For the lamp, the most important thing in this world is power!

For the sake of strength, he could worship under the Gate of the First Heavenly Being, and then worship under the Gate of the Initiator.

For the sake of strength, he could cultivate the Tao first, and then cultivate the Buddha, in a vain attempt to be the first person to fuse the two families of the Buddha’s Tao!

In fact, he also did it, and the Buddhist path double break made him the strongest sub-saint in the entire Pangu world.

If there were no saints in the world, the word “Ya” among his strongest saints could have been removed long ago!

Burning the lamp and waiting, willingly being the pawn of Amitabha Buddha, that is, to obtain the holy throne.

But now, the part of the power he had gained from the Taoists was about to be withdrawn by the woman in front of him who had mastered his destiny, how could this lamp bear?

“Evil obstacles, you are looking for death!!”

With an angry scolding in his mouth, the lamp was lit and extended directly to the girl. Out a finger.

This finger contains the supreme divine power of Taoism, the art of fixation!

Even Ronan, under this move, had almost no ability to resist, and was made by the burning lamp. Wear.

However, at the moment when the finger of the burning lamp was pointed, the young girl trembled her fingertips slightly, and violently shook the two white wires in her hand.

Suddenly, the lamp only felt that his memories of the Taoist divine powers were confused, and the fixation technique that had gathered to the fingertips had also failed to perform under this confusion.

And it was this moment’s delay that had already caused those two white threads to be pulled out of the long river of fate.

Suddenly, the breath of the burning lamp directly weakened.

And because of the problems in the cultivation of divine powers related to Taoism, the effect of the fixation technique cast on Luo Nan’s body also declined a lot.

Ronan’s originally fixed mind finally returned to normal at this moment.

Although the previous thinking was imprisoned, Ronan’s perception was still there.

At this moment, the mind is restored, and everything that has just happened is clear after a little thought.

After using the probing technique to sweep through the lamp, after finding that the level of the lamp had fallen from the original 1v394 to 1v382, and it was still falling, Luonan’s heart could not help but appear a little frightened.

At the same time, he became more and more curious about the identity of the girl in front of him, so Ronan also quickly used a probing technique on the young girl.

Name: Scordi

Level: 1v253 (Yasheng)

Status: One of the Three Goddesses of Norn, the goddess of destiny, daughter of Norville, the god of time, and half-sister of Noether, goddess of the night.

The information of the girl in front of him was also stunned.

To the name Not, the goddess of the night, Lonan had heard of it.

According to the Fu Ren Clan, when the Yunzhong people infiltrated the Nine Great Planes of the World Tree to seek revenge, they eventually annoyed Nott and were chased and killed all the way.

The disappearance of Houyi should be inseparable from the goddess of the night.

Of course, the reason that made Ronan stunned was naturally not because of this.

What really surprised Lonan was the rank of Scotty!


This level can only be said to be the first time to enter the sub-saint realm, if you look at the level alone, there is no problem in saying that it is the most delicious among the sub-saints.

But it was this most delicious Yasheng who could actually make the level forty higher than the burning lamp have no way.

How could this not surprise Lonan?

“In this way, the power of fate is indeed magical, but any power has its own weakness, and perhaps as Scordi herself admitted before, as long as she is separated from the World Tree, her power will no longer exist.”

Ronan secretly guessed in his heart.

However, he also knew that the most important thing at the moment was not to figure out Scorty’s weakness, but to get out of the hands of the lamp first.

Otherwise, if it really falls into the hands of the lamp, I am afraid it will be trouble!

After regaining a little control over his body, Luo Nan did not hesitate to directly detonate his own Immortal Baby Yuanshen.


With a loud noise, Ronan’s body exploded directly, emitting a roar.

The fall of the realm had already made the face of the burning lamp extremely gloomy, and at this moment, Luo Nan took the opportunity to explode and escape, and it was even more that the Buddha of the burning lamp qi was born!

“! Darn!! ”

With two loud scoldings in his mouth, the usual indifference of the burning lamp was completely missing at this moment, like an angry old lion.

Now that Lonan has been lost, it will take a lot of time to find it, but inside the world tree, the burning lamp is not at all the opponent of Shi Kodi!

In desperation, the lamp could only grit at Shi Koudi, “You evil obstacle must not be rampant, I have written down today’s events, one day I will make you pay the price!” ”

After leaving such a harsh sentence, the burning lamp no longer hesitated, and directly turned into a green lamp and went away.

This time, Scotty did not stop the lamp, but let the lamp leave.

It wasn’t until she felt the smell of the burning lamp and completely disappeared into the World Tree that Shi Koudi breathed a long sigh of relief, and her originally rosy little face was also a little pale, and a cold sweat oozed from her smooth forehead.

Obviously, dealing with the lamp before was also not easy for her.

“This great monk’s cultivation realm is also too advanced, if he insists on it for a while, I will definitely not be able to hold on first.”

At the same time as Shi Koudi murmured, he hurriedly released his hand and put the two white wires that had been provoked back into the long river of fate.

Although this long river of fate was compiled by her and her two sisters, it was not her own power.

Wanting to change the thread of fate in it is also a great consumption for oneself.

And this consumption will also change depending on the goal.

It is absolutely impossible to completely cut off the connection between the lamp and the Taoists with the strength of Shi Koudi today.

Temporarily pulling out those two white wires was already the limit of Shi Curti’s strength now.

Therefore, in the face of the burning lamp, Shi Koudi is just pretending to be a big-tailed wolf.

“Fortunately, the great monk is not familiar with the power of destiny, otherwise he would certainly not be able to scare this old fox away!”

After murmuring a sentence with a palpitation, Shi Koudi stretched out. Out of the slender fingers, brush away the sweat on his forehead, and then laugh again: “That little guy is also smart, he actually blew himself up and ran away, and he didn’t deserve that the two sisters valued him so much…”

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