In the face of a terrible divine power comparable to the world of the first-class divine power, Luo Nan did not dare to trust it.

When he was able to use the technique of fishing for the moon in the well to escape from Rulai’s palm Buddha’s kingdom, it was largely because Rulai made a bet with the Terran sages and did not interfere.

Otherwise, Rulai only needed to cast a small spell at random, which could make it difficult for Luo Nan’s Well Moon Technique to be cast.

At this moment, facing this powerful angel comparable to the Flint Clan, Luo Nan was naturally very cautious in his heart, because once he was really trapped by this golden vortex, then it would undoubtedly be a very difficult thing for him to get out.

After all, this time, there was no human Yashenglai and Medanzo to bet!

I watched myself being pulled by the attraction coming from the golden vortex, constantly falling deeper and deeper, and the opening above gradually closed.

Ronan knew he couldn’t wait any longer!

The next second, Luo Nan directly mobilized a trace of chaos power in his body.

However, this time, instead of melting the power of chaos into his fingers, he adjusted it to his legs!

The Wording Secret Technique, which was performed by the power of chaos, was unleashed on Ronan’s body for the first time.

The Occult of Characters is one of the Nine-Character Mysteries that have been passed down through the ages, representing the ultimate practice in the world.

Not only does it have the world’s first extreme speed, but it can also jump up for nine days and pass through the nine shadows, and any place in the world can go.

Once cultivated to the highest level, the Writing Secret Technique will produce the ultimate transformation, and then the innate array will not be trapped, the Supreme Dao Law cannot be blocked, even if the Ten Square Absolute Array can pass through, there is nothing to stop!!

With Luo Nan’s cultivation behavior that was still one step away from the Golden Immortal, it was naturally impossible to cultivate this line of secret art to the extreme, let alone produce that ultimate transformation.

However, with the power of chaos, Luo Nan could make all his divine powers reach the sub-saint level in a short period of time!

The Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger can be, and the Writing Secret Technique can naturally be done!

When that trace of chaotic power melted into his legs, Ronan directly performed the Wording Secret Technique.

Suddenly, Ronan only felt that the space around him was directly around him in this instant.

Everything around it was ripped apart in a flash, like ink stained with water.

If the space where Luo Nan was located was originally an unfolded picture scroll, then now the color ink on this picture scroll has been completely dispersed, and the whole picture scroll has lost its original appearance.

At first glance, it is as if the rules of space have been completely changed in this instant.

However, this change is simply not visible to outsiders, and only Ronan can witness everything.

“By performing this line of secret magic with the power of chaos, it is as if the speed of the words is not the speed, but the reduction of the time tassels around me, and the complete distortion of space, creating a chance for me to get rid of this gold!”

Luo Nan looked around at everything around him, muttered a word in his mouth, and then no longer hesitated, and directly rushed towards the exit of the golden whirlpool.

Originally, Luo Nan could only continue to fall in this golden whirlpool, and there was no possibility of climbing at all.

But now, what could not have been done was easy, and almost in the blink of an eye, Luo Nan’s figure turned into a streamer of light and directly rushed out and appeared outside the golden vortex.

After rushing out of this golden vortex, Luo Nan did not stop for half a moment, and the speed continued to rush forward.

In the face of Ya Sheng, Ronan knew that he had no chance of winning now.

He relied on the power of chaos the most, and he no longer had half an advantage when facing Ya Sheng.

Therefore, avoiding the sharp edge for the time being is the best choice now.

Of course, the direction in which Luo Nan fled away was not blindly chosen, but after some careful consideration, it was the direction that the Great Tengu had escaped from before.

Ronan thought very clearly that even if he escaped temporarily, with Jesus and God’s desire for himself, Medanzo would definitely pursue him.

Truly getting rid of today’s calamity is definitely not an easy task.

Therefore, to enhance his combat strength as much as possible is what Ronan must do now.

Every time his strength is stronger, the possibility of him being able to overcome danger increases by one point.

Moreover, after killing the Great Heavenly Dog, which was comparable to the existence of the Seventh Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, Luo Nan was sure that he would directly step through the door and officially enter the Golden Immortal Realm.

As long as he enters the Golden Immortal Realm, the Saiya bloodline on his body can be upgraded to the SSS-level bloodline for the second time!

And when the time comes, he will also be able to open the super second state at the same time, and his strength will soar by a hundred times!

“When you really open the Super Race Second State, even if you still can’t defeat the strong person of the Yasheng level head-on, it is not impossible to bite a piece of flesh from that birdman’s body!”

Luo Nan secretly said in his heart, and the speed under his feet was much faster.

In the shattered astral world, Medanzo’s face was not very good-looking.

As the maker of the golden vortex, he naturally knew clearly that his goal had been separated in a strange way, all the way away.

“I thought I had all the information about you, but I didn’t expect that I still hid this level of divine power, and it really brought me a lot of surprises… But that’s about it! ”

As if sprinkled from heaven, a majestic sound slowly came out of Medanzo’s mouth and resounded through several surrounding planes.

Although the Yasheng-level pressure did not deliberately radiate, just a little unintentionally emitted was enough to make many beings lie on the ground and shiver!

The next second, Medanzo tapped the scepter in his hand, and a plane world in front of him directly shattered, ceased to exist like the astral realm.

Then Medanzo would step into it and continue to crush the next plane world.

In this way, Medanzo followed Ronan closely, and every step he took represented the demise of a plane world.


In a fiery plane world, Luo Nan’s figure suddenly appeared in it.

Feeling the residual breath of the surrounding space, Luo Nan’s eyes flickered: “The big tengu is in front!” ”

As the words fell, Lonan’s figure flashed, instantly spanning thousands of miles.

Immediately afterward, the incomparably huge figure of the Tengu appeared in Ronan’s field of vision! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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