“Fuxi, Xuanyuan! What do you guys want to do?!! ”

The hidden voice of the Buddha came out of the temple.

A slight smile flashed on the corner of the Fuxi clan, “This time, your Great Lei Yin Temple is not ready to do anything, but you have a debt and a master, so I want to replace my back and find Maitreya to reminisce about the past.” ”

If the Buddha’s divine thoughts swept by, naturally he discovered the existence of Luonan very early.

When Maitreya Buddha made a sinister move on Lonan, it was naturally impossible to act without permission, but it was approved by him.

“This boy is really fateful, exiled by Maitreya to the endless chaotic void, and can actually come back alive, and looking at the breath on his body, it seems that he is much stronger than before, and he has actually reached the level of the Ninth Order Golden Immortal…”

At the beginning, when Luo Nanxiu was still very weak, he was able to make a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, violently beat up the Overseer God King and Wang Lingguan, and finally fished out the Jade Emperor with two qi, and was even more able to escape from the Buddha’s kingdom in his hands.

Nowadays, Luo Nanxiu has improved so much, and his real combat strength must have soared a lot compared to before!

Thinking of this, the Buddha couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, how could the Terran race appear such a perverted guy!

However, in the face of the five Terran sub-saints’ questioning of sins, it was naturally impossible to hand over Maitreya Buddha.

If Maitreya Buddha was really severely injured by these five sub-saints, then what would be lost to Buddhism would not only be a powerful warrior power, but even face would be thrown in.

At that time, maybe even the magnificent luck accumulated over millions of years will also be affected!

Therefore, in the face of Fuxi’s request, Rulai Buddha also said directly: “Maitreya Buddha went out on a long journey, and now he does not know where he is, and he is not within the Spirit Mountain.” If he returns one day, I will inform you of this, but for now, please come back! ”

In the face of the Buddha’s attitude of opening his eyes and talking blindly, the five sub-saints of the Terran race all frowned.

Xuanyuan, who has always been grumpy, immediately shouted directly: “You and I are a three-year-old child, so easy to deceive?” If I don’t let that little Maitreya Buddha show up today, I’m going to smash your Great Thunder Temple!” ”

As he spoke, Xuanyuan Clan directly erupted, his body emitting a fierce aura, and the whole person seemed to have become a giant sword, and the sword stabbed straight into the sky!

The next second, this sharp sword directly divided into countless pieces, scattering away from all directions towards the entire Great Thunder Yin Temple.

Those 18,000 pagodas and 36,000 Buddha halls were all the targets of this endless sword!

And many monks outside the stupa hall, and even those Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, faced this endless sword at this moment, as if they had seen death coming at the same time!

The terrible aura attached to that sword was simply not something they could bear!

Even many of them have their knees trembling. Shivering, he involuntarily fell to his knees, kneeling under the powerful pressure of Xuanyuan Clan!

“Xuanyuan, you dare to do this!!”

The Buddha in the central Buddhist hall, after this scene, his eyes widened in anger, and then he flew directly out of the hall with his hands outstretched. Suddenly, it turned into two incomparably huge hands closing together, as if covering the sky, trying to take the endless sword into the palm of the Buddha’s kingdom!

Once this sword really exploded, the Great Thunder Yin Temple, which had gathered his billions of years of painstaking efforts, was bound to be destroyed for the most part!

This is something that the Buddha absolutely cannot accept.

Therefore, he would rather bear Xuanyuan’s sword mangs on his own than let this sword mangs spread.

But unfortunately, the other four sub-saints would not let him be satisfied!

In the flash of Rulai Buddha’s hand, Shen Nong’s eyes flashed with a green glow, and the extremely majestic divine thoughts suddenly condensed into an extremely sharp long needle, directly piercing into Rulai Zhihai!


A scream suddenly sounded in the Buddha’s mouth, and half of the magic power that was cast under the paleness of his face also suddenly paused for a moment.

But even this momentary pause had already made Xuanyuan’s sword fly out of most of it.

Those swords fell from heaven and earth, and fell extremely evenly to all corners of the Great Thunder Yin Temple!

If the Buddha saw this, he couldn’t help but be blindsided, and after Shen Nong’s obstruction, it had become impossible for him to stop those swords again.

Looking at the sword that contained great power, the Buddha suddenly let out a loud cry in his mouth: “Kong Xuan! If you don’t shoot yet, when will you stay!!? ”

With a loud roar from the Buddha, a multicolored light suddenly scattered out from the underground of the Great Lei Yin Temple.

The next second, a huge colorful peacock directly broke through the ground.

The peacock flew into the sky, and in an instant, it turned into a handsome middle-aged Daoist.

There was a multicolored divine light flickering behind the Daoist person, and with just one brush, the Heavenly Sword suddenly disappeared without a trace, and it was all taken away, and there was no more half a point of power!

“Peacock King!!”

Xuanyuan Clan looked at the middle-aged Daoist, and there was a slight cold meaning in his voice: “You and this group of bald people are just using each other, do you really want to stand up for them today?” ”

Kong Xuan heard the words, and a hint of hesitation flashed on his face.

At the same time, he was an enemy of five sub-saints, and even the saints were not willing to do it easily, let alone him?

Although Kong Xuan is strong, he can even be called the first quasi-saint in the Pangu world, but he is only a quasi-saint after all.

In front of Yasheng, no matter how powerful the quasi-saint is, he is just a tiger without teeth.

Kong Xuan naturally also deeply understood this, so he was also caught in hesitation at this moment.

But just when Kong Xuan hesitated, the ugly-looking Buddha suddenly said, “Kong Xuan, help me this time, you have been coveting such a thing for a long time, I can give you half of it first!” ”


Kong Xuan heard the words and breathed involuntarily. After a few minutes, the hesitation in his eyes also disappeared instantly, replaced by a touch of determination.

“Although I don’t want to be an enemy of the Terran Yasheng, but for that thing, there is no way, after all, I have been seeking wealth and danger since ancient times!”

Kong Xuan muttered, and then came to the side of the Buddha of Rulai, as if he had decided to stand against the saints of the Terran race.

This, making Xuanyuan frown, and then turned his head to look at Fu Xi next to him: “What is it that Rulai gave that can make Kong Xuanhuo not fear death?” ”

Fu Xishi squeezed his fingers to deduce slightly, and a glint of clarity flashed in his eyes: “It is the essence of Fengzu Origin!” “_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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