After the Fu Ren Clan nodded silently, the rest of the sub-saints also had no opinion.

The ancient Buddha saw the lamp, and the zuiba moved slightly, but there was no sound, and it was obvious that he was transmitting the sound with divine powers.

After that, among the 108,000 pagodas in the Great Lei Yin Temple, there was suddenly a dazzling golden light!

This golden light scattered thousands of feet, like a series of exercises across the sky, so that the night sky, which was pitch black due to the appearance of the Lantern Daoist, instantly turned into a piece of golden light!

The next second, a fat barefoot monk slowly stepped out of this golden light.

The monk had a smile on his face, and his already small eyes had narrowed into a gap at this moment.

“Didn’t you go out on a cloud trip?” How did he appear in such a timely manner as soon as he heard that he was going to fight against the Golden Immortal? Xuanyuan sneered.

Maitreya Buddha shook his head as smooth as a small ball, there was no embarrassment on his face, and smiled: “Coincidentally, really coincidentally, I just returned to the Spirit Mountain, I received the voice of the Buddha who burned the lamp, and this is why I rushed to the scene without stopping, for fear of making you wait for a long time!” ”

“But how did I see someone drilling out of that stupa below?” Shennong continued.

Maitreya Buddha shrugged his shoulders with an unclear look, “Then I don’t know, maybe you have read it wrong.” ”

Facing such a faceless Maitreya Buddha, the five sub-saints frowned at the same time.

Most of the strong people care about face.

But this Maitreya Buddha is an exception, not only does he act without taboos, but most importantly, this guy doesn’t want a face at all!

Cynicism may be useful to others, but it has no effect on Maitreya Buddha.

After clarifying this, the five Terran sub-saints also snorted coldly at the same time, no longer engaging in that senseless verbal dispute with Maitreya Buddha!

Maitreya Buddha pretended to be polite and bowed to the five sub-saints before turning his gaze to Lonan’s body.

“Hey, this is not the little benefactor of Luonan, I didn’t expect us to have another day to see you, and it really surprised the little monk to see you again.”

“I’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time, and I want to give you a little extra surprise.”

Luo Nanzui Corner flashed a sneering smile and said to the smiling tiger in front of him.

Maitreya Buddha deliberately made a look of grievance: “Hey, is the little benefactor still thinking about the original thing?” And listen to the words of the little monk, when is the retribution for wrongs, the sea of suffering has no end, and the turning back is the case. It is better to put down the butcher’s knife and become a Buddha! ”

“Put down the butcher’s knife and become a Buddha on the ground?”

“Zenza!” Maitreya Buddha nodded.

Luo Nanzui Corner flashed a hint of sarcasm: “But I heard that the high monk needs to spend the tenth life is too big, right?” Or do you say that you only enjoy Buddhism and reject high monks? ”


Maitreya Buddha was stunned by Luonan’s question, and after thinking about it with a bitter face, he pointed to Rulai on the side and said, “This is what the Buddha said, and I will paraphrase that the little monk is shallow, in fact, he does not quite understand the reasoning.” If you have any doubts, you can pull the Buddha to listen to the news, and the little monk also said at the beginning, there is a debt and a master, and the little benefactor wants to take revenge. ”

Maitreya Buddha’s words were uttered, and the faces of everyone present turned black.

Everyone knew that Maitreya Buddha didn’t want a face, but they didn’t expect this guy to be so faceless.

Even Rulai and Burning Lantern were frowning, secretly lamenting the misfortune of the sect, how did such a cargo.

Especially Rulai, at this moment, he is even more anxious, and the only person in this world who dares to let him carry the black cauldron like this is probably Maitreya Buddha.

The burning lamp on the side finally couldn’t be seen anymore, and the hoarse voice came out directly: “Maitreya, don’t talk nonsense again!” ”


Maitreya Buddha, who was still smiling and giggling, did not have the right way, but after hearing the words of the burning lamp, his face immediately became solemn, as if he had changed a person.

The next second, the lamp and the five sub-saints simultaneously squeezed their hands to duel, creating an extremely large formation prohibition that enveloped Lonan and Maitreya Buddha at the same time.

“It really surprised me that you were able to escape from the endless chaotic void, but now that you have come to the door, I will personally intervene to let you see the Buddha’s skill!”

Maitreya Buddha’s face no longer had that false smile on his face at this moment, but instead changed to a cold color.

The next second, Maitreya Buddha took out the Voldemort Seal with both hands and pressed directly towards Lonan.

Suddenly, Luo Nan only felt the heavens and the earth shake, and the surrounding space instantly froze, followed by a huge Voldemort handprint, which fell from the sky!

Seeing this scene, Luo Nan did not hesitate to directly open the Super Race Form, bless the Battle Holy Law, and his breath soared all the way, directly from the Golden Immortal Realm, all the way up to the Hidden Touch Quasi-Saint Realm!

Now, even without using the Chaos Force in his body, Luo Nan’s combat power had already surpassed the Great Luo Golden Immortal Limit.

“One finger to prison heaven and earth!”

As soon as Ronan pointed upwards, the huge handprint that fell from the sky was actually stationary between the two of them, as if eternal time and space had stopped rotating at this moment.

Although after only a few moments, this stillness was shattered by the huge power of the Voldemort handprint, but this moment was enough time for Lonan to move to safety.

Under the activation of the Writing Secret Technique, Luo Nan’s speed had reached an incredible point, and almost in the blink of an eye, he had already escaped for more than a hundred miles!

As soon as the shot fell into the air, Maitreya Buddha did not care, patted his round belly and sneered: “You can’t fight with me just by dodging!” ”

After the words fell, the golden light under Maitreya Buddha’s feet flashed, but the fat figure was extremely flexible, and he chased Luo Nan straight away.

“This prohibition is so big, see where you can run!” If you don’t have the strength to resist, you might as well stop and wait for death! ”

Maitreya Buddha’s mouth burst into drink, resounded throughout the sky, and naturally it also passed into Lonan’s ears.

After Luo Nan heard the words, there was no superfluous expression on his face.

Looking at the golden mangs coming at a high speed in the distance, Luo Nan stood on the spot, a trace of misty light suddenly scattered out from his body…

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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