The voice that came from the deep place was mixed with some discomfort, as if the owner of the voice had not spoken for a long time.

However, in the instant that this voice sounded, Midoro, who had been forced into a strange road, suddenly had a hint of surprise on his face.

At the same time, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, who were besieging Midora, changed their faces.

However, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse did not stop, but instead attacked more and more fiercely, trying to completely kill Midoro in one fell swoop!

The four knights of the Apocalypse joined forces to deliver the attack, and four streamers of different colors converged at one point, forming a terrible power of red, green, gray, and black space-time interspersed with each other, and directly rushed to Midora, which had been severely damaged.

As long as this blow hits, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are confident that they can completely strangle this quasi-saint of the Great Brahma World!

However, just as the attack had just reached Midora’s body, it suddenly shattered, like a broken glass, and then dissolved into the sky!

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the four horsemen of the apocalypse were all glaring, and they were full of shock.

Before they could react, a hunched figure appeared in front of Midora.

The figure was extremely thin, covered with ragged cloth like a sack, as if it had come from nowhere, as if it had come from nowhere, because the appearance was completely hidden under the worn-out sackcloth, and there was no male or female.

The slender figure hovered above the sky, but there was no breath leaking out of the body, if it was not flying in mid-air, it was simply no different from ordinary people.

However, it was this thin figure that did not have the slightest bit of powerful aura on his body, and in the instant that appeared, it made the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse look shocked, and the faces of those ascetics who were struggling to support the imminent extinction were overjoyed!

As if as soon as this person appears, the crisis can be easily lifted!

Luo Nan’s gaze had been watching the development of the war situation, and naturally he saw this thin and rickety figure for the first time.

And the moment this figure appeared, the probing technique in Luo Nan’s eyes flashed directly.

Name: Shiva (Dancing King)


Identity: Great Self Heaven, one of the three supreme saints of the Great Brahma World, the God of Destruction, has the dual character of creation and destruction, and has eight phases such as Linga phase, terror phase, gentle phase, superhuman phase, three-sided phase, dance king phase, Riga lord phase, and half-female lord phase!

When he saw the information in front of him, which was not good-looking, even the indistinguishable male and female figures, Luo Nan’s heart couldn’t help but beat a little!


In the whole world of Brahma, there are only three saints in total.

The first is naturally the Great Brahma, the Will who evolved the whole world, followed by Shiva, who is called the Great Self Heaven, and Vishnu, who is known as Myrthi Heaven!

In the great Brahma world, saints are also called supreme saints!

And Shiva is the god of destruction and creation among the three supreme saints.

In Shiva’s plane, the world is always between the cycles of destruction and destruction.

Luo Nan also did not expect that this time he had not only seen the great battle between the quasi-saints, but actually met a saint.

You know, Luo Nan had seen the most awesome before, that is, the human sub-saints of the Fu Ren Clan, and the real saints had never seen a single one.

“However, from the information described by the Detective Technique, it seems that this Shiva should have as many as eight figures, and only the Dancing King is descending at this moment.”

Luo Nan looked at the hunched figure in the distance with a burning gaze, “However, even if it is only one of them, I am afraid that it is not something that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse can resist, especially at this moment, everyone is in the world of Shiva’s sanctification!” ”

The only difference between a saint and a saint is that he can control the power of the entire world, and once he leaves his own sanctified world, there is no difference between him and the saint.

But as long as they do not go out in their own sanctified world, the saints who control the world’s power are almost invincible.

Unless the opponent is strong enough to destroy the entire world, there is no possibility of defeating the saint.

Of course, now with the Great Path Raid, there is another possibility to deal with the saints, that is, to drive the saints from the holy throne through the invasion of the world.

Having lost the Holy Throne, the saint is no more than a saint, and although he is still very powerful, he is no longer invincible.

But the world of Brahma, the world of Shiva’s enlightenment and sanctification, is almost invincible even if only one Shiva comes from the world!

On that day, the Four Horsemen and the army of angels did not hesitate when they saw Shiva appear in the form of a sabab, as if they had a spirit in their hearts and turned around and ran!

But is it easy to escape from the hands of the saints?

Shiva, with a scruffy body, suddenly stepped out!

At this step, space collapses and time goes backwards!

The whole world seemed to burn with the flame of annihilation, turning everything into a pitch-black scorched earth.

The flames bloomed in the pitch-black scorched earth, condensing into a manjushahua in mid-air, and the hot breath carried the manju shahua to the surrounding area, burning the skin of all the angels’ bodies, making hundreds of thousands of angels cry out in their mouths at the same time.

The screams came and went, and with the strange dance steps of Shiva, it was surprisingly harmonious, as if it had been rehearsed countless times of gorgeous music.

The angels all looked at the rickety figure in the middle of the world in horror, and it was difficult to look away, or even to move.

Except for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and some of the twenty-four-winged angels who had a hard escape, everyone stood still!

Shiva’s dance steps, mixed with indescribable violence and grace, two distinct breaths, perfectly blended at the feet of the supreme sage, releasing a terrifying and terrifying atmosphere.

Shiva’s anger, like a flood, the god who wields the power of destruction, uses this power to drown everything in an instant!

Hundreds of thousands of angels, at the same time, accompanied by the space around them shattered inch by inch.

The billions of fragments that flew in the sky were scraped by the hot breath above the scorched earth and turned into nothingness…

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