In the world of Olympus, above a sea area, the figures of Lonan and Houyi are moving forward at great speed.

On the way to the Olympus world from the Nine Great Beings of the World Tree, Ronan also tried to find time to cultivate the Void Sutra.

However, after Luo Nan tried to cultivate, he found that this Void Sutra actually had another restriction, that is, only when he had cultivated to reach the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal could he cultivate!

Ronan tried to open Super Tournament II and forcibly raise his combat power to the quasi-saint level, but it was still useless.

Obviously, if you want to cultivate this mysterious art, you must have a corresponding degree of understanding of the Heavenly Dao.

And the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal is a requirement!

Although this made Ronan a little depressed, it was not disappointing.

After all, the more restrictive the conditions, the more they can also prove the strength of this magic technique.

Moreover, according to his agreement with Tartaros, the god of the Abyss of Hell, as long as he promoted the alliance between the Terran A-Saints and him, Tartalos would personally open the baptistry and let Lonan enter it to be baptized.

With Luo Nan’s current cultivation as the Great Luo Golden Immortal, he could completely receive four baptisms.

And if you open Super Race Two and activate the Divine Elephant Town Prison Force, you can even try to experience the fifth baptism.

You know, the fifth baptism, but in the Olympian world, stepping into the quasi-holy level of baptism.

Even if you think about it with your ass, you can know that you can definitely gain a lot of experience.

“If I can fully undergo five baptisms, my cultivation will inevitably usher in a surge, and then maybe I will be able to break through to the level of the Seventh and Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortals in one fell swoop, and then go to the battlefield to walk in a circle, and it will not be too difficult to reach the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm!”

“And once you reach the realm of the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, cultivate the Divine Secret Technique recorded in the Void Scripture, and cooperate with the hundred times the combat power bonus of Super Race Two, even if you encounter Ya Sheng, you will definitely have the power of a battle!”

Thinking of this, Luo Nan’s eyes were also shining.

The two traveled through the world of Olympus and soon crossed the boundless sea to a continent covered in scorched earth.

“In the center of this scorched earth, is the entrance to the abyss of hell!”

After Luo Nan said a word to Hou Yi, the two of them flew towards the center of the continent as fast as they could.


The abyss of hell, located beneath the earth, is said to have been incarnated by the body of Tartaros.

That is to say, all beings in hell actually live in the body of Tartaros.

After Luo Nan and Hou Yi stepped into the abyss of hell, there was a flash of surprise in their eyes.

Because this hell abyss was not quite the same as they imagined, not only did it not suppress the coldness a little, but it was very open, and at a glance, in addition to some darkness, there was a sense of openness.

“This abyss of hell is completely different from the underworld.” Muttering.

In the Olympian world, the underworld and the abyss are two completely different places.

The former is ruled by Hades, the king of Hades of the Olympian gods, while the latter is the domain of the saint Tartalos.

Houyi had once been to the underworld and hunted a three-headed dog in hell, and originally thought that the abyss of hell and the underworld should not be much different, so he was quite surprised at this moment.

Just when the two were surprised by this, a black mist suddenly converged in front of the two, claiming a humanoid shadow.

This humanoid figure, which Ronan had seen once, was a distraction from Tartalos.

The entire abyss of hell is the body of Tartaros, so the appearance of Lonan and Houyi is naturally the first time to be discovered by Tartaros.

“The Terran Yasheng has been waiting for you for a long time, so come with me.”

In the midst of the dark shadows, a slightly old voice came out, and then the black shadow stretched out his hand, and Luo Nan and Houyi felt that they had lost control of their bodies.

The strength of the saints, in their own world, can only be described in two words, that is, invincible!

If you want to defeat the saint, unless you first drive the saint off the throne, there is no chance!

While their bodies were losing control, both Ronan and Houyi felt that the space around them was rapidly twisting and folding.

However, this twisting and folding did not make them feel any discomfort.

After only two breaths, the distortion and folding of this space disappeared directly, and then the two felt that their bodies were free.

“Lonan, here you are!”

“Hou Yi, I didn’t expect you to come too!”

Luo Nan and Hou Yi had just stood still when they heard a gentle voice in their ears.

The two of them looked around, only to find that the four Terran sub-saints except for the Fuxi clan had actually appeared here.

In addition to the four sub-saints, there were two more people here at the moment.

One of them was an old man covered in a black robe, with only a white beard and wise eyes exposed.

The other person was a beautiful woman with a slender body, but her face was blocked by a cloud of clouds, and she couldn’t see it realistically.

But judging from her body and skin, there is no doubt that she is a beautiful woman.

These two people, the breath on their bodies are all introverted, seemingly ordinary, but if you look closely, you will find that both of them are surrounded by the blessing of the will of the Heavenly Dao.

This kind of characteristic can only be possessed by saints!

“The old man of these two should be the god of hell, Tartaros, and this woman, no doubt, can only be Gaia, the earth goddess who gave birth to the twelve titans.”

Luo Nan murmured in his heart, and then he held his fist to the four Terran sub-saints, which was a greeting.

“Lonan, over there in the Golden Palace, what’s going on?”

Xuanyuan was most concerned about the war, and directly stepped forward, looking at Luo Nan with burning eyes, waiting for Luo Nan’s good news.

Lonan laughed and said, “Horus and the Sphinx, the two sub-saints, were killed in the Golden Palace, and the Asa God Clan has promised to stand on our side in the next battle.” Thor will soon lead the warriors of the Asa clan to the Olympus world to help us! ”


Hearing this, the four Terran sub-saints were all stunned.

They had only intended for Ronan to persuade the Golden Palace to remain neutral and not to take over the opponent’s side.

But he never expected that Luo Nan actually exceeded the task, not only did not let the Golden Palace ally with the opponent, but instead pulled the Golden Palace to his side!

This is definitely the best news for them! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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