Seeing this sudden appearance of the angel, Ronan and the Great Tengu were stunned.

Just because of the way the other party appears, it is really too scary!

One shot, easily destroy a world!

What level of existence can do this?

And as Luo Nan, who knew the angels quite well, after seeing the seventy-two golden wings behind the huge angel in front of him, he couldn’t help but swallow his spit!

Angels are different from other creatures in that their combat power is very easy to judge.

Because the strength of angels comes entirely from the wings behind them, the number of wings behind them determines the combat strength of angels.

For example, the twenty-four-winged angel of wisdom is a being with the combat power of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, such as Raphael and Gabriel.

And the thirty-six-winged blazing angel has quasi-saint-level combat strength, such as Michael who led the expedition to Warnerheim!

However, whether it is a wise angel or a fiery angel, or even a lower level of seat angels, energy angels, power angels, etc., all of them are white wings without exception.

However, the angels that appeared in front of Luo Nan and the Great Tengu at this moment had distinctive golden wings, and they were seventy-two, which was twice as many as the blazing angels of the Quasi-Saint Realm!

“Definitely a being beyond the quasi-saint level!”

“However, this is the Heavenly Imperial World, not the Jehovah’s World, no matter what realm the existence comes, at most it is the sub-saint level!”

Luo Nan murmured in his mouth, and at the same time, he became more and more curious about the different angel in front of him.

Surprised in his heart, the probing technique in Luo Nan’s eyes also flashed directly.

Name: Medanzo


Identity: One of the three archangels of heaven, the little Jehovah, who is responsible for guarding the throne!

Seeing the specific information of the golden-winged angel in front of him, Luo Nan couldn’t help but smirk darkly.

One of the three archangels!

Little Jehovah!

Responsible for guarding the throne!

These three identities, no matter which of them, are enough to shock people for a long time.

Especially the little Jehovah in it is even more stunning.

Who is the Lord, that is equivalent to the creation of Pangu, and isn’t this little Jehovah the same as Pangu?

And while Ronan was thinking about that, Namay. He was also looking at Lonan.

There was a strange glint in Medanzo’s eyes, as if he was disintegrating his body.

After a few breaths, Medanzo muttered, “No wonder the Lord and the Son are obsessed with you, and even sent me out just to bring you back to heaven, and now it seems that there are indeed many strange things in you!” ”

Medanzo’s words came out, and Lonan’s eyes also flashed with clarity.

The other party really came for him!

Getting this guess, Ronan’s brow frowned.

Although he had previously killed the quasi-saintly war knight, the Medanzo in front of him was obviously much stronger than the quasi-saint, at least a being equivalent to a sub-saint.

You know, apart from the inability to use the power of the world, there is basically no difference between the saints and the saints.

Ronan was able to kill the Quasi-Saint by crossing the level with the power of Chaos, but it was absolutely impossible to kill the Sub-Saint by crossing the level with the power of Chaos.

Because what Ya Sheng used was itself the power of chaos!

Luo Nan’s body could only contain five strands of chaotic power at most, but the chaotic power in the sub-saint’s body was like a deep sea, and it was unimaginable that it could be said that there was no possibility of comparison at all.

God and Jesus sent Medanzo out, showing that they are already determined to capture Lonan, and they are very eager to get the secret that Lonan can be resurrected by infinite death, and that it will be stronger after each resurrection!

As for the big tengu on the side, although the IQ is not high, the basic ability to judge the hour and size up the situation is still there.

After discovering that this suddenly powerful existence was not aimed at himself, he immediately fled away.

Previously, Medanzo destroyed the astral realm, and the technique of fishing for the moon in the well generated by the astral realm by Luonan was also directly dissipated.

At this moment, without the shackles of the Moon Fishing Technique in the well, the Great Tengu quickly escaped.

Luo Nan saw that his face was ugly, which was undoubtedly a duck that had been stuffed into zui and suddenly flew.

Originally, he could have relied on the experience gained from killing the Great Tengu to promote the Golden Immortal, and then open the Super Race II state.

But now, not only are all these plans empty talk, but there is still a meal of trouble waiting behind, and Ronan will naturally not be in a good mood.

“Are you going to tie your hands and grab it, or do you want me to do it?”

Medanzo didn’t care about Lonan’s ugly face and asked expressionlessly.

Luo Nan’s eyes narrowed, “It’s not my habit to fall without a fight.” ”

“So what’s your habit?” Medanzo slowly drew a holy light in front of him with his finger and asked.

Horn Lonanzui raised a dangerous arc: “My habit is that even if I die, I have to bite a piece of flesh from someone else’s body.” ”

“Sure enough, as Raphael reported, it was a mad dog.”

Medanzo seemed to be recounting something that had nothing to do with him.

At this moment, the holy light drawn in front of him had condensed into a golden scepter.

Medanzo took the golden scepter in his hand and tapped it at Ronan, “Then let me see how you can bite a piece of flesh off my body.” ”

At the same time as Medanzo’s voice fell, the power of chaos pulled the starry sky to distort, directly subverting time and space.

Ronan could only feel a huge vortex suddenly appear around him, although there was not much attraction coming from this whirlpool.

However, his body involuntarily fell into the golden vortex, as if the rules of space around him had been changed.

Inside that vortex, time and space are completely distorted, like a small chaotic void.

Once you sink into it, it’s almost impossible to get out of it again.

“This is definitely a space magic power that is far more terrifying than the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of your hand!”

Feeling the breath inside the whirlpool, Luo Nan suddenly had such a thought in his mind.

He had not experienced the world of Meru that was one level higher than the Buddha’s kingdom in his hand, but Luo Nan estimated that this golden vortex was not far from the world of Meru who received the Daoist! _

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