Hearing Thor’s inquiry, Lonan also did not look at Horus and the Sphinx for the time being, but turned his eyes to Thor’s body.

Without answering Thor’s question, Ronan took the lead in asking, “I heard that the master of the Golden Palace should be the god king Odin, why is it that you are sitting in that seat at this moment?” ”

A glint flashed in Thor’s eyes: “Actually, both me and my father and the other gods of Asgard have all fallen a long time ago.” But just a few years ago, some of us were resurrected for some unknown reason…”

Ronan nodded his head, and what Thor said at this moment coincided with what the Flintstones had told Lonan before.

It was because of the resurrection of the dead that Thor was extremely powerful in his own right, and his combat strength at that time could only be matched by the Golden Immortal Level’s Thunder Zhenzi.

But now, years later, Thor’s strength has almost returned to its peak.

The probing technique swept through Ronan’s eyes, and Thor’s rank information also appeared in his mind.

“1v262…… Sure enough, it was the sub-saint level! ”

As one of the most powerful gods of the Asa God Clan, Thor possessed this level of combat power, and Ronan was not surprised.

Moreover, it is also very likely that Thor has not yet fully recovered his strength, and if Thor fully recovers to his peak state, it is likely to be stronger than it is now!

However, Ronan soon thought that Sol Fangcai’s words revealed another message: “You say that some gods have been resurrected, that is to say, there are still some gods that have not been resurrected?” ”

“Yes, my father, Odin, is still asleep, and I once asked the goddess of destiny, Wood, and learned that only by getting the Heart of the Frost Giant can my father be revived. But what exactly the Frost Giant’s Heart was, the goddess of fate did not tell me. ”

Speaking of this, there was also a flash of worry between Thor’s looks, obviously hoping to find the so-called Heart of the Frost Giant and awaken the God King Odin.

After all, only the Golden Palace with Odin is the real Golden Palace!

Only the Asa God Clan with Odin is the real Asa God Clan!

But what Thor didn’t notice was that when he mentioned the Heart of the Frost Giant, Ronan’s eyes suddenly burst into two streams of essence!

“Heart of the Frost Giant? Could it be that I got in that temple…”

Luo Nan’s heart was dark, and a strange color also appeared on his face.

After calming down, Ronan said directly to Thor, “I have come to convey the will of the Pangu World Terrans, hoping that the Asa God Clan will not interfere in this battle in the Olympus World.” ”

“Well, Thor, don’t listen to him, I want you to be on our side in the war, and when the war in the Olympus world is over, my father will take people to the world tree, and together they will counterattack Warnerheim and drive out the disgusting angels once and for all!”

Horus heard this and called out to Thor.

Hearing the words of the two, Thor was clearly more inclined to the Horus side, after all, Horus had given him enough benefits.

Driving the angels out of Warnerheim wasn’t just for the sake of the World Tree.

The Asa God Clan and the Warner God Clan have a lot of hatred, and if they can take the opportunity to conquer the Warner God Clan, it is naturally the best!

And just when Thor’s mind was gradually tilting towards the Horus side, Ronan suddenly said, “I have the heart of the Frost Giant you want in my hand!” ”


Hearing Luo Nan’s words, Thor’s face suddenly changed dramatically, and his figure jumped directly from the high god throne in a flash, and came to Luo Nan, a pair of excited eyes staring at Luo Nan: “What do you say?” ”

“The Heart of the Frost Giant needed to awaken Odin is in my hands.”

Lonan repeated word for word.

And Thor’s breathing is also in the blink of an eye. When he got up, a flush of color appeared on his face, and the excitement in his heart was difficult to hide.

“You didn’t lie to me?” After pressing down on the excitement in his heart, Thor looked directly at Ronan!

Lonan’s tone was calm: “Is it useful to lie to you?” ”


Thor let out a loud cry, and there was an unconcealed joy in his eyes: “Say your conditions, how can you give me the Heart of the Frost Giant?” ”

“Completely cut off contact with the Nile God Domain, and lead the Asa God Clan to join our camp in the following war.” If you can make an oath to the Avenue, I will give you the Heart of the Frost Giant. ”

As Lonan’s words fell, Thor burst out laughing, “What’s so hard about that?” ”

With that, Thor turned his gaze directly to Horus and the Sphinx.

The two were stared at by Thor, and their hearts were also shocked.

Fang Cai Luonan said what they naturally listened to in their ears, and at this moment, when they saw that Thor looked bad, his face also changed greatly: “Thor, what do you want to do?” ”

“Just show some sincerity to my allies!”

As Thor’s voice fell, he directly reached out with a move, and a bolt of thunder was held in his hand and smashed in the direction where Horus and the Sphinx were.

Seeing this, Horus hurriedly raised the scepter in his hand in a vain attempt to block Thor’s thunder.

Above the scepter, a series of black lights swept up like waves toward the thunder in the sky.

However, this black ripple directly shattered and evaporated under the thunder, as if the darkness was expelled by the light.

Just for a moment, the ripples fell on Horus’s body.


Even though he was a saint, Horus still spewed a mouthful of scarlet blood in the face of Thor’s attack.

“Thor, are you really going to declare war on the Nile Realm?”

A handful of scarlet that wiped off the zui horn, Horus was furious, and the Sphinx next to him was also red in his eyes at the moment!

Thor heard this, and his arms waved domineeringly: “In order to awaken my father, what can I do if I am an enemy of your Nile God Domain?” Can your family still turn the heavens upside down? ”

As the words fell, Thor’s right hand was raised high and clenched into a claw.

The next moment, a short hammer of unknown material flew from outside the temple and fell directly into Thor’s hands…

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