In the face of this beautiful girl like an elf in front of her, Burning Lantern did not have the slightest idea of pity for Xiang Xiang in her heart.

In the heart of this old Buddha, everything in the world is black and white, without a hint of color.

Even the most beautiful woman, under her own means, will eventually turn into negative fly ash!

Although the lamp did not know the reason for the appearance of the girl in front of him, he could perceive in his darkness that the girl in front of him was an enemy rather than a friend.

At this moment, he was blocked from going to the road, and the lamp was not polite, grabbing Luo Nan with one hand and slapping the girl directly with the other hand.

With the dispatch of the burning lamp, a magnificent Buddha statue suddenly descended on this piece of heaven and earth.

Above the Buddha statue scattered the golden light of the Dao, towering like a mountain and pressing directly towards the young girl.

And the space around the girl, because it is difficult to withstand this terrible pressure, directly collapsed.

“Click, click, click…”

Space shattered like a mirror, and even the roots of the distant world tree were greatly affected.

The originally calm pit suddenly seemed to turn her fingertips into the surface of the terrifying sea, and a wave of turbulent force like an ocean wave roared towards the girl dressed in white sand.

But the girl’s face was not half frightened, and after the beautiful big eyes blinked a few times, she saw the girl suddenly reach out and cross the top of her head, and then the shadow of a small river appeared above the girl’s head.

If you look closely, you can see that in the shadow of the small river, what flows is not the river, but a white line as thin as gossamer.

These countless gossamer white lines are entangled. Entangled together, slowly flowing, only to form this chic river.

Girl Shin. Take out a little finger as white as green jade, probe into the small river, and gently pick up a white silk and completely pull it out of the river.

And with the withdrawal of this white silk, the terrible power that was blowing in the sky was directly calmed down in an instant.

Even with the shadow of the majestic Buddha, it was a pain that disappeared, as if it had never existed.

This scene made the face of the burning lamp sink involuntarily, and the brow frowned at the same time.

And when the lamp was ready to perform the same spell again, he was shocked to find that he could not perform it!

It was as if the magic power had been completely stripped from his memory.

This feeling made the burning lamp tremble in his heart, and a cold sweat directly appeared on his back!

“What a power!!”

Burning Lantern’s eyes were full of shock, his divine power was so easily deprived of the girl in front of him, which was obviously an unacceptable thing for Burning Lamp!


In the face of the questioning of the burning lamp, the girl let out an ethereal laughter like a wind chime: “This… It’s the power of fate…”


The lamp was shocked, and then it came flatly: “This is impossible, the power of fate, even a saint can only snoop, can not grasp, you are just a low-level saint, also worthy of talking about fate?” ”

“Now, now, you great monk is really ignorant.”

The young girl raised an eyebrow, and after looking at the burning lamp with a pitiful look, she said, “Every big world has its own will, which is what you call the Heavenly Dao.” But all the Heavenly Daos come into being under the Dao, and what they contain is only a part of the Dao. ”

“The gods in the great world perceive the heavenly paths of their respective worlds, and the things they understand are naturally different. The power of fate is in your world, perhaps a power that no one can grasp, but in this world, it is controlled by me and my sisters. ”

As she spoke, the young girl rolled up the white silk thread on her fingertips: “This is the silk of destiny, and that is the long river of destiny that I and my sisters have compiled together, and any creature that appears in the world tree will enter it.” ”

The burning lamp heard the words and flashed his eyes, and he keenly grasped the key information in the girl’s words: “That is to say, your fate is long, and it is completely useless to the outside world?” ”

“Oh! It seems to be missing zui again. ”

The young girl whispered a little, but soon let go of her hand with disinterest: “But it doesn’t matter if you know, we won’t leave this world anyway.” Extraterritorial, too dangerous. ”

When it comes to being outside the territory, even in the face of a girl whose face does not change color when facing the lamp, there is a fear that is difficult to hide in the depths of the beautiful pupils.

Obviously, the two words “extra-territorial” have left her with very bad memories.

But this time, thinking about the burning lamp of other things, I did not find a slight change in the girl’s eyes.

“This woman seems to be stupid and naïve, but in fact she pretends to be simple, and what she says must not be believed but not fully believed, but the power of this fate is too strange to be entangled with it before it is all figured out. Wrap it so that the gutters don’t capsize! ”

Soon, the lamp made a decision in his heart, and then without looking at the girl, he directly took Luo Nan and turned into a stream of light ready to flash away.

But just when the lamp was about to leave the girl far away, the girl flashed her body and once again stopped on the road that the lamp must pass.

This made the lamp look cold: “What do you mean, do you really want to fight with me to score a life or death?” ”

“Of course not, I’m just interested in you catching the guy, leave him and I’ll let you go.” Otherwise…… Hey hey…”

The girl’s zui horn raised a dangerous arc, and then the jade-like smooth little finger once again probed into the long river of fate overhead, and two filaments were drawn in succession!

At the same time that the two filaments were hooked, the burning lamp body was at the same time, and the breath on the body directly fluctuated.

And the burning lamp is also suddenly shocked!

He could clearly perceive that as the two filaments were provoked, his cultivation actually began to loosen, and there was a tendency to fall downwards.

And the memories in his mind about the Yuanshi Tianzun and the Illumination Sect were gradually blurring!

“She wants to cut off my fate with the Taoists in order to damage my Daoji!!”

Aware of this, the lights went crazy! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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