The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse who were struggling to escape, as well as several twenty-four-winged angels (Great Luo Jinxian), looked back and saw that hundreds of thousands of angelic armies had turned into nothingness in the blink of an eye, and a look of shock appeared in their eyes!

Obviously, the horror of Shiva’s body was far beyond their expectations!

After all, there are only three saints in the whole Jehovah world, and they have never made a big fight!

They had never seen how terrible the power of the saint’s hand was!

Seeing this scene at this moment, in the end in addition to being bitter, several people did not dare to stay and ran towards the space node when they came to this world.

Especially the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the war horses that had originally sat down, had also changed at this moment.

I saw that those four horses of different colors were actually born with two wings on their backs and two horns on their heads, and then their flesh and blood peeled off and turned into four majestic bone dragons!

The majestic ancient dragon is like a hill, waving its wings directly triggers the wind and clouds, setting off a hurricane covering thousands of miles!

While pushing itself forward quickly, it also attacked Shiva in the rear.

But these thousand-mile-wide hurricanes, before they even get close to Shiva, collapse into pieces directly with space and turn to ashes in the midst of the flying manjushri.

Shiva danced excitedly, and the whole world trembled violently, as if it could not withstand the powerful power contained in Shiva’s steps, and every inch collapsed, revealing the turbulence of space behind it.

Shiva took a step forward, as if spanning thousands of miles, directly catching up with the four horsemen of the Apocalypse who were fleeing with dragons.

“Since you have come to my world, why don’t you just stay here and watch the reincarnation of the world with me…”

A soft murmur came from the mouth of Shiva Dharma, and there was not a hint of emotion in the voice.

But where his feet passed, an endless flame rose in this instant.

Manjushwara floated in the scorching wind, and before he knew it, he had wrapped the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and several twenty-four-winged angels of wisdom in it.

Between the rising winds, the twenty-four-winged angels began to spontaneously combust.

Gabriel, the leader of the angels of wisdom, roared in anger and stopped his escape, swinging the twenty-four wings behind him and heading straight for Shiva.

He knew very well that if no one delayed Shiva’s steps, all of them would die in this world, and the task commanded by the Lord would never have the chance to be completed!

All of them will become sinners of heaven, and their names will be forever carved into the stone pillars representing shame!

This is something that Gabriel cannot tolerate.

Gabriel’s skin rubbed against the wind, and the breath made his skin crack inches, and the cracks were red, and even flames burst out of it.

Gabriel, who was originally white, was in front of him, but in front of him, he seemed to turn into a burning comet across the sky, blooming with the last life light.

Unfortunately, the gap between him and Shiva is between the Great Luo Jinxian and the sage.


Shiva looked at Gabriel with a slight surprise, then stomped forward.

Suddenly, a red shock wave struck directly towards Gabriel.


When the two met, Gabriel, who was almost standing at the peak of the Wisdom Angel Level, suddenly burst like a soap bubble, completely disappearing in the red shock wave, leaving no trace.

This scene made the remaining wise angels have a touch of despair appear between their looks at the same time.

“Four knights, remember the conditions you promised the Lord!”

“Otherwise we will curse you in hell!”

After shouting at the Four Horsemen of the Weather, several wise angels suddenly stopped, and as Gabriel had done, rushed towards the Shiva who was chasing after him, hoping to stop Shiva’s footsteps a little.

Shiva’s face was expressionless, and between the tiptoes of his toes, endless manjushvars appeared around several wise angels.

A moment later, in the desperate eyes of several wise angels, the endless Manju Shahua released the Dao Dao Golden Light and directly exploded.

After this black hole is forcibly exploded between heaven and earth, it is not the turbulence of space, but the chaotic void!

Those few wise angels also directly fell directly from this violent explosion, and the remaining flesh and blood feathers were all swept into the chaotic void and ceased to exist!

Luo Nan, who had been using the Writing Secret Technique to chase after the battle behind, saw this scene and also took a breath of cool air, and the power of the Dark Dao Saint was indeed terrifying!

The armies of angels, which were originally advancing almost unstoppably, were now nearly wiped out by Shiva alone, leaving only the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to survive, but they were also chased like dogs, and there was no longer the previous might.

“There are ants under the saints, and it seems true that this statement is indeed true now!”

After muttering a word in his heart, Ronan flew towards the black hole at a faster speed.

He was worried that there was no place to replenish the chaotic power in his body, and the opportunity was just coming!

After killing the only angels left, only the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were left on the run.

And just as Shiva was preparing to continue his pursuit and killing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse suddenly stopped and fled, and turned to rush towards Shiva.

Lonan, who was still far away, saw this scene, and it was the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse who had also given up hope of escape and were ready to fight to the death.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

I saw a middle-aged man dressed in a white monk’s robe come out of the space shattered by Shiva.

The man was smiling, his eyes were filled with the sorrow and sorrow of the heavens and the worlds, and he was holding a heavy book in his hand and slowly walking from the endless chaotic void into the Great Brahma World.

“God said, let there be light!”

The man opened the heavy book in his hand and murmured softly.

Suddenly, an unprecedented burst of holy light suddenly descended from the sky, dispelling the rising flames, the hot Brahma wind, and even the manju shahua that hovered in the sky.

The world, which was still like the end of the last second, is about to be destroyed, and at this moment it seems that time has reversed and is full of life again! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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