In the middle of Mount Olympus, two figures pass through it one after the other, it is Lonan and Ares.

Inside Mount Olympus, because of the expansion of various spatial techniques, it is far more massive than the outside world seems.

If nothing else, the tens of thousands of Olympus gods who had previously besieged Lonan lived on Mount Olympus on weekdays.

And as a deity, even the lowest deity, a deity who has only undergone one baptism, the place of residence is quite huge.

Therefore, just the place where these large numbers of gods live already occupies a huge amount of space!

Lornan and Ares made their way through the temples.

But at this moment, most of these temples have been emptied.

And the owners of these temples are also the gods who were previously refined by Luonan!

“The quiet court is in the belly of Olympus, so it is impossible to leap directly from the outer sky, only from the inside.”

Ariz explained to Lonan as he led the way.

In order to save his name, today’s Ares can be said to know everything, and without even needing Lonan to ask, he explained everything that should be explained, attentively.

Under Ares’s leadership, Ronan soon penetrated deep into Mount Olympus.

After passing through a large area of the gods, the two came to a checkpoint.

And this level is the only way to the outskirts of Mount Olympus!

At this moment, above this level, there are two huge giants standing here.

These two giants are about 100 meters tall, each has a hundred arms, the whole body is blue-purple, and the muscles are as strong as rocks. Hard and full of power!

When Ronan saw the two giants, a conjecture appeared in his mind.

And in order to verify his conjecture, Luo Nan’s eyes also directly flashed with probing techniques!

Name: Hundred-Armed Giant

Level: 1v289 (7th Order Great Luo Jinxian)

Identity: Son of the first god king Uranos and the mother earth god Gaia, the gatekeeper of Mount Olympus!

After seeing the identities of these two hundred-armed giants, the speculation in Luonan’s heart was also verified.

In Greek mythology, the first god king, Uranos, was himself created by Gaia.

After that, Gaia and Uranos joined forces and gave birth to the Twelve Titans, as well as a large number of hundred-armed giants, Cyclops.

And these hundred-armed giants and Cyclops are imprisoned in the underworld.

Later, during the Battle of the Titans, Zeus rebelled against the and joined the Olympian Clan, overthrowing the rule of the Titans.

So, these two hundred-armed giants, Si is here to guard the goal, and it is not difficult to understand.

When the two hundred-armed giants saw Lonan and Ares appear, their eyes widened and they pressed forward.

The giant on the right side of it spoke directly, and his voice sounded like a hum: “Ares, who is this guy you brought?” ”

“I smelled the Titan in his body, who was…”

The hundred-armed giant on the left danced a hundred arms, as if counting according to memory: “By the way, that guy, Iapetos, why do you have his breath on you!??” ”

In the face of the persecution of these two hundred-armed giants, Luo Nan’s brow couldn’t help but frown, he didn’t expect that the nose of this hundred-armed giant would be so sensitive.

Through his breath, he was able to learn that he had met Iapetos before.

However, Ronan did not have the mood to explain to the two hundred-armed giants.

Ares saw that Ronan’s brow frowned slightly, and his heart tightened at the moment, and he hurriedly scolded the two hundred-armed giants: “This is my guest, why do you ask so much?” Hurry up and make way for me! ”

“What about Zeus’s warrant?” Without Zeus’s warrant, don’t think about going into the belly! ”

“Especially with this guy of unknown origin, even if you are the son of Zeus, don’t want to go in without a warrant!”

The two hundred-armed giants looked at me and said in one word, and three points were gathered between the words, blocking the passage behind them tightly, obviously without the slightest idea of giving way.

This made Ariston feel that his dignity was trampled on.

He was hanged by Luonan and had to make a move to surrender to the enemy, which was already very humiliating.

At this moment, I still have to suffer from the two difficulties of looking at the gate, and the long-accumulated anger in my heart can no longer be suppressed and directly explode!

“You two guys, you’re looking for death!”

After a furious scolding, Ares directly raised the golden spear in his hand and stabbed at the two hundred-armed giants!

When Ares confronted Lonan, he showed little ability to resist.

But that’s not because Ares is weak, it’s just because Lonan is too strong!

No matter how Ares is said, he is also one of the twelve main gods of the entire Olympus Mountain, and he has the title of God of War!

At this moment, the golden spear pierced out, and the sharp breath on it directly made the two hundred-armed giants as strong as stones. Hard body, cracks in the road!

However, as the bloodline heir of the Mother Earth God Gaia and the first generation of God King Uranos, this hundred-armed giant was extremely strong.

Only to see the two hundred-armed giants at their feet, they absorbed a lot of divine power from the earth, not only repairing the cracks on their bodies, but also producing a layer of misty yellow light around the huge body.


With a crackling sound, Ares’s golden spear finally stabbed into the body of the hundred-armed giant.

But the misty yellow light that covered the body of the hundred-armed giant, although it seemed thin, the protective force was quite amazing, and it even blocked Ares’s spear directly.

“Ares, with you, do you want to defeat the two of us too?”

The hundred-meter giant on the right let out a taunt in his mouth, and then directly raised a hundred fists and smashed them into Ares from different directions.

On the one dozen one, they are slightly lower in rank, naturally they are not the opponents of Ares.

But to fight two and one, Ares has absolutely no hope of winning!

At the same time that the hundred-armed giant on the right side smashed into Ares, the hundred-armed giant on the left side also aimed at the tower of Luonan, ready to trample this tiny ‘bug’ to death first!

At the same time, Luo Nan let out a cold hum in his mouth, and as soon as he shook his palm, a black spear covering the Nether Breath of Huangquan appeared directly in his hand!

This spear can kill the sea emperor Poseidon, not to mention the two hundred-armed giants?!! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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