When Maitreya Buddha rushed to the front of Luonan’s advance, Luonan’s body suddenly released a misty light.

This seemingly dim light contained extremely mysterious power, not only the Maitreya Buddha who was fighting with Luonan, but even the several sub-saints who were fighting on the outside of the Enchantment Boundary had a hint of surprise on their faces.

Because even with their eyes, they had never seen the power scattered in Ronan’s body at this moment.

At the moment, one by one, they are also concentrating, waiting for the misty light that has never been seen or heard before, what effect it will have.

“Although this light light is unheard of, it only takes a casual attack to test its depth!”

After sighing in his heart, Maitreya Buddha suddenly stopped his forward thrusting figure, but the golden light under his feet did not stop with his body, but instead rushed towards Luonan at a faster speed.

But at this moment, Luo Nan did not shy away from this golden light!

“This boy, can’t he find death?”

Maitreya Buddha’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Several sub-saints outside the Junction also frowned at the same time.

However, the five Terran A-Saints did not take a shot, because they all knew that Ronan had the ability to come back from the dead, and even if he was killed, he would not suffer any losses.

Therefore, as long as Maitreya Buddha does not use any strange magic and magic, but just wants to kill Lonan, they will not care.

But at this moment, seeing that Luo Nan did not shy away from the golden light at the feet of Maitreya Buddha, a thought came to his mind: Is it true that Luo Nan just wants to be killed by Maitreya Buddha himself?

In the midst of everyone’s doubts, the golden light at Maitreya Buddha’s feet finally collided with Ronan’s body!


Just listening to the sky, a loud humming sound sounded, and the golden light that was born from the feet of Maitreya Buddha directly exploded, enveloping Luo Nan in the whole thing!

Logically, the attack hit Lonan head-on, and Maitreya Buddha should be very happy.

But the next second that golden light hit Luo Nan, Maitreya Buddha’s face suddenly changed, and his eyes, which were originally as small as a slit, suddenly widened!

“How is this possible!”

Not only Maitreya Buddha, but also all the sub-saints outside the boundary, also had a look of disbelief on their faces at the same time.

Therefore, everyone knows that Luo Nan’s true cultivation is only the Golden Immortal Realm, even if with the help of many magical mysteries, the breath has been raised to a level beyond that of Da Luo, but there is still a distance from the quasi-saint, let alone the gap between him and Maitreya Buddha.

Under this huge gap in cultivation, everyone believed that under the blow of Maitreya Buddha, Luo Nan would be seriously injured even if he was lucky not to die.

But at this moment, their thoughts have been perfected

Because they could clearly perceive that although the golden light had already exploded on Luo Nan, Luo Nan’s breath had not weakened even a little, but there was still a strong trend between them!

This scene was something that no one expected.

However, among the people present, which one is not a person with extremely rich experience in hundreds of battles?

“It must be the reason for the misty light!”

“That’s a power we’ve never seen before, and it has such a miraculous effect!”

“Haha, no wonder this little guy from Lonan dared to challenge Maitreya Buddha, that’s the way it is!”

“If this misty light can really completely block the quasi-saint’s attack, then the combat power of this little guy will have to be re-estimated!”


Several Terran sub-saints naturally laughed and laughed, obviously very satisfied with this scene.

But the corresponding thing is that on the Buddhist side, whether it is burning the lamp or if it is coming, it is frowning, feeling the thorniness of Luonan.

Only the Golden Immortal Realm could resist the Quasi-Saint bombardment, so when Luo Nan reached the Quasi-Saint Realm, wouldn’t he even be able to subdue the Saint’s attack?

Thinking of this, such as coming and burning the lamp breath, are not in a hurry. After a little help, looking into Luo Nan’s eyes, there was also a little more strange longing!

If they could get such a mysterious magic power, the success rate of their plan would increase a lot!

As for the Kong Missionary, looking at the side where Luo Nan was located, he was even more thoughtful, and he was obviously as ghostly as the burning lamp.

After a few moments, the golden light dissipated, and Luo Nan, who appeared in front of everyone again, was indeed unharmed.

“What a magic thing you are!!”

Maitreya Buddha’s voice carried a touch of jealousy that was hard to conceal.

“The Pure Land of the Gods, all laws will not invade!”

Ronan’s voice, like the ringing of a bell, resounded throughout the heavens and the earth.

And with the sound of its voice, a field visible to the naked eye appeared around Ronan’s body!

In the time he had lived in the valley and with several women before, Luo Nan had not always enjoyed himself, but at the same time, he was assiduously cultivating the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Energy, which contained a large number of mysterious divine powers!

And what he was casting at this moment was the eighth level of the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Strength, the Pure Land of the Gods!

After comprehending the law of time and space, with oneself as the center, the true qi condenses and creates a pure land, and when people are in the pure land, they are eternally free!

Can turn any attack into your own strength and is truly absolute defense!

If he hadn’t cultivated this Pure Land of the Gods that could ignore all attacks, how could Ronan have been confident enough to ask Maitreya Buddha to come out and go head-to-head one-on-one?

Of course, this Pure Land of the Gods is not without its weaknesses, first of all, the field of its generation is very small, and the radius is only a few miles.

Secondly, as long as it is out of this number of miles, the Pure Land of the Gods will be difficult to perform again in a short period of time.

However, this only weakness is not something that Maitreya Buddha was able to realize in a short period of time.

At this moment, he found that the field around Luo Nan was actually expanding, and Maitreya Buddha’s eyes also flashed a trace of doubt.

“You, sure enough, are a little stronger than I thought…”

Maitreya Buddha muttered, but soon there was a flash of disbelief in his eyes: “But I don’t believe that your so-called Pure Land of the Gods can really block all my attacks!” ”

After a cold snort, Maitreya Buddha’s body fell, followed by two Dharma figures that emitted a powerful aura, and they stepped out from behind him!

One of the top magic powers of Buddhism, the Three-Body Technique! _

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