Kill the two hundred-armed giants and directly increase Lonan’s level by two levels, reaching 1v131!

With the increase of the level, Luo Nan’s cultivation realm also officially climbed to the level of the sixth order Golden Immortal!

After reaching the level of the Sixth Order Golden Immortal, a golden flower bloomed above Luo Nan’s head again.

The three flowers and five qi needed to advance to the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, at this moment, Luo Nan already possessed two flowers and three qi, and the accumulation was mostly complete!

With the bloom of the second golden flower, Luo Nan could clearly feel that the fog between himself and the Heavenly Dao, and even the Great Avenue, had been dispelled a lot.

This allowed him to more clearly spy on the Heavenly Dao and the Dao, which was of great benefit to cultivating divine powers!

In addition, the Immortal Force that could be contained in his body was also further increased, much stronger than before!

“This time I can directly improve two levels, also because I have already reached the peak of 1v229 before, so if I really want to say it, it is only a little more than one level.”

Luo Nan secretly said in his heart, after all, Poseidon, who was a Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, only allowed him to ascend to the fourth level.

Two hundred-armed giants equivalent to the Seventh Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, there was no reason for him to rise as many as two levels.

You know, every level of promotion requires a lot more experience than before.

After fixing his mind and stabilizing the cultivation realm he had just ascended a little, Luo Nan’s gaze shifted to Ares on the other side.

At this moment, Ares’s face was full of shock.

Even if it wasn’t the first time he saw Lonan shoot, the last time he was in a semi-coma and couldn’t clearly see the specifics.

At this moment, witnessing Ronan’s hand, Ares’s heart was also difficult to hide the shock, and his eyes were full of shock.

Those two hundred-armed giants were all genuine seventh-order Great Luo Golden Immortals.

And because of the blood of a saint, the physical strength is far beyond that of ordinary creatures.

Therefore, its true combat effectiveness was already close to that of the Eighth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Even Ares, who was victorious at Mount Olympus, wanted to defeat a hundred-armed giant, and it would take a lot of effort to do so.

As for one against two, it is basically impossible.

But it was such a powerful two-hundred-armed giant, joined forces, and was actually killed by Ronan between two breaths.

This, let Ares’s fear of Lonan in his heart, deepen a few points.

Ares knew very well in his heart that with the terrible combat power shown by Ronan, if he wanted to kill him, he would probably not need two breaths.

Therefore, at this moment, seeing Luo Nan’s gaze, there was no other thought, and he quickly flashed to Luo Nan’s body and bent down very aggressively.

“After solving these two hundred-armed giants, the gate inside Mount Olympus has been opened to us, and as long as we enter through this passage, we can officially set foot inside Mount Olympus, and the quiet court where the goddess of the moon is held, is there!”

Knowing that Lonan and Artemis were very rich, Ares did not dare to call by name at this moment, but very respectfully used the title of ‘Goddess of the Moon’.

Lornan did not care about Ares’s caution, and after nodding slightly, he signaled Ares to lead the way ahead and move towards the interior of Mount Olympus!

Behind those two hundred-armed giants was a deep passage.

In the four directions of the passage up and down, left and right, there are various prohibitions, and just from the breath that is faintly emitted from it, you can guess that this prohibition is very powerful.

“These prohibitions were originally controlled by those two hundred-armed giants, and after those two fools were killed by you, these prohibitions would not be actively activated.”

Ares explained to Lonan as he walked.

At the speed of two people, they quickly passed through this long passage.

Immediately after, the eyes suddenly opened up!

Ronan fixed his eyes on it and found that in the belly of Mount Olympus, there was a whole new world.

The world looks brilliant and colorful, as if it were created by the most artistic gods, and it looks like a colorful oil painting, which is very beautiful.

However, Luo Nan was not in the mood to appreciate this beauty at the moment, and his gaze was already focused on the center of this colorful world.

There, he felt a familiar breath!

“That’s Jingting?” Lonan asked.

Ares nodded hurriedly, “Yes, the Jing Court is directly below the Pantheon, protected by the Pantheon, and has created an isolation barrier, which can only be opened by the Father God in normal times, but it is said that if the strength exceeds five baptisms, it can also be forcibly broken from the outside!” ”

Luo Nan heard the words and bowed his head slightly, and then his heart moved, and the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda emerged directly from the Immortal Infant Yuan God.

Seeing this Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, Ares on Luo Nan’s side couldn’t help but be stunned, and then his face changed.

Ronan’s indifferent gaze swept over Ares, and there was no trace of emotion in his voice: “Either die or go in, you choose!” ”

Ares was pale and his eyes were full of hesitation.

He didn’t want to die, but he also didn’t want to be imprisoned in this little tower and lose his freedom.

The dilemma makes it difficult for Ares to make a decision!

However, Lonan did not spend time here with Ares, and seeing that Ares hesitated, Ronan snorted coldly: “It seems that you want me to make a decision for you!” ”

As he spoke, a flash of black light flashed in the palm of Ronan’s hand, and the shadow of a black spear suddenly appeared.

Feeling the familiar breath, Ares’s body trembled involuntarily, and an unconcealed look of horror appeared in his eyes!

The black glow in the palm of Ronan’s hand could not be more familiar to Ares!

He had seen Poseidon being penetrated by this black spear, and he had also seen the hundred-armed giant penetrated by this black spear!

Whether it is Poseidon or the Hundred-Armed Giant, the final outcome is no different, that is, death!

The fear of death soon overwhelmed the desire for freedom.

At the moment, he no longer hesitated, and quickly gave up his resistance, and was included in the tower, becoming the second Great Luo Golden Immortal who was suppressed in the pagoda! _

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