pale, and their hearts sank, realizing that Thor really planned to leave the two of them here.

Thinking of this, the two did not hesitate and immediately planned to run.

After all, with their strength, although they were already at the quasi-saint level, they were still like little dolls who had not learned to walk when facing Thor.

“I’ll buy you time to open the passage back to the Nile God Domain quickly!”

The Sphinx yelled at Horus next to him, and then the majestic sphinx emitted a trail of earth yellow. The misty light of color.

That earth yellow. The misty light of color accompanied the enlargement of the Sphinx’s body, and it became more and more intense, condensing almost like substance in just a few moments.


At this moment, a roar came from the mouth of the Sphinx, and with this roar, endless wind and sand suddenly appeared in the Golden Palace, so that the originally magnificent palace was instantly buried by the dust.

The dust seems to be fluttering, but its weight is sensational, falling on the ground and even pressing out a pit and depression.

Driven by hurricanes, it is even more powerful!

When Thor saw this scene, his brow frowned slightly, he let out a cold hum in his mouth, and then he held Thor’s hammer in his hand and threw it directly to the top of the hall!

Thor’s Hammer ‘Myrnir’ broke away from Thor’s palm and levitated directly at the top of the Great Hall, then causing endless thunder to descend from the sky.

Suddenly, the hall where the yellow sand was whistling turned into a sea of thunder.

The incredibly powerful sand and dust were fragile in front of this sea of thunder, but whenever they met, they would be directly destroyed and dissipated.

However, under the impetus of the Sphinx’s lack of loss, the yellow sand is constantly flowing, and it will take several minutes for even Thor to clean it thoroughly.

In these few moments, Horus, who was hiding behind the Sphinx, had already drawn an extremely complex formation on the ground with the scepter in his hand.

There was an indescribable flow of the formation, but the fluctuations coming out of it were very familiar to Ronan.

That’s the fluctuation that belongs to space!

“These two want to escape!”

Luo Nan and Hou Yi glanced at each other, and they both saw the same guess in each other’s eyes.

Now that Thor and the Nile God Domain had broken up, if these two quasi-saints could be killed on the spot, the overall strength of the Nile God Domain would also be weakened.

So, how could Ronan watch these two people successfully escape?

Besides, the experience that the quasi-saints can provide is quite a lot!

Immediately, Luo Nan directly opened the Super Race II and the Battle Holy Law, and then mobilized the five traces of chaos power in his body, and the black light in his palm flashed.

In just a few moments, the black light in Luo Nan’s hand condensed into a spear with the breath of the Yellow Spring.

At the same time, in the Great Hall where Yellow Sand and Thunder were shared, there was also a third force between the two of them!

It is the shadow of hell filled with the power of the cold!

The appearance of this hell shadow not only suppressed the Sphinx’s yellow sand field, but even Thor’s Thunder Sea involuntarily retreated.

This scene made Thor feel shocked in his heart, and his eyes looking at Ronan were full of surprise.

“The power of the saints! He actually possessed the power of the Sage! ”

Solwan never expected that this young man who seemed to be not very tall in cultivation in front of him actually grasped the power of the only saint!

This, in Thor’s heart, no longer dared to have the slightest contempt for Ronan.

At the same time as the black spear was condensed in Luo Nan’s hand, the Houyi on the side was also bent with a bow full of strings, and an invisible arrow haunted his fingertips.

The breath that was so strong that it was about to pierce the Heavenly Dome made everyone in the Great Hall even more moved.

“These two people who came from the Pangu World were so strong!” Although the archer-shooter had not yet mastered the power of the true Sage, the power of his arrows could not be underestimated, and even I had a vague feeling of shock! ”

Thor’s heart was filled with shock.

In the eyes of Horus and the Sphinx, there was a flash of despair.

The next second, the black spear in Luo Nan’s hand and the invisible arrow at the tip of Houyi’s finger shot out at the same time!

The target of the Black Spear is Horus!

And then Yi’s arrow is the Sphinx!

This spear and arrow completely ignored Thor’s Thunder Sea and the Sphinx’s Yellow Sand Realm, as if directly crossing the limits of space, directly appearing in front of the Sphinx and Horus.

The Sphinx and Horus didn’t even have time to react, they just listened to the “poof” sound, and their bodies were directly pierced at the same time!

The Sphinx’s lion body was directly torn apart by Houyi’s arrow, and the crystal nucleus containing all the energy in his body was frequently shattered in this arrow, and the yellow sand realm was also completely dissipated in an instant.

Then a bolt of thunder fell, directly splitting the Sphinx into fly ash!

As for Nahorus, after being pierced by the black spear hole, a large amount of Yellow Spring’s nether power entered his body and devoured his life force!


A terrible scream resounded in the main hall of the Golden Palace.

The rapid flow of life force made this would-be saint feel a deep fear and despair, and in this fear and despair, he walked towards the end of his life!

“Ding, kill Horus, gain experience has been written!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v265!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v266!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to 1v267!”


Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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