The whole heaven and earth, the battlefield of hundreds of thousands of gods, are as silent as death at this moment!

Everyone was shocked by this sudden scene.

The power of chaos, the power of the saint suddenly appeared.

Easily obliterate a powerful angel of wisdom!

This caused both the angelic side and the dervish side to fall into shock!

“What’s going on here?”

“That guy looks like he’s just an angel level, so why would he have such terrible powers?”

“Don’t be stupid anymore, that is definitely a terrible combat power of the creation level, not something that boy can possess at all!”

“Yes, it must be the creation god of this great world, who threatens us with the help of the hand of that man!”

In the camp of angels, there was soon a burst of discussion!

No one believed that Fangcai’s sage-wielding blow was sent by Ronan.

All the upper echelons of the angelic camp believed that the blow was the work of the saints of this great Brahma world.

Not only the angels, but also the ascetics, who are on the verge of defeat and destruction, think the same way!

“Is this Shiva or is Brahma coming to our rescue?”

“Brahma is still asleep, and this is not the breath of Shiva, is it Indra?”

“No matter which god comes, we will not lose this war!”

For the first time, the ascetics, whose faces were bitter from beginning to end, showed a glimmer of hope in their eyes!

The words in the camps of the two sides, Ronan naturally did not know.

Because after using the Super Race State + Battle Saint Law + Chaos Power, and then killing Raphael with one finger, the ethereal voice in Lonan’s ear did not stop for a moment!

“Ding, kill the twenty-four-winged wise angel Raphael (Seventh Order Great Luo Jinxian), gain experience evaluation completed, is being written …”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v172!”

“Ding, congratulations on your promotion to 1v173!”


“Ding, congratulations on your promotion to 1v179!”

“Ding, congratulations on your upgrade to 1v180!”

Several voices rang out in succession, making a glimmer of joy on Ronan’s face.

Kill Raphael, directly let his rise, cultivation realm also directly raised to the sixth order true immortal!

“This is the experience that Da Luo Jinxian really should have, I want to yin me, but this time I am blessed by misfortune, and I don’t know if Maitreya Buddha will vomit three liters of blood in anger!”

After Ronan said a word to himself, he found that the originally fierce battlefield was now in chaos!

However, to Ronan’s surprise, neither the angelic side nor the ascetic side seemed to pay much attention to him.

After listening to his ear for a moment, Ronan realized why.

“It turns out that these guys all thought it was a saint or a saint who just shot …”

Luo Nan’s eyes flickered, he looked down at his hands, and his eyes narrowed slightly: “However, this chaotic force is really too strong, and it really let me kill a seventh-order Luo Golden Immortal directly with one finger!” And…… I only used a trace of the power of chaos, if I used the five rays of chaos power in my body at the same time, the power would be even stronger! ”

Thinking of this, Luo Nan took a deep breath, and his gaze involuntarily shifted to the body of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Quasi-saint, is it really hurtful?

“However, this chaotic force does not seem to show any signs of recovery, and may only be restored by reaching the Endless Chaos Void, but the Endless Chaos Void is full of dangers, and once lost, it will be in trouble.”

Ronan looked down, thinking about how to replenish the lost chaotic power in his body.

After all, this chaotic power was the power of the saints, and only the saints and saints could use it, which could be said to be his biggest killer skill now!

“At present, it seems that we can only go back and find a space node connecting the big world, tear the space station outside the channel, and see if we can absorb the power of chaos!”

Thinking of this, Ronan must have thought about it, and then his attention shifted to the surrounding battlefield.

At this moment, the discussion on the battlefield had gradually subsided, and although it was suspected that there was a saint of the Great Brahma World, the angelic side had no intention of retreating.

In particular, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, led by the Apocalypse, revealed their nature to the fullest.

After glancing at Ronan a few times, he once again set siege to Midoro.

Although Midora was also a quasi-saint, he really had to say that his strength was stronger than any of the four knights of the apocalypse.

However, this slight advantage of one-on-one cannot make up for the lack of quantity, and it is still a fool to want to fight one against four!

Coupled with the fact that the Four Knights of the Apocalypse were themselves one and proficient in the art of combined attacks, Midoro had already been beaten by the pressure, and his face was extremely pale, so he could say that he was not lightly injured, and it was not far from defeat.

Soon, with the death knight’s stab out, the surrounding space instantly shattered, exposing the dark turbulence of space behind it.

At the same time, a black light suddenly flashed from the Death Knight’s lance, directly using the cover of the turbulence of the dark space to attack Midora.

At the same time as the Death Knight attacked, the other three knights seemed to have a sharp mind, and they all set out to besiege Midora, so that Midoro had no chance to dodge at all!


With a soft sound, the black light lurking in the turbulence of space directly pierced through Midora’s body, bringing a rain of scarlet blood above the sky.

This is the blood of the quasi-saints!

After crossing the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, the Yuan Immortal Infant would fully merge with the body and transform into a quasi-holy body.

And because the Yuan Immortal Infant had completely fused with the body, the flesh and blood of the quasi-saints were extremely precious and contained extremely powerful powers.

Generally speaking, even if a quasi-saint is injured, he will never shed blood.

Really reaching the step of flesh and blood leaving the body, it is equivalent to the Great Luo Jin Immortal Infant being cut off in part, indicating that it has been greatly traumatized!

Sure enough, after the body was pierced, Midora’s breath quickly weakened.

And the Four Knights of the Apocalypse seized this opportunity and unleashed various attacks on Midora.

“He can’t hold out for long, kill him quickly!”

The war knight’s voice was cold.

But at this moment, a voice that seemed to come from a distant world suddenly sounded in this side of the world.

“But who allowed you to break into my world?” _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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