As soon as Luo Nan’s palm shook, there was an additional wave above the well surface.

The ripples of the waves sweep through the darkness, which will be scattered by the ink-like substance, and the existence that follows is also violent. Lu Ah word in Lonan’s vision.

It was a huge creature with wolf-like fingers and black hair.

Even if it is only half a face, it is already a hundred feet old!

“What is this?”

Under Luo Nan’s surprise, the probing technique in his eyes flashed directly!

Name: Big Tengu

Level: 1v287 (7th Order Great Luo Jinxian)

Identity: Tengu family, the source can not be explored, exists in many large worlds, loves to swallow the sun and eat the moon, at the beginning of the founding of the Heavenly Royal World, once bit the next half of the sun, and mixed its own cold breath with the power of the sun, creating a family of starlight seas, controlling the astral world!

After seeing this extremely detailed description, Ronan also had a general understanding of the huge existence he saw in front of him.

“I didn’t expect the Tengu clan to have this kind of origin!”

Lonan murmured.

In the legends of every world, there are tengu dogs.

In addition to this one in the Heavenly Imperial World, the Pangu World also had such a tengu that devoured the sun and devoured the moon in ancient times, but it was later destroyed, and only a little bit of blood remained, that is, the tengu dog beside the Erlang God!

In addition, among the nine planes of the World Tree, there is also a powerful being who swallows everything, named Fenrir!

“According to this information, the Tengu clan is not produced in any big world, but from extremely distant places, and even it is impossible to investigate…”

Luo Nan’s eyes flickered, and then he heard Wu Zu and the Beginningless Emperor who had a relationship.

“The world is getting more and more interesting, it seems to be much bigger than I originally thought!”

After muttering a word, Luo Nan temporarily suppressed these thoughts in his heart, and then cast his eyes on the body of the big tengu.

At this moment, the Great Tengu, who knew that he had been discovered, was no longer hiding, and he dispersed the fog that surrounded his body, and the huge and terrifying body appeared directly in Luonan’s field of vision.

Seeing the full picture of this big tengu, Luo Nan understood why the other party could swallow the sun and the moon, because it was too big!

It’s almost as good as the Titan god Okeanos when Lonan was taken captive by Raphael into the world of Olympus and met!

However, the huge size of the body did not change the situation of the big tengu at this moment.

The Technique of Fishing for the Moon in the Well had already been performed, and the Great Heavenly Dog of the Seventh Order Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm had no possibility of breaking free at all.

At this moment, the huge body is bound in the well, and the root is out!

“Human, what do you mean by that!?”

The voice of the Great Tengu sounded simultaneously in all directions of the astral realm.

Ronan heard this and asked, “What does it mean to manipulate that Starlight Dragon with the intention of swallowing me?” ”

The Great Tengu slyly argued, “You broke into my territory first!” ”

“I’m just going through the way!”

“Hmm, human beings are the most scheming, who knows if what you say is true or not!”

The Great Tengu said indignantly, “You must have come here to snatch my treasure!” ”

Hearing this, Luo Nan flashed a strange color between his looks, and found that this big tengu that swallowed the sun and devoured the moon seemed to have a little inadequate brain, and how to speak like a mentally retarded person.

Thinking of this, Luo Nan deliberately made a confused look: “What treasure can you have, worthy of my worry?” ”

“Hmm, you fool me? I won’t tell you this kind of secret, you are dead-hearted! ”

The big tengu snorted, and the zuiba closed tightly and was obviously not ready to say more.

Luo Nan raised his eyebrows, and did not ask questions, but said indifferently: “It doesn’t matter, anyway, for me, the biggest treasure has been found!” ”

For Luo Nan, what is most needed now is experience, as long as he rises to 1v200 and completely steps into the Golden Immortal Realm, he can open the Super Race Two while making Saiya’s bloodline rise for the second time, and his strength will soar!

As a seventh-order Great Luo Golden Immortal, the Great Tengu was naturally nothing in Luo Nan’s eyes now, and it was not too difficult to obliterate.

However, the experience represented by the Seventh Order Great Luo Jinxian was enough to make Luo Nan very impressed.

If nothing else, Ronan could be sure that as long as he killed the Great Tengu.

The experience gained can definitely be directly promoted to the Golden Immortal Realm!

Exactly what the treasure that the Great Tengu was talking about, Ronan didn’t particularly care.

What Lonan really values now is the experience represented by the Great Tengu!

Therefore, at this moment, Luo Nan also directly reached into the well and fished towards the round of crescent moon representing the Great Tengu.

“Found? It doesn’t make sense, that baby is obviously still there, where did you find it? ”

The Great Tengu murmured, still puzzled by Ronan’s words “The greatest treasure has been found.”

However, he suddenly sensed that the surrounding breath had changed greatly, and when he looked up, he found that it was Luo Nan who had already struck.

At this moment, the big tengu stood in the well, like a frog at the bottom of the well, looking up at a crescent moon reflected on the well.

For some reason, the Great Tengu could faintly perceive that the crescent moon was deeply related to itself, as if one was prosperous and one was lost.

Immediately afterward, the Great Tengu saw Luo Nan’s palm probe into the well, holding the crescent moon in his hand, and slowly raising the water.

Looking at the crescent moon leaving the water, the Great Tengu only felt as if his cultivation, qi and blood, life expectancy, and everything else were as if he had been stripped away.

This feeling, which had never been experienced before, directly made the big tengu look shocked, and he had the heart to ask for forgiveness, but found that he could not open his mouth at this moment!

Feeling the life force flowing rapidly, the look of the Great Tengu was full of despair!

At this moment, a crisp “click” sound suddenly sounded throughout the astral realm.

The next second, a series of huge dark cracks spread out directly in the astral realm at an extremely fast speed.

This dark crack was like the root system of a big tree, rising rapidly everywhere, and in the blink of an eye, it filled the entire astral world.

This scene made both the big tengu and Luo Nan stunned, not knowing what was happening.

And just when the two were wondering, accompanied by a loud noise, the entire astral light realm directly and completely collapsed, no longer existing.

And when the astral realm shattered, a huge angel with seventy-two golden wings growing behind it appeared in the vision of Ronan and the Great Tengu. _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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