When this voice sounded, the five human beings who were originally facing each other and the Ancient Buddha of the Burning Lantern were all stunned at the same time.

Even the Buddha and Kong Xuan, who had already been injured a lot, showed a hint of surprise on their faces.

This boy who was only a ninth-order Golden Immortal Realm was actually clamoring to go head-to-head with Maitreya Buddha, who had been famous for a long time?

What kind of joke is this guy kidding?!!

Maitreya Buddha did not dare to appear now, only because he knew that he was not the opponent of the five Terran sub-saints, and he knew that once he appeared, it would be difficult to survive.

However, even if he is afraid of the five Terran sub-saints, Maitreya Buddha is also one of the future Buddhas of the third Buddhas of Buddhism, and even if he is placed in the large level of quasi-life, he is also a very good existence, and there are very few who can look at the entire Pangu world as an enemy.

And now, a golden immortal is clamoring to be one-on-one with Maitreya Buddha, which is a slippery slope!

At this moment, not only did Rulai Kong Xuan think that Luo Nan was looking for death, but even the five Terran sub-saints who knew Luo Nan’s roots would never think that Luo Nan would be the opponent of Maitreya Buddha.

“Ronan, don’t be too arrogant!” Fu Xi’s face was calm, and he said to Luo Nan, but his look was full of concern for Luo Nan.

Fu Xi’s voice had just fallen, and Xuanyuan’s voice full of responsibility also sounded in Luo Nan’s heart: “Don’t be strong, this matter is just handed over to the five of us, although the Burning Lantern Daoist is called the strongest sub-saint, but it can’t be the opponent of my five people joining forces, you just need to watch my five people get justice for you!”

Shennong’s humor was rare: “Of course, if you want to applaud and applaud, it is not impossible.”

Listening to the persuasion of several sub-saints, Luo Nan naturally knew that these sub-saints were really concerned about themselves.

After looking around at several people with grateful eyes, Luo Nan said, “Although the Burning Lantern Daoist is not five opponents, there are still two saints behind Buddhism who have not yet appeared, if you press forward step by step, it is very likely that you will force the second saint to be forced out, then things will be in trouble, a few people can help me support the field, as for the matter of revenge, let me do it myself!”

“What are you talking about, little boy?”

Youchao glanced at Luo Nan and said without anger, “Do you think that all five of us are afraid of things?” What’s more, do you really dare to take a shot at all five of us at the same time? ”

Luo Nan was stunned when he heard the words, and he listened to the meaning of the Chao clan’s words, so he didn’t seem to dare to take a shot at the Terran Yasheng easily?

Under the doubt, Luo Nan also directly asked in his heart: “What does this mean?”

Youchao stroked his beard and explained, “The Terrans are the protagonists of today’s heaven and earth, gathering the favor of the Great Avenue, and their luck is unparalleled in the world, so if they take the introduction of the Quasi-Outline to deal with the five of us at the same time, it is equivalent to being the enemy of the Qi Luck of our human race, and it will definitely affect their own qi and luck, which is a price that the saints are not willing to easily bear!”

Hearing this, a hint of brightness appeared on Luo Nan’s face, and he was still wondering why the five sub-saints had all hit the Spirit Mountain, but none of them had appeared, and it turned out that there was a reason for this.

However, this does not change Lonan’s

Because even if the saint resisted the shot, the five Terran sub-saints finally dug up the Maitreya Buddha and beat him up after a bitter battle, which made no sense to Luo Nan.

In addition to being able to see the revenge of the great vendetta, Ronan himself could not get half the benefits.

In terms of Lonan’s values, this is typical of giving and gaining out of proportion.

Simply put, it is a blood loss!

According to Ronan’s thoughts, today he not only wants to avenge his original vengeance, but also scrapes a layer of oil from the body of Maitreya Buddha!

Only in this way can you be in a good mood!

Therefore, Luo Nan also directly addressed the five sub-saints: “That being said, I absolutely cannot let the qi luck of the human race be damaged because of me, the five only need to ensure that the Rulai Lantern and others will not intervene, and Maitreya Buddha will hand it over to me to solve it personally!” Presumably, in the face of such a golden immortal challenge as me, he Buddhism will no longer be cheeky to avoid battle! ”

“But Ronan, you must know that although you have killed two quasi-saints, those two quasi-saints are not very strong beings.” But Maitreya Buddha is different, as the third Buddha, the future Buddha of Buddhism, his talent is not worse than that of Rulai Burning Lamp, and even faintly, it is even stronger, and his power is at the top of the quasi-saint, and it is extremely difficult to deal with! ”

The Furyaki clan said bitterly.

But Luo Nan was already determined, and after shaking his head at the Fu Ren Clan, Luo Nan said, “Emperor Fu, please rest assured, I have my own plan in my heart, and I will not seek my own death!” ”


Hearing Luo Nan’s words, the Fu Ren Clan couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

For a moment, I was hesitant, and I didn’t know whether to let Ronan go to fight with Na Maitreya Buddha.

When he hesitated, the gaze of the Fu Ren Clan couldn’t help but shift to the body of the Fu Xi Clan.

Fu Xishi naturally knew the meaning, closed his eyes and pinched his fingers, but shook his head helplessly.

“He contains the power of chaos in his body, although he is not a sub-saint, but he already has the power of a sub-saint, and it is difficult to calculate the fortunes.”

Hearing this, several Terran sub-saints looked at each other with embarrassment.

Although it is known that Luonan has the ability to resurrect from the dead, there are many magical powers in Buddhism, and if you can’t do it, you can restrain Luonan.

And just when several Yasheng hesitated, the ancient Buddha who was burning the lamp opposite suddenly said, “Do you really want to fight with Maitreya Buddha?” ”


Ignoring the obstruction of the five sub-saints, Luo Nan directly stepped forward and looked up in response.

Burning the lamp of the ancient Buddha’s head, and then his eyes swept over the five sub-saints: “Since it is this little benefactor who asks for it himself, then naturally there is no reason to refuse, then you and I will not shoot at each other, let these two people fight, how?” ”

The Fu Ren Clan could not rest assured that Luo Nan was about to refuse, but his shoulder was suddenly held down by Fu Xi.

“Fu Xi, you are…” Fu Ren frowned.

Fu Xishi shook his head, “We, ah, should give the young people some trust.” ”

Hearing this, the Fu Ren Clan turned his head to look at Luo Nan’s proud back and nodded silently. _

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