When the sound sounded, Ronan suddenly turned back, and then saw the golden light behind him.

The golden light shot towards Luonan, and there was a terrible power attached to it, which could almost destroy everything that stood in front of it.

Luo Nan did not hesitate to summon the Twelve Pins of Annihilation Black Lotus, and then immediately opened the Super Race II form, and after the breath soared a hundred times, he had the right to urge the Black Lotus to protect him!


With a roar, the golden light seemed to be like substance, directly washing over the shield in front of Luo Nan’s body.

In the blink of an eye, the shield supported by the black lotus in front of Luo Nan’s body suddenly collapsed.

The next moment, Ronan’s figure flew straight out backwards and crashed into the root system of the distant World Tree.


With a crisp sound, Luo Nan’s body slammed into the World Tree fiercely, and the huge impact made the qi and blood in his body surge, and a trace of scarlet meaning oozed from his mouth.

Looking at the thin old man in the golden light in the distance, Luo Nan’s eyes were full of coldness: “Burning the lamp? You’re chasing after you fast!” ”

“I don’t like to keep the trouble to grow, the sooner I can solve it, the sooner it will be solved!”

The razor-thin blade-like zuiba of the lamp did not open, but the hoarse sound was ringing around, as if the grinding wheel was rubbing against the grinding wheel.

After saying that, the lamp did not stop, and he raised his hand again to squeeze a handprint and waved it towards Luonan.

Suddenly, a force far more powerful than before came directly from all directions to Luonan.

At this moment, Ronan only felt as if he had become a mortal, and the space around him had become seawater!

He has become a drowning man!

The pressure that poured in from all directions made Ronan feel that his consciousness was slowly dissipating.

“This Burning Lantern Daoist first studied under Yuan Shi Tianzun, and then worshiped under Amitabha Buddha, proficient in the two mystical arts of Buddhism, and the cultivation realm was the first of the sub-saints, even if the Fujin Clan was one-on-one, they were absolutely invincible, and now it seems that they are really powerful!”

At the same time as Luo Nan’s heart was dark, the chaotic power in his body was directly agitated.

After ascending to the realm of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, the chaotic power that Luo Nan’s body could contain was also doubled by the original ten silks, reaching as many as twenty silks!

The increase in the power of chaos, for Luo Nan now, is naturally a great increase in strength!

At this moment, Luo Nan directly mobilized the five chaotic forces in his body and unleashed the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Force!

Suddenly, Luo Nan only felt one billion and eighty million particles in his body tremble at the same time, and a mighty force of dragon elephants gushed out from these one billion and eighty million particles at the same time, and finally converged in Luo Nan’s body.

At this moment, Ronan only felt self-contained, full of explosive power!


At the same time as a loud cry sounded in his mouth, his fist slammed out, and the pressure that poured out around his body was directly shattered by the bombardment at this moment!

And Luo Nan also took this opportunity to directly turn into a stream of light and get out of it!

“No wonder he was able to kill Maitreya, he really has some skills.”

In the face of Luo Nan’s escape, the face of the burning lamp did not change in the slightest: “But that’s all!” ”

As the words fell, the lamp reached out and clenched its claws and slammed into Lonan.

Luo Nan saw that he once again mobilized the two chaotic forces in his body, and pointed his sword towards his back!

The will of the Great Desolate Prisoner Heaven, under the finger of Ronan, suddenly crossed the endless void, pierced the sky of Neferheim, and lit the lamp.

After the lamp saw the huge palm that fell from the sky, there was also a flash of horror in his eyes, and the face of the perennial ancient well suddenly trembled a few times!

“You actually have something to do with that person… Then you can’t leave it any longer! ”

Seeing the huge fingers falling from the sky, the lamp snorted coldly, and the killing chance in his eyes became more and more intense.

But after Luo Nan heard the words of the burning lamp, his heart suddenly flashed.

“This burning lamp, I have also seen Wu Zu!”

Originally, when Luo Nan was refining the Twelve Pins of Extinction Black Lotus, he had seen the remnants of the Ancient Demon God Luo Hu in the dark space inside the Black Lotus.

And when Luo Nan used the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger, Luo Hu once recognized this magic secret art, and even more bluntly said that he had once encountered a top powerful person named Lin Mingdong in the endless chaotic void, calling himself Wuzu!

At this moment, looking at the expression and words of the burning lamp, it was obvious that he had also met Wu Zu before.

And looking at the jealousy between the looks of the lantern at this moment, I am afraid that I have not gotten any good from Wu Zu’s men.

Just as Ronan was thinking about this, an even more ferocious attack from the burning lamp had arrived.

“The power of the burning lamp has almost reached the top of the saint, and if it can sit on the holy seat, it is directly the top of the saint. This powerful existence is definitely not something I can deal with now, I’m afraid that even if they are the Flintstones, at least three people will have to join forces to ensure undefeated! ”

Ronan murmured in his heart that his biggest killer skill now was the Power of Chaos.

This chaotic force is also the power of the saints, a higher level of power that completely crushes the immortal force and the Buddha force.

It was precisely because of mastering this higher level of power that Ronan was able to kill one quasi-saint after another.

However, the superiority of this level of power was lost when facing Ya Sheng.

Because the power of the sub-sanctuary is also the power of chaos.

Moreover, the content of the Chaos Force in the sub-saint’s body could be described as endless compared to Ronan.

Therefore, in a short period of time, Ronan could not be Yasheng’s opponent.

After knowing his current situation, Ronan also quickly had a decision in his mind.

The next second, Luo Nan used all his strength to urge the Writing Secret Technique, all the way down the root system of the World Tree, to the deeper part of the pit.

He wasn’t afraid of death, but if he was beaten half to death by a burning lamp and then trapped with some strange magic weapon, it would be really troublesome.

Therefore, for Luonan at this moment, the disaster water is undoubtedly the best choice.

“It really can’t work, there is only one way to explode!”

Between murmurs, Lo Nan rushed down at great speed.

However, because of the great surprise of cultivation, even if Luo Nan tried his best to urge the Writing Secret Technique, the speed could not be compared with the burning lamp.

However, in the blink of an eye, the figure of the burning lamp had already rushed to the front of Luo Nan and intercepted Luo Nan’s way.

The next moment, the burning lamp suddenly stretched out. One finger, one finger remotely to Lonan! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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