The scene that happened in front of his eyes made Luo Nan, who was rushing in the distance, stop his steps, and the detective technique in his eyes immediately enveloped the man in the white monk’s robe.

Name: Jesus (Christ)


Identity: Son of God Jehovah, evangelist.

Seeing the information in his eyes, Luo Nan couldn’t help but smirk.

Jesus, arguably the number two man in Jehovah’s world, is second only to God Jehovah himself.

“I didn’t expect this guy to visit in person!”

Luo Nan secretly said in his heart, “No wonder the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse dared to kill into the Great Brahma World with hundreds of thousands of angels, it turned out that there was a saint in ambush behind them!” ”

After a little thought, Ronan probably knew the ins and outs.

As a saint of Jehovah’s world, Jesus’ departure from Jehovah’s world is tantamount to leaving the throne to become a saint.

In this case, when entering the world of Brahma, the power will be further suppressed.

Therefore, Jesus should have been ambushed outside the time and space node where the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse had come, as long as Shiva dared to leave the world of Brahma and enter the endless chaotic void, then both of them were sub-saints, and what was the harm in fighting a great battle with their own abilities?

And Shiva’s act of smashing the world forcibly opened a black hole in the world to the endless chaotic void, which allowed Jesus, who was already waiting outside, to find the opportunity to come directly!

When Shiva saw that Jesus dared to step into the endless chaotic void, his thin body hidden under the rag was slightly tightened: “As a supreme saint, stepping into the world where I am, are you not afraid of not going out?” ”

After all, once in the world of Brahma, Jesus was nothing more than a compressed sub-saint, far from Shiva who could use the power of heaven and earth!

But Jesus’ face was as calm as ever, not a little nervous.

Gently closing the open Bible, Jesus whispered, “God said, I can get out.” ”

“Well, let’s see if what Jehovah said this time is right!”

For the first time, there was anger in Shiva’s voice, because Jesus’ words were clearly a contempt for him.

And this contempt comes from the God Jehovah who has always been hidden behind the scenes!

“Although it’s just a Fa Fa body here now, it’s not difficult to kill you!”

After the words fell, Shiva jumped up, and the worn-out sackcloth hanging from the sides of her thin arms rose to the wind, as if the wings of a roc were spreading.

Shiva’s dark feet, tapping in the void, splashed a large area of manjushri, and with Shiva’s strange dance steps bloomed with brilliant brilliance.

Suddenly, the whole world of heaven and earth was stunned by Shiva’s dance steps.

At this moment, Shiva’s figure appeared in front of Jesus as if teleporting, and then the delicate tip of his foot went directly to the door of Jesus’ face.

At the moment of a thousand gunshots, Jesus suddenly returned from confusion, and the Bible closed in his hand was windless and automatic, and suddenly unfolded in front of Jesus.


With a slight noise, Shiva’s toes met the spread out Bible.

Time and space, at this moment, suddenly stood still.

The whole heaven and earth, along with the four divine horsemen of the apocalypse, were frozen between them in this instant.

In the whole universe, only Shiva and Jesus are left, who can move freely!


The next second, endless manjushwaras poured out from Shiva’s toes and surrounded Jesus, staining Jesus’ white monk’s robes.

Above the plain white robe, there was suddenly a trace of flame patterns, as if it was being roasted by high temperature.

A trace of dark breath emanated from these flame patterns.

At this moment, Jesus’ palm was raised to the sky, and then a holy light was sprinkled, instantly dispelling the manju shahua that was wrapped around him, and the flame lines on the plain white shirt also dissipated at the same time!

At the same time, the open Bible also released a thousand golden rays of light, directly shaking Shiva away!

Only then did the whole heaven and earth return to function.

And after this first confrontation, Jesus had an extra piece of darkness on the Bible that had turned to ashes.

Of course, correspondingly, Shiva’s dark toes also seem to be burned by holy light, leaving a scar that is difficult to erase!

One blow failed to take advantage of anything, and Shiva’s face hidden under the worn-out sackcloth was very ugly.

But Jesus, after painfully closing the Bible in front of him, whispered, “You are just a body, and it seems that you cannot kill me…”

As he spoke, Jesus’ gaze suddenly turned to Lonan, who was far away, and raised his arm to point at a distance: “War knight, bring this man back to heaven for God, and the other three knights, together with me, exile Shiva!” ”

As soon as Jesus gave his command, the four horsemen of the Apocalypse all nodded their heads.

Immediately after, the Three Horsemen of Plague, Famine, and Death came directly to Jesus, far away from Shiva.

Under the worn-out sackcloth came Shiva’s angry and cold hum, and then he went straight to Jesus and the three knights.

“If you and I fight a war here, we will definitely completely destroy this side of the world, do you really want to do this?”

Jesus suddenly spoke up.

Shiva stopped and hesitated for a moment, then disappeared in a flash.

At the same time, Jesus reached out and summoned a holy light, wrapped the three knights behind him and disappeared into this battlefield together, not knowing where they went!

After the two saints had all left and gone out of nowhere to continue the great war, only Lonan and the War Knight were left in this square world.

The war knight rode the bloody cologne, and the cold gaze under the dark metal mask locked on Lonan, and then rushed straight ahead.

The quasi-holy power came to Luonan without restraint.

When Ronan saw this scene, his eyes narrowed and one of the essences flashed!

He had previously used the power of chaos in his body to kill Raphael, the wise angel equivalent to the Great Luo Golden Immortal, with one finger.

And that, too, was just the use of a hint of chaotic power.

If all the chaotic forces in the body were released in an instant, how powerful would the attack be?

Just thinking about it, Ronan’s heartbeat couldn’t help but be a few points stronger.

“Jesus let the war knights deal with me, but invisibly gave me the opportunity to create, if I can hurt the quasi-saint and then activate the Saiyan bloodline, my level will inevitably skyrocket!” 」 _

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