West Niuhe Prefecture is located in the extreme west of the Pangu world.

In the early years, this West Niuhe Zhou was full of uncivilized barbarians and belonged to extremely poor places.

However, with the rise of Buddhism and strong luck, the whole West Niuhe Zhou also flourished.

Many demons and human beings have built Buddhist temples on the mainland, enshrined 18,000 Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in Buddhism, and the incense is far more exuberant than Taoism.

And this also allowed the Western Second Saint to slightly overpower the Taishang Laojun and Yuan Shi Tianzun from the momentum.

After all, Taoism pays attention to the rule of doing nothing, and when it comes to developing and expanding the organization, it is naturally impossible to compare with the strict dogmatic Buddhism.

Above this West Niuhe Island, there is a towering mountain, and its majesty is no worse than that of Mount Olympus.

The mountainside is even more flickering with Buddha’s light, and the whole mountain is shrouded in Buddhist chanting, and the chanting of thousands of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is enough to spread thousands of miles away.

This mountain is the Spirit Mountain!

At the very top of Lingshan is a temple that stretches for thousands of miles.

There are 18,000 stupas and 36,000 Buddhist halls in that temple, and the plaque above the largest Buddhist hall in the center is written in four large gilded characters – Great Lei Yin Temple!

The gilded large characters are sharp and strange, but in this danger, there is a hint of introspection, which at first glance looks very contradictory, but if you look closely, you can find that it seems to contain the truth of heaven and earth.

It is said that dozens of senior monks once became Buddhas under this plaque and became members of the Buddhist temple, where they could listen to the teachings of the Buddha!

However, at this moment, the six figures suddenly descended on the front of this Buddha Hall, breaking the silence outside the Great Lei Yin Temple!

These six figures are all different, but they have one common feature, that is, their faces are not good!

“Who are you waiting for, who actually trespassed on the Great Lei Yin Temple?”

The law enforcement arhat outside the temple saw the six people suddenly appear, and immediately sternly reprimanded.

However, the six people did not pay any attention to this angry-eyed Arhat, but instead looked forward with self-care and threw their eyes into the Buddha Hall!

Feeling ignored by this intruder, those law enforcement arhats frowned at the same time, and then directly swung the Voldemort wand in their hands and smashed towards these six figures.

But soon, these law enforcement arhats were surprised to find that their bodies suddenly froze, as if they had been frozen by someone, and they could no longer move.

And just when they were horrified, a majestic voice containing the aura of the king instantly resounded throughout the Great Thunder Yin Temple!

“Maitreya Little Buddha, come out and die!!”

Dressed in a yellow robe, with a face of imperial capital taking the lead, the sound was like thunder, and the fluctuations visible to the naked eye spread directly in all directions, but the land that doubled and swept by, all hidden, obviously could not withstand this powerful and terrible force!

And with the resounding of this voice, the Buddhist singing that had never been stopped at the Great Lei Yin Temple suddenly stopped, and the monks in many Buddhist temple stupas were all in the same color!

Maitreya Buddha, one of the three Buddhas of Buddhism, second only to the Ancient Buddha of the Burning Lantern and the Buddha of Rulai, is called the Future Buddha, that is, the future successor of the Buddha of Rulai and the existence of the Lord.

In addition to his amazing status, Maitreya Buddha’s strength cultivation does not need to be said much, and even if he is aware of the Buddhist scriptures, even if the Buddha is in charge, he does not dare to say how much ahead.

But it is such a being, and now it is shouted out to die!

Who is it that has such a great courage?!

Suddenly, tens of thousands of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas at the Great Lei Yin Temple, as well as countless senior monks who had sneaked into the temple, struck the divine thoughts on the six figures in front of the central Buddhist hall.

But just as those countless Dao Divine Thoughts were observing, Shen Nongshi was a cold hum: “A group of little monks, An dares to spy on me and wait!” ”

As the sound fell, the Shennong Clan Divine Thoughts scattered, and the powerful Divine Thoughts of the Sub-Saint Level directly crushed all those Divine Thoughts that had spied on them in a crushing posture.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of Buddhas and countless cultivators in the entire Great Lei Yin Monastery turned pale at the same time.

Those who were slightly worse in cultivation were even more directly spitting out blood, and they were already seriously injured!

And this also made the people of the Great Thunder Yin Temple even more horrified in their hearts, and it had reached the point of being irrepressible!

Just by virtue of divine thoughts, they can single-handedly crush all of them, what level of powerful existence does this be?

Before the association of these people let Maitreya Buddha roll out, the hearts of everyone in the Great Lei Yin Temple were sinking.

And just when many Buddhas and monks in the Great Lei Yin Temple were trembling in their hearts, the central Buddhist hall finally sounded a voice that made them feel at ease.


Just four words, but with magical magic, instantly enveloped the entire Great Thunder Yin Temple.

And those Buddha monks who were originally injured in their divine consciousness only felt like a spring breeze at this moment, and their damaged divine consciousness quickly recovered as before!

“It’s the Buddha!”

“With the Buddha’s hand, everyone doesn’t have to worry!”

“This is the Great Lei Yin Temple, and if anyone breaks in, he will certainly not be able to please him!”


Voices resounded in different stupa halls.

For the Buddha, all the senior monks of the Buddha, there is a high level of trust.

Not to mention that Buddhism was found in the hands of the Buddha of Rulai, it is said that the monkey that turned over the heavenly court and no one could collect it was not suppressed by the Buddha of Rulai for five hundred years?

Although he had sealed a fighting victory over the Buddha, he was grounded in the Great Lei Yin Temple and could not go out at all.

This strength is simply rare in the world!

With this self-confidence, a large number of Buddha monks walked out of the stupa where they lived and looked toward the center of the Great Lei Yin Temple.

However, this look suddenly made the faces of many Buddha monks appear a touch of horror!

“Terran sub-sage!”

“And five of them came at the same time!”

“Is the Terran Sage going to war with my Buddhism!??”

The previous exploration of the divine mind was blocked, so these Buddha monks were not able to discover the identity of the Fu Ren clan and others.

Now after I recognize it, the shock in my heart is incomparable!

At this moment, the Buddha Rulai, who was sitting at the head of the huge Buddha Hall, looked at the entrance of the Great Hall, and his face was also very ugly.

“Fuxi, Xuanyuan! What do you guys want to do!!? “_

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