The hundred-armed giant on the left side of Luonan was obviously carrying the idea of persimmon picking soft pinches first, and when the other hundred-armed giant was fighting with Ares, he chose Luonan as soon as he was fighting.

After all, what had happened outside Mount Olympus before, the hundred-armed giant did not know.

In his opinion, Luo Nan’s current cultivation realm was just going through three baptisms, and it was simply not enough to see!

“No matter who you are, daring to trespass inside Mount Olympus is a capital offense, and even the god of the mountain cannot protect you!”

The hundred-armed giant roared in anger, and a blinding light erupted above the hundred arms, directly towards Luonan!

At this moment, the Spear of the Dark God in Luo Nan’s hand was finally condensed, and a cold Nether Qi suddenly appeared around it, as well as the shadow of hell outside the realm!

This sudden scene made the two hundred-armed giants stunned, somewhat unclear.

But after seeing this scene, Ares’s face changed drastically, and his face instantly turned pale!

He clearly remembered that his uncle Poseidon was directly penetrated by this black spear and then fell directly!

At this moment, seeing the shadows of hell around him, where could Ares not be frightened?

At the moment, he also couldn’t continue to fight with the hundred-armed giant on the right side, but directly flashed to the side, afraid of being affected by Luo Nan’s blow.

Ares knew very well in his heart that even if he was only affected by the dark spear, he was afraid that he would be seriously injured.

Ares’s face changed drastically, which also made the two hundred-armed giants stunned at the same time.

However, although the hundred-armed giant is strong, his IQ is not superb, even much lower than that of ordinary people, otherwise he would not have been tempted by Zeus’s rhetoric to join the camp of the Olympian gods.

At this moment, if the hundred-armed giant is intelligent enough, he will surely find out that something is wrong through Ares’s reaction.

However, the two hundred-armed giants did not but did not notice this, but instead waved a large number of arms and smashed straight towards Luonan.

“Find Death!”

Luo Nan let out a cold snort in his mouth, and the Spear of Hades in his hand was thrown directly out.

The spear of the Dark God, which was wrapped in the black Yellow Spring’s nether aura, instantly turned into a black streamer of light after it broke away from Luo Nan’s palm, and the speed was incredibly fast!

And the shadows of hell around them were also in the blink of an eye, as if they were being pulled, towards the spear of the underworld.

And with the convergence of this hell shadow, the power of the Spear of the Dark God also became more and more intense.

The distance between Luo Nan and the two hundred-armed giants was not far away, and it could even be said that it was close at hand.

This short distance, under the super speed of the Spear of the Hades, was even more tiny!

Almost instantaneously, the dark spear had already met the hundred-armed giant on the left!

And the hundred-armed giant has an amazing defensive power on the earth yellow. At this moment, it was like tofu slag, shattering when touched, and it could not stop the Spear of Hades for a moment.


With a cracking sound of flesh and blood, the dark spear of Hades directly pierced through the body of the hundred-armed giant, and cut a huge blood hole in it!

However, the Yellow Spring Breath attached to the Spear of the Dark God was attached to the blood hole, constantly devouring the life force of the hundred-armed giant.

This made the life breath of this hundred-armed giant weaken at an extremely fast speed, as if it had been swallowed up by an invisible giant beast.

Moreover, after piercing through a hundred-armed giant, the inky black Hades spear did not stop, let alone dissipate, but turned its own direction in the air and attacked another hundred-armed giant.

The hundred-armed giant still felt wrong at the moment, but it was too late.

The hundred-armed giant is strong and strong, but the speed is very average.

In the face of this Pillar of the Underworld, which was countless times faster than lightning, there was no possibility of dodging at all!


The remaining hundred-armed giant let out a roar in his mouth, and a hundred arms clenched their fists at the same time, and slammed into the direction of the Spear of Hades.

Looking at its posture, it seems that it wants to break all things with force and directly crush the spear of the god of the underworld!

But alas, his idea is destined to be only a joke!

The Spear of the Dark God was a terrible divine power that even Poseidon, who was a Ninth Order Great Luo and blessed by the Sea Emperor Divine Throne, could not resist.

In the final analysis, this was only a hundred-armed giant of the Seventh Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, even if he was strong and strong, there was absolutely no possibility of resistance!


A muffled sound suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterward, the hundred arms of the hundred-armed giant crumbled and discarded into pieces of rubble, which were directly exploded.

The breaking of the hundred arms caused the hundred-armed giant to let out a scream in his mouth.

But this scream soon came to an abrupt end along with the piercing belly of the spear of the god of the underworld!

The hundred-armed giant, like a chicken with its neck choked, could no longer make any sound.

The cold Yellow Spring’s netherworld breath followed the wound in front of his abdomen and invaded all parts of his body.

Not only was he frantically devouring his life force, but it also made this hundred-armed giant feel paralyzed all over his body, and he no longer had the ability to move!

And at this moment, Luo Nan’s five fingers were buckled one after another!

Immediately afterward, a huge palm with the breath of the ancient wilderness came from outside the sky and descended on Mount Olympus across the vast and endless distance, directly slapping on the bodies of the two hundred-armed giants!


Suddenly, the earth trembled!

The two hundred-armed giants who had already been severely damaged by the Spear of the Dark God could still stop this great desolate prisoner Heavenly Palm descending from heaven at this moment!

With a loud noise, the bodies of the two hundred-armed giants directly disintegrated, turning into ashes in this earth-shattering slap!

One slap, kill!

“Ding, kill the hundred-armed giant, gain experience has been written!”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v230!”

“Ding, congratulations on your promotion to 1v231!”

In the moment when the two hundred-armed giants were killed by Luonan, the extremely familiar ethereal voice also sounded in Luonan’s ears at the same time……_

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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