“Fengzu Origin Essence Blood?”

Hearing what the Fuxi Clan said, several Terran sub-saints were stunned.

“When Fengzu first fell at Luofengpo, wasn’t all his Origin Essence Blood already inherited by Kong Xuan?” The Fu Ren Clan wondered, and the rest of the Ya Shengs also cast doubtful eyes at the same time.

Fu Xishi shook his head: “Originally, I thought so, but only after deduction, I found that there were three drops of Fengzu’s original essence blood, Kong Xuan only had to go to two drops, and the other drop must have been obtained by the Western Second Sage, and now it has flowed into Rulai’s hands!” ”

“As it is, I said why Kong Xuan was born as a Great Luo, but he was stuck in the endless years of the quasi-saint level and could not break through, it turned out that it was because he lacked a drop of Fengzu’s Origin Essence Blood!”

Arishi nodded and realized it.

Xuanyuan Clan said with a cold face, “This Kong Xuandao was willing to be a loyal dog for Buddhism many years ago, and shamelessly became that Buddha Mother, presumably for that drop of Origin Essence Blood.” If you get the last drop of Origin Essence Blood, it is very likely that you will directly glow with the power of the Fengzu and step into the Sub-Saint Realm! ”

Shen Nong’s eyes flickered slightly, “And with its innate five-colored divine light, once you step into the sub-saint realm, I am afraid that no one in the world today will be invincible!” ”

Kong Xuan, as the heir of Fengzu, was extremely strong in his own cultivation, and belonged to the part of the quasi-saints that stood at the very top!

Coupled with the assistance of Xuan Zhi and Xuan Five-Color Divine Light, among the quasi-saints, he was almost invincible all over the world, and there were quite a few who could fight with him to a draw.

Only by reaching the sub-holy realm could we stabilize Kong Xuan’s head.

However, if he waited until Kong Xuan also advanced to the Yasheng Realm and mastered the power of chaos after being reborn, he was bound to become the best among the sub-saints!

Give some more time to cultivate, even the First Sub-Saint may not be impossible!

Thinking of this, the five Terran sub-saints were all amazed in their hearts.

In this Pangu world, in terms of identity and bloodline, the three Qings that have been transformed by Pangu’s qi are naturally worthy of the first, and after the three Qings, it is necessary to count this Kong Xuan.

Luo Nan, who was protected by the five sub-saints, was also secretly shocked to see Kong Xuan appear.

Kong Xuan, Lu Press, Zhen Yuanzi.

These three people can be said to be the best among the quasi-saints, and each of them is extremely famous.

The other two Lonans had never met and had little intersection.

However, this peacock king and Luo Nan have some cause and effect.

After all, the golden-winged roc that was originally killed by Luo Nan was removed, and it really had to be calculated that there was still a little blood relationship with Kong Xuan.

Moreover, it is said that Luo Nan’s eclipse black light was also born from the five-colored divine light associated with Kong Xuan.

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on Kong Xuan’s body, and Luo Xuan’s exploration technique flashed by.

Name: Xuan Kong

Level: 1v348 (Quasi-Saint)

Status: Fengzu heir, Kong, the mother of the Mahayana Buddhist Buddha, once swallowed the Buddha of Rulai into his belly.

After seeing Kong Xuan’s identity information, Luo Nan was stunned in his heart, thinking that several Yasheng’s inferences about Kong Xuan’s strength were indeed good.

As long as you reach 1v350, you can enter the level of Yasheng, and now Kong Xuan is only one foot away from the door.

If Kong Xuan really let Kong Xuan get the last drop of Fengzu Origin Essence Blood, I am afraid that he could really directly advance into the Sub-Saint Realm.

“If Kong Xuan stepped into the sub-holy realm, if he flew alone, it would be enough, but if he still stood on the Buddhist side, it would be a big trouble.”

Luo Nan’s heart was dark, and his brow was also slightly raised.

And just as Lonan was thinking about it, the five sages and the Buddhist people were already facing each other!

Although Kong Xuan’s strength was not bad, the five Terran sub-saints would not be even a little afraid of this Kong Xuan, let alone stop here!

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a disgrace to come to this Lingshan Lei Yin Temple with great painstaking efforts?

“Rulai, Kong Xuan, although you two are much stronger than other quasi-saints, but in the end they are only quasi-saints, and it is a dream to try to stop me, and I am asking you once, Maitreya Buddha, can you come out?!!”

Xuanyuan’s voice was cold, and his falcon-like gaze was focused on Rulai’s body.

Even if he was a Buddha and had great divine powers, he already felt a chill when he was stared at by Xuanyuan Clan at this moment, as if the light of the protective body Buddha was pierced by Xuanyuan Clan’s gaze.

After hurriedly twisting up the seal of the Buddha and holding up a shield around him again, Rulai said, “I have already said that Maitreya Buddha is not in the Spirit Mountain when he goes out on a cloud tour, so please go back and put it on!” ”

“It seems that my Terran has been dormant for thousands of years and has been treated as a soft persimmon.”

Xuanyuan snorted coldly, “Since you don’t want to hand over Maitreya Buddha, then I will force him to come out!” ”

As the words fell, Xuanyuan Clan stretched out his hand, and a long sword that haunted Xuanhuang Qi flew from the sky and landed directly in his hand.

Xuanyuan Sword, named after Xuanyuan Clan!

This sword is so powerful that it is not usually sacrificed by the Xuanyuan Clan.

Now that Xuanyuan Sword was in his hand, Xuanyuan Clan also directly raised his sword and slashed towards Rulai.

A bright yellow sword burst out of Xuanyuan’s hands in an instant, slashing the power of heaven and earth towards Rulai.

Rulai saw the appearance of the face, and his hands quickly squeezed dozens of handprints, and a moment later, a Vajrapani magic phase appeared from behind Rulai.


The Vajrapani magic phase appeared, and a roar of anger directly erupted from his mouth.

This roar resounded throughout the Spirit Mountain, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye formed a continuous ring, meeting with the bright yellow sword in the sky.


Suddenly, the roar and the whole heaven and earth trembled. Shake.

Although Rulai is strong, quasi-saints and sub-saints are two completely different levels.

Nowadays, even with the help of the Kongo Magic God, it is very difficult to face Xuanyuan’s blow.

Seeing that the bright lightsaber was getting closer and closer to him, he also directly shouted, “Kong Xuan, come and help me!” ”

Kong Xuan naturally did not hesitate when he saw it, after all, he was still counting on Rulai to give him the Fengzu Origin Essence Blood, and at this moment, when he heard the request for help, the five-colored divine light behind him flashed again.

But at this moment, the Fu Ren Clan suddenly took a step forward, and the Immortal Fire appeared around him.

“I heard that your five-colored divine light can sweep away all things in the world, but I want to see if you can brush away my unquenchable fire!”

At the same time as the words fell, the entire Spirit Mountain instantly turned into a sea of fire! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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