After listening to Ronan’s description, several women were very reluctant to this beautiful valley, but they were all able to accept it.

After doing the work of several women, Luo Nan went to explain to Chang’e.

Chang’e’s identity is very different from that of several other women, and although her performance with Luo Nan is not strange, she is not as close as the other women.

When Luo Nan and several others were sleeping together, only Chang’e and Alyssa lived alone.

After coming to Chang’e’s boudoir, Luo Nan told Chang’e about the current situation.

I thought Chang’e would nod her head in agreement, but Chang’e’s reaction was unexpected by Luo Nan.

“I want to stay here and get used to it.” Chang’e said as she bit down lightly.

Luo Nan frowned, “But I and the Fu Ren Clan will soon leave, and we will certainly not be able to return in a short time, I have made many enemies over the years, and you are not safe here.” ”

Chang’e shook her head, “Where in the world is there really safe?” ”

Speaking of this, between Chang’e’s looks, a hint of hesitation suddenly flashed.

Luo Nan saw his eyebrows raise and asked, “Is there something difficult to say?” ”

“You said before that Houyi disappeared in the nine planes of the World Tree.”

Chang’e bit down on the chun, as if she had made up her mind: “If you can see him here, please help me pass on a word to him.” ”


“I stole his magic medicine in exchange for thousands of years of loneliness, but I blamed myself, and he didn’t have to blame himself.” If I could, I would have nothing to do with him again! ”

After saying this, Chang’e stopped.

But in her mind, there was still a word that had not been said.

That is to say, after Houyi cut off the relationship, without the shackles of that name, she is a free woman, like Wu Mengyu, like Song Yuyan, or like the goddess of the moon who has wrong eyes…

It’s just that these words, Chang’e, who has always been thin-skinned, are embarrassed to say them in front of Luonan.

Luo Nan was silent for a moment: “Wouldn’t it be better to say these words yourself?” ”

Chang’e shook her head: “Since we didn’t see each other before, why should we see each other now?” Anyway…… I have long forgotten what he looked like. ”

In Chang’e’s memory, she seemed to have only seen Hou Yi from a distance when she was young.

And that short memory has long been blurred in the mind with the passage of time.

Luo Nan stared at the solution in front of him, and his heart was also secretly painful.

In the endless years, the two words of Houyi were like shackles on the daizi, which pressed her breathlessly.

This is not Houyi’s fault, but only a misunderstanding that has lasted for millions of years without being solved.

“If I can meet him, I will certainly convey your words to him.”

Lonan said, Shin. Pointing out his fingers, he brushed the hair in front of Chang’e’s forehead before slowly saying, “However, whether you meet Houyi or not, when I come back, I will send you a brand new wedding.” ”

Chang’e heard the words, and above the beautiful face, an unconcealed shock suddenly appeared.

Luo Nan, on the other hand, smiled in Chang’e’s shocked eyes: “Really when I am a fool, I can’t understand your thoughts?” ”

Chang’e’s face suddenly turned red, and she was embarrassed under Luo Nan’s gaze, and even her voice trembled. Shake it up.

“You… Don’t be sentimental, I won’t marry you!” ”

Luo Nan zui brushed a glance, so he made a mocking look: “Who is self-made and sentimental, I only said to give you a brand new wedding, and did not say that the groom official is me, in fact, I am ready to go to Beiju Luzhou to catch a strong little goblin for you!” ”

“Lonan, you’re such an asshole!!” Chang’e couldn’t help but jump to her feet when she heard this, pointing at Luo Nan and scolding.

Luo Nan smiled, reached out and rubbed his hand on Chang’e’s head, and then said, “Then stay in the Imperial Tomb Dojo, get the wedding dress ready, and wait for me to come back and marry you!” ”

Lonan said nothing, and then he just flashed away.

Only Chang’e was left sitting alone in the room, her eyes deep, flashing a long-lost happy smile.


Three days later, on the edge of Dongsheng Shenzhou, Luo Nan stood with his hands in his hands, looking down on the continent below!

After arranging everything, he should also go to Asgard in the nine planes of the World Tree to lobby Odin, the god king of the Asa God Clan.

“The World Tree… I don’t know what surprises it can bring me…”

Lonan muttered a low word, and then prepared to fly towards the space node leading to the nine planes of the World Tree.

But at this moment, a familiar figure suddenly came to the front of Luo Nan.

“The Flintlock Clan?”

Luo Nan was slightly stunned when he saw this, and just when he was doubting, four more figures appeared beside him one by one.

“Fuxi clan, Shennong clan, Youchao clan, Xuanyuan clan!”

Seeing the five human saints descend to his side at the same time, Luo Nan’s doubts were even greater.

If there was only one of the Fu Ren Clan, Luo Nan could still understand, but at this critical juncture of racing against the clock, five sub-saints appeared at the same time, which made Luo Nan very confused: “What are you?” ”

“We’re here to see you off!”

The Flintlock patted Luo Nan’s shoulder, and his eyes were kind, as if the elderly elders were watching the most up-and-coming star in the family.

“Time is running out, let’s go!” Shen Nong urged from the side.

The other four Yasheng nodded at the same time, and then they took Lonan and flew to the west.

Luo Nan was stunned when he saw this, and asked the five Yasheng around him, “Where are we going?” ”

Fu Xishi held out his hand and pointed directly to the west: “To the west! ”

Ronan rolled his eyes without a trace, thinking to himself, of course he knew that it was the west, and then asked, “Where is it to the west?” ”

Yu Chao whispered in a deep voice, “Let’s go to the Great Thunder Yin Temple of Naling Mountain and walk together!” ”

A trace of surprise flashed in Luo Nan’s eyes: “Don’t you want me to go to Asgard, why do you want to run to the Great Thunder Temple?” ”

Xuanyuan’s breath was fierce, like a sharp sword straight into the clouds: “Before that, the five of us will go out for you, go to the Great Lei Yin Temple to find the Maitreya Little Buddha, and repay the vengeance of the endless chaos and void that day!” “_

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