The echo of many Terran strongmen swept through the entire hall like a mountain roaring tsunami.

The voices of many powerful people gathered, and the momentum soared straight into the sky, making the burning sky more of a sharp meaning!

When the Fu Ren Clan saw this scene, the zui corner also appeared with a smile of satisfaction, and then reached down and signaled everyone to be quiet.

After the hall was silent again, the Fujin Clan continued, “Of course, if there is war, there will be death. But please believe that you will not die in vain, and your blood will not flow in vain! ”

“When my Terran saints are born, all the celestial immortals, true immortals, and golden immortals who died in the Olympus world will be directly resurrected by the saints who reverse the Heavenly Dao!”

“And all the Great Luo Golden Immortals will also be reincarnated by the remnants of the saints.”

“At that time, I and the rest of the most holy ones will be your protectors!”

“This is my promise to you from Fuxi, Shennong, Xuanyuan, and Youchao!!”

As the voice of the Flintstones fell, the entire hall boiled again!

If before, these human strongmen still had some scruples in their hearts.

The only slight scruples that were now there had been dispelled by the words of the Flintlock Clan!

Under the Great Luo Golden Immortal, he died in battle in the Olympus world, and as long as a certain Yasheng ascended to the throne, he could directly reverse the Heavenly Dao and resurrect him.

And the Great Luo Golden Immortal will also be gathered by the saint Yasheng to gather the remnants of the soul, give the opportunity to reincarnate, and the saint and the saint himself will serve as the guardians!

You know, reincarnation is an extremely advantageous thing.

Coupled with the fact that Ya Sheng himself acted as a protector, the chances of breaking through the Great Luo Realm in the future and entering the Quasi-Saint Realm would be much greater!

“So, what else am I afraid of?”

“Kill the Olympus world, let the gods outside the world, see and see how powerful I am and so on!”

“For the sake of the Terran race!”

“For the sake of the Terran race!”


After an exciting oath-taking ceremony, those Terran strongmen were temporarily arranged by the Fu Ren to temporarily stay in the Fu Huang Dojo.

After that, in that great hall, only Luo Nan and the Fu Ren Clan were left.

Fumihito Shin. He released a futon and signaled to Luo Nan, before introducing himself to Luo Nan: “In the past few years, the Terrans have given birth to many amazing and brilliant people, but many of them have been robbed by the Second Sect. For example, that Yousheng Zhenjun, and that Yang Jian, are all excellent qualifications, but unfortunately.”

Luo Nan frowned when he heard this, “Yousheng Zhenjun and Erlang Shen, these people have already left the human race?” ”

“Yes and no.”

The Fu Ren Clan first nodded, then shook his head: “Although these people who have been tempered by the Buddha-Dao Second Sect will not help our Terran race, they will never be enemies of the Terran race, which is also the reason why the Buddha-Dao Second Sect is jealous of the Terran race, and once they start a war with our Terran race, their strength will shrink a lot.” ”

“Moreover, although some good seedlings have been robbed, there are also a lot of them left behind by my human race, and what you have seen is only a small part of them, and Xuanyuan’s men are really capable of coming out of the world, and you will definitely have a chance to see them in the future.”

Ronan nodded, secretly taking this to heart, before asking the Flintstones, “So now we are going to the Olympus World?” ”

“No, it’s not us!” Fu Ren shook his head and whispered.

Luo Nan’s face flashed a trace of surprise: “The Emperor of the Flints is not going?” ”

“I’m going to leave right away and go with the Terrans to the Olympus world.”

The Fu Ren Clan said, looking into the distance, as if through the top curtain of the Great Hall, he saw the distant endless chaotic void!

Ronan was puzzled: “So what do you mean when you say ‘not us’?” ”

“Because I have other arrangements for you.” The Flintlock withdrew his gaze and stared at Ronan.

Luo Nan was slightly stunned, and then waited for the detailed explanation of the Fu Ren Clan.

The Flintlock Clan lowered his voice and said, “We received news not long ago, led by the dark god Erepos and the god of love, Eros, combined with the god of the underworld Osiris and the god of the Celestial Nute, did not directly engage Gaia, but sent people to infiltrate the World Tree and join forces with the Frost Giants to put pressure on the Golden Palace, in a vain attempt to pull the Asa God Clan into their camp!” ”

When the Fu Ren Clan said this, his brow couldn’t help but frown, “The entire Nine Great Planes of the World Tree are shrouded in fog, and it is difficult to spy on them, and it is difficult to infer the strength of the Asa Divine Clan that has dominated the Nine Great Planes of the World Tree for many years.” ”

“But what is certain is that being able to make Osiris and Nute temporarily change their plans, the Asa Divine Clan is absolutely powerful, and it is likely to affect the outcome of the entire war!”

“So we also need to send an emissary to Asgard to meet Odin, and if we can’t win him over, we must not let it fall to the side of Olysses and Nute!”

“This is bound to be full of dangers, nine deaths, if you are willing to go to nature, it is best, if you are not willing to … Then go with me to the Olympus world, and I will find another candidate! ”

At this point, the Flintlock Clan stopped and quietly waited for Ronan’s answer.

In response to the Furyūnō clan, it was the confident smile on Lonan’s face.

“Although this life is a life of nine deaths, fortunately, I am the person who is least afraid of death, the nine planes of the world tree… I want to go for a walk, this is a chance! I should do this! ”


After walking out of the Fulindian Dojo, Luo Nan did not stay much and directly reflexively returned to the valley where he lived.

Looking at this valley that had lived for several months, Luo Nan was also quite reluctant in his heart.

“I’m afraid that Yu Yan and Sister Mengyu will be even more reluctant to be here, but now that Emperor Fu and I are about to leave, it is really safe to leave them here, and God knows if those big-eared monks will do anything immoral again.”

With a murmur in his heart, Ronan went directly back to his quarters, and then told the women about the general situation today.

For the safety of the women, Ronan can only take the women with him.

This also means that the girls are likely to spend the next period of time in the Seven Treasures Tower! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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