This sudden and light sigh made the faces of everyone on the Spirit Mountain change differently.

The originally dim-looking Rulai and Kong Xuan had a bright glow in their eyes at the same time, as if they had seen a savior.

The five sub-saints of the Terran race frowned involuntarily, obviously quite jealous of the light sigh that sounded.

Lonan, who has always observed the war situation, naturally takes all this into his eyes.

After discovering the different changes in the faces of the people, Luo Nan also had a guess in his mind.

“Could it be that the sighing voice of Fang Cai was made by the two saints of the Western religion?”

And in the midst of Luo Nan’s doubts, the originally bright sky suddenly turned gray.

The sun is gone, and the yin is emerging!

The originally sunny sky dome was suddenly dotted with stars.

As soon as this means of turning day into night and sunshine into yin appeared, a look of surprise appeared in Ronan’s eyes.

Then, in the dark night sky, a flickering candle suddenly appeared, coming from a great distance.

This candlelight movement seemed slow, but every second seemed to cross an endless distance, and the speed of the approach was far faster than any speed that Lonan had experienced, dozens of times faster!

Luo Nan’s eyes narrowed, and he looked in the direction where the candlelight was, only to see that the candle light was actually a broken ancient lamp that was not rusty.

As it got closer and closer, around this ancient lamp, a thin figure slowly emerged, and finally completely wrapped the lamp in it.

Name: Burning the Ancient Buddha

Level: 1v392 (Yasheng)

Identity: Burning Lantern Daoist, disciple of Yuan Shi Tianzun, deputy head of the original exposition of the Sect, known as the source of the Buddha, the head of the Immortal Ban Shou, the past Buddha of the three Buddhas of Mahayana Buddhism, Master Li Jing!

The probing technique flashed in his eyes, and after reading out the identity of this thin figure, Luo Nan’s eyes also flashed a touch of surprise.

This surprise was not because of the identity of the ancient Buddha who burned the lamp, after all, when he saw the green lamp, Luo Nan already had a guess in his heart.

In fact, what really shocked Luonan was the terrible rank of the Burning Lantern Ancient Buddha!

So far, there have been quite a few Yasheng that Ronan has seen with his own eyes.

Not to mention that the dead Medanzo, the five sub-saints of the Terran race alone, were extremely powerful.

There were also the two brothers and sisters of Izanami and Izanagi in the Heavenly Realm of the Imperial World, as well as the Indra Emperor Shiten, who came from the Great Brahma World, all of whom were quite strong.

However, among these sub-saints, they are not comparable in rank to the Ancient Buddha of the Burning Lamp!

You know, even the highest-ranking of the five sub-saints of the Terran race is only more than three hundred and eighty levels.

In other words, this Burning Lantern Ancient Buddha can be ranked first in the Yasheng of Luonanru’s Grade!

“Although combat strength cannot be measured by a single level, the advantages brought by cultivation as a realm cannot be ignored, otherwise they would not be able to frown at the same time!”

As Luo Nan murmured in his heart, the voice of the Fu Ren Clan also sounded in his heart.

“Burning Lantern can be said to be the first person in the Pangu world today, not only cultivating to a high realm, but also proficient in the two top divine powers of Buddhism and Taoism, which is extremely difficult.” However, this Lantern Daoist has been in retreat all year round, and he didn’t expect to come so quickly this time! You have to be careful! ”

Receiving the voice of the Fu Ren Clan, Luo Nan’s eyes flashed with surprise at the same time, but also nodded slightly, indicating that he knew.

After that, Ronan calmed down and watched the situation on the field change.

“Burning Lantern Daoist, you are coming fast!”

In the face of the Lantern Daoist, Fu Xishi changed his usual peaceful attitude, and his voice was a little cold, obviously there was some old grudge between him and the lamp.

The lamp-burning ancient Buddha folded his palms, and only an old skin was left on his thin cheeks, with almost no flesh and blood, which looked extremely penetrating.

The next moment, the burning lamp of the ancient Buddha zuiba opened slightly, and the hoarse sound like sandpaper polishing sounded above the Spirit Mountain.

“I didn’t want to leave the Spirit Vulture Mountain, but this time, you have gone too far.”

“Excessive? When Maitreya Buddha deceived the small with the big, why didn’t he see you old goods jumping out and saying too much? ”

Xuanyuan snorted coldly and said sarcastically.

In the face of this ridicule, the ancient Buddha did not change in the slightest, and between his eyes half open and half closed, his voice was still hoarse: “When is it time to repay each other for wrongs, Maitreya is certainly wrong to deceive the small with the big, but you and the other five people come to the Lingshan to make a big fuss, why not deceive the small with the big?” ”

“!!” Fu Xi heard this and flatly rebuked.

The ancient Buddha of the burning lamp ignored it: “Now that you have also hurt Rulai Kongxuan, this vendetta is over, and you can quickly leave today’s matter without mentioning it, otherwise…”

“What if it weren?” Xuanyuan asked in a cold voice.

The half-opened and half-closed eyes of the Burning Lantern Ancient Buddha suddenly stared at this moment, and the fierce light that had not appeared for millions of years suddenly flashed.

Suddenly, the breath on the body of the Burning Lantern Ancient Buddha suddenly changed.

If it is said that the ancient Buddha of the Burning Lantern before was like a decadent old man who had reached the twilight of his life, but at this moment, it was already like a sheathed sword, and his breath was even more powerful than Xuanyuan’s!

And this sharp breath, the target is Luonan!

“If you insist on avenging this descendant, then I can only seek justice for my descendants!”

The voice of the burning lamp was cold and piercing: “Before the Third Robbery, I had a famous disciple Li Jing under my command, and gave the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda to him for self-defense, but the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda was taken away by this young man, and if you want to settle accounts with Maitreya today by deceiving the small and the small, then I will also use the big deception to find this boy to settle the account!” ”

When the five sub-saints heard this, their faces changed completely, and then they all stopped in front of Luo Nan’s body, shouting in unison, “You dare!” ”

Luo Nan, however, the sixth human sub-saint they certified, would never allow this Terran to die in the future at the hands of the Burning Lantern Daoist.

The Lantern Daoist glared at the same time in the face of the five sub-saints, but his face did not change in the slightest, he reached forward and waved his hand forward, and his eyes closed again: “If you don’t want to, then leave immediately!” ”

As the words fell, the five Terran sub-saints frowned at the same time.

However, just when the five Ya Sheng were preparing to strike directly and fight hard with the burning lamp, Luo Nan’s voice suddenly sounded.

“Since everyone is not willing to deceive the small with the big, then call Maitreya Buddha out and live two tricks with me, in the face of such a small golden immortal as me, won’t you still dare not?” _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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