At the moment when the finger of the burning lamp was pointed, Luo Nan only felt that the space around him seemed to freeze in an instant at this moment!

Even time has stopped at this moment.

Luo Nan could clearly feel that the Immortal Force in his body and the rhythm of his Immortal Infant Yuan God had all stopped at the same time, and the whole heaven and earth were dead silent, leaving only his thinking to continue!

“This is the art of fixation?!!”

At this moment, Luo Nan’s heart was full of shock!

As early as when he first entered the monastic gate, he had heard about the prestige of the Fixation Technique from the mouth of Taibai Venus!

And later, after opening the list of Hong Huang Divine Powers, this Concentration Technique was ranked first class divine power at the same time as Luo Nan’s Well Fishing Moon and Amitabha Buddha’s Sumire World, and its mysterious degree was generally visible!

This art of fixing the body is the supreme divine power of Taoism, which can fix the body, fix the soul, fix the immortals, fix the yuan, fix the operation of heaven and earth, fix the stars and rivers, fix the time and age, and fix the changes in space.

Practice to the highest level, and even directly rewrite the rules of heaven and earth, above heaven and earth!

This powerful magic power, Luo Nan has always been only in its name and has not seen its form.

At this moment, when I suddenly saw it, in addition to the shock in my heart, I was even more impressed.

And such a powerful divine power fell into the hands of the burning lamp, and with the support of the terrible cultivation realm of the burning lamp, it was even more powerful.

At this moment, Ronan only felt that he had completely lost control of his body and soul.

He tried to control the Immortal Infant Yuanshen with his mind, but he found that under the shackles of the Fixation Technique, he could not establish contact with the Immortal Infant Yuanshen at all.

“I know your ability to come back from the dead, so naturally I won’t let you die as you wish.” Under the art of concentration, everything is fixed, you can’t move, you don’t have to think about self-explosion. ”

The sound of the burning lamp was as hoarse as ever, and he had no intention of killing Lonan from beginning to end.

The initial golden light was only to injure Ronan.

The subsequent imprisonment mudra is also only for the sake of bondage.

After being broken through by Luo Nan with the power of the Divine Image, the burning lamp only took out the ability to press the bottom of the box and imprisoned Luo Nan with the Fixation Technique.

From beginning to end, the purpose of lighting the lamp was not to kill Luonan, but to imprison Luonan!

The lamp said as he approached Luo Nanjin: “Moreover, if it weren’t for Lao Gu’s deliberate intention to keep you conscious, your thoughts would have been fixed at this moment.” ”

As he spoke, the lamp fingers trembled slightly, and Ronan realized that he had regained his ability to speak.

“Instead of directly arresting me back, but making me clear-headed, it shouldn’t be to show off my might in front of me, right?” Lonan sneered.

Lantern shook his head: “Of course not.” ”

“Then what is your purpose?” Ronan frowned and asked.

The lamp flickered slightly, under the eyelids: “There is something unknown, I want to ask you.” ”

Lonan was silent and did not respond.

But the lamp did not care, and said to himself: “I know that you have the ability to come back from the dead, I want to know where this ability comes from, is it possible to copy?” ”

Luo Nan’s eyes flashed with clarity, and the reason why the lamp did not directly arrest him back was because of his own idea of resurrection.

However, this lamp is destined to be a bamboo basket to hit the water empty.

Not to mention that this power is given by the Dao and cannot be copied at all.

Even if there was a real possibility of replication, Luo Nan couldn’t tell the lamp that it wasn’t to create an unsolvable enemy for himself!

Ronan hasn’t been stupid enough yet!

So at this moment, Luo Nan also threw a mocking glance at the burning lamp: “Such an old person, is it okay to live realistically?” Don’t live in dreams all day! ”

The burning lamp smelled the eyelids trembling, and then there were three more points of annoyance and anger in the cold eyes.

The next moment, the burning lamp fingertips fell, and Luo Nan only felt that his eyes were black, and then his consciousness stopped instantly.

After fixing all of Ronan’s soul consciousness, he lit the lamp and rolled up his sleeves, and he was going to take Ronan out of this side of the world.

But just as the lamp was burning and preparing for action, a crisp song suddenly sounded around.

The sound of this song is as pleasant as the highest quality wind chimes, although there is no power in it, but it makes the face of the lamp appear a touch of caution!

Without any power, but able to reverberate the entire space around him, this kind of mystery alone is not something that ordinary people can do!

Shen Nian probed around him, did not find any living beings, frowned slightly, and snorted coldly: “Who is pretending to be a ghost!?” Do you have to let Lao Gu personally shoot you out? ”

After the cold hum of the lamp, the crisp song did not stop, but no figure appeared.

The next second, a lamp suddenly appeared when it sat down, and its thin body seemed to turn into a wick, and a flame suddenly burned above the lamp’s head.

The flame seemed faint, but the light it emitted was enough to penetrate the distance of thousands of miles and make everything around it show its trajectory.

Under this light, soon a girl wearing a white light veil appeared in front of the burning lamp.

The girl looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, with curly black hair that contrasted sharply with fair skin, and a light figure like a mountain elf.

After being illuminated by the lamp, the elf-like girl finally stopped the song in her mouth, blinked a pair of eyes slightly turned blue, and looked at the lamp and the fixed Lonan, and her eyes were full of unclear meaning.

“It turned out to be a little doll who had just entered the sub-holy realm, and even you dared to pretend to be a ghost in front of me, do you really think that in your hometown, I can’t destroy you?”

The cold light in the eyes of the burning lamp flickered, and a layer of golden light had already flashed in the palm of his hand, obviously ready to burst out at any time.

When the young girl heard this, her small nose couldn’t help but wrinkle: “You monk is also too cruel, don’t you Buddhist families pay attention to purifying sentient beings and not harming living beings?” ”

“Do you even know about the Buddhas?” There was a flash of surprise in the eyes of the burning lamp, obviously not expecting that in this foreign land shrouded in fog, there were people who knew something about Buddhism.

The young girl’s face flashed a hint of pride, and she smiled, “A long time ago, I met a great monk wandering in the Endless Chaos Void, and he told me this.” ”

“Oh, that’s right!”

The lamp nodded, and then both hands formed a symbol at the same time: “Unfortunately, Lao Gong is practicing Hinayana Buddhism, and has always only lived on his own body, ignoring the world…”

As soon as the words fell, the burning lamp burst straight up! _

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