Hearing Lonan’s words, Ares’s eyes lit up first, then quickly dimmed.

Ronan frowned as he saw this, and the palm of his hand that was squeezing Ares’s throat was also tight for three minutes: “What? Don’t want to! ”

Ares felt the terrible force above Ronan’s palm, and was immediately shocked, shaking his head in response.

“No! No! How could I not want to! It’s just…”

“Just what?” Lonan asked.

Ares struggled to lift his heavy fingers and pointed to the Pantheon at the top of Olympus before explaining to Lonan.

“Artemis was imprisoned by the Father in the quiet court in the center of Mount Olympus, and although I know the location of the quiet court, it is extremely difficult to open it! Only because the Quiet Court and the Pantheon are closely connected, only those who can open the Pantheon can open the Quiet Garden! ”

When Ronan heard this, his eyes also drifted to the Pantheon standing at the top of Mount Olympus, and after a few seconds of staring, he opened his mouth indifferently: “Who can open the Pantheon?” ”

“At present, in the whole of Mount Olympus, there is only one God the Father!”

Ares’s face was full of helplessness, and the expression on his face seemed to tell Lornan, not that I don’t want to help you, it’s really powerless!

And Ares’s answer also made Ronan’s brow frown slightly.

Soon, however, Ronan remembered that when he had been taken away from here by the Flintstones, the Flintstones had opened a passage to the Quiet Court and made him and Artemis say a final goodbye.

Thinking of this at this moment, Ronan also asked, “Except for Zeus, there is no way to open the quiet court?” ”

“Also… And one more, but it’s hard…”

Ares murmured that after seeing Ronan’s questioning gaze, he didn’t dare to hide the slightest thing, and directly said everything he knew, like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

“It is said that as long as you have experienced five baptisms, the powerful force can bypass the restrictions of the Pantheon and directly break through the barrier of the Jing Garden.”

“Five baptisms?”

Lonan whispered softly in his mouth.

For the level of the gods of the entire Olympus world, Lonan originally did not know much, but after spending a few days with Alisha, he also learned a lot from Alyssa, a native player.

In the entire Olympus world, the cultivation level was not the same as in the Pangu world, which had the distinction of heavenly immortals, true immortals, and golden immortals, but was based on several baptisms.

Those who had experienced a baptism, their combat strength was roughly equivalent to that of ordinary immortals in the Pangu World.

Two baptisms correspond to true immortals, and three times baptism corresponds to golden immortals.

And so on, the five baptisms are also to break through the Great Luo Golden Immortal and step into the world!

“So, as long as the combat strength is on time, it is possible to forcibly break through the barrier outside the quiet court and rescue Artemis?!”

Thinking of this, Ronan’s eyes lit up, and he immediately grabbed Ares’s collar and shouted at Ares, “Take me outside the quiet court immediately!” ”

When Ares heard this, he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of shock in his heart.

He had already said the request to break through the barrier of the Jing Ting, but this guy still had to go to the Jing Ting, did he say… This guy’s combat power was already comparable to the powerful existence of five baptisms?!!

Thinking of this, Ares couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of spit, and his heart was terrified.

In this case, Ares did not dare to say half a ‘no’ word, and honestly gave Ronan directions.

Of course, when he left here with Ares, Ronan did not forget Hephaestus, the fire god who had passed out in the past.

After the long-silent Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda flew out of the body, the base directly released the seven-colored light, which gathered the unconscious Hehuaistos into it and suppressed it on the top floor.

And Hehuaistos also became the first Great Luo Golden Immortal suppressed in the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda of Luonan!

After suppressing Hephaestus, Ronan’s gaze shifted to the Heaven and Earth Oven.

Between his and Ares’s words, those Olympian gods who had been struggling to support in the oven of heaven and earth were finally completely refined by the yin and yang qi and turned into the purest heaven and earth energy!

These heaven and earth energies fill the oven, are unimaginably viscous, and are a huge tonic for anyone!

Especially for players who practice martial arts, it is simply a paradise without a doubt!

Of course, this also has great benefits for Ronan!

After all, in the state of Luonan opening the Super Race Two, the rate of loss of immortal strength and physical strength was simply exaggerated to an alarm.

And once the power is exhausted, in addition to slowly recovering, there is only one way to kill yourself.

But in the ongoing battle, neither approach is very convenient.

And if there is a pure energy supplement in this heaven and earth oven, Luo Nan’s continuous combat ability will increase a lot.

According to Luo Nan’s estimation, the remaining energy in the Heaven and Earth Oven now was even enough for him to recover dozens of times!

However, this heaven and earth oven is not free to carry.


Luo Nan reached out to the oven a little, and in a flash, the Heaven and Earth Oven suddenly opened the compression directly, during which the Heaven and Earth energy surged and converged, and soon dozens of white balls were formed.

Each white bead contains a large amount of pure heaven and earth power, which is a rare tonic in the world!

After putting away the dozens of white orbs, Ronan waved away the Heaven and Earth Oven, and under the leadership of Ares, headed towards the quiet court where Artemis was imprisoned!


At the same time, in the Pantheon, the first god king Zeus, looked very cold!

“Ares, a traitor, is not worthy to be my son at all!”

When Zeus was angry, the entire dome above the Pantheon thundered with lightning, and Rao was a being of Hades’s level, and he couldn’t help but shake his heart.

Although it is also equivalent to the Ninth Order of the Great Luo, it is not unreasonable that Zeus can claim to be the king of the gods and rule over Mount Olympus!

“God King, you have already seen the strength of the intruder, what should we do next?” Hades settled his mind and asked.

Zeus snorted coldly, “He wanted to bypass the Pantheon to rescue that slut, it was a pipe dream!” Am I going to let him do what he wants?!! “_

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