Lonan’s location was now empty, and there was no one at all.

This sudden sound also shocked Luo Nan’s heart, and he was suddenly calm.

Soon, a second voice sounded again.


This time, because of the concentration, Ronan finally clearly identified where the sound was coming from!

Luo Nan’s figure flashed, and he jumped directly to a height of 10,000 meters, and then looked to the north.

The two voices came from the far north.

With Ronan’s current vision, he could see thousands of miles away with concentration.

However, he looked up at the moment, and the direction of the voice was nothing!

This result made Luo Nan stunned, and his brow couldn’t help but frown: “Is it true that the place where this voice came from is still thousands of miles away?” ”

Shocked in his heart, Luo Nan directly moved the Writing Secret Technique and rushed away in the direction where the voice came from.

With the continuous enhancement of Luo Nan’s cultivation, the speed at which he was now performing the Writing Secret Technique was far better than it had been before.

At this moment, go all out, and the distance of thousands of miles will soon be directly passed!

And just after Ronan ran out for three thousand miles, there was still nothing in his field of vision.

Just then, a third voice finally sounded.


Hearing this third voice, Ronan’s heart was also stirring.

“This voice is at least ten thousand miles away from where I was before, but the sound can be easily transmitted, and it can really be said to be resounding through the heavens and the earth, and it is definitely not an easy person to deal with!”

Ronan whispered to himself as he ran, “However, I don’t know anything about the world right now, and to find out where I am now, I must find the one who makes the sound, and…”

Connecting the three consecutive sounds, Ronan gradually had a guess in his mind.

“War, plague, famine… The last one is still missing…”

Lonan’s murmur had just dissipated, and the fourth voice really resounded across the sky as promised!


As this last sound fell, an indescribable terrible power suddenly descended between this heaven and earth.

Luo Nan, who was originally rushing towards the direction of the sound, was also impacted by this sudden arrival of breath, and his figure directly fell eight thousand meters!

“What a terrible power!”

In his heart, Luo Nan looked up, and then saw four knights riding tall horses, covered in black armor, appearing above the sky!

Seeing these four knights, the speculation in Ronan’s heart was finally confirmed!

“War, plague, famine, death … This is definitely the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse! ”

With determination in his heart, the probing technique in Luo Nan’s eyes flashed, and the specific information of the four people was directly printed into Luo Nan’s eyes!

Name: War Knight


Identity: One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the language will bring the end to humanity and the whole world when the world comes to an end!


Name: Plague Knight


Identity: One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the language will bring the end to humanity and the whole world when the world comes to an end!


Name: Famine Knight



After taking into account the specific information of the four knights in the distant sky, Luo Nan also had an irrepressible shock in his heart.

Because the rank of these four people was actually all question marks in his eyes!

You know, Luo Nan can now even explore the existence of lv299, that is, the Great Luo Golden Immortal Limit.

And the question mark in the level column means that the objects being probed are at least quasi-saint levels!

“What is this place where four would-be saints will descend at the same time?”

Luo Nan was shocked and couldn’t help but murmur to himself.

And just when Ronan discovered the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the four knights naturally discovered Lonan.

However, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse only swept far away from the place where Lonan was, and then completely ignored Lonan.

After all, Luo Nan was now just a True Immortal Cultivation Realm, and in the eyes of these four quasi-saint-level beings, it was no different from a bug, and he couldn’t do it himself, so naturally there would be subordinates to clean it up.

Soon, the Four Knights of the Apocalypse gathered around each other and raised their spears at the same time!


Suddenly, a bell-like sound suddenly resounded throughout the heavens and the earth, and even Luo Nan, who was far away, could clearly hear it.

And just hearing this sound made Luo Nan’s qi and blood surge, which showed the strength of these four knights.

However, when the spears in the hands of the Four Horsemen of the Dawn collided once again and emitted the sound of the bell, the five rays of chaotic power accumulated in Luonan’s body spontaneously moved, resisting the influence of the bell’s sound for Luonan.

This change immediately attracted Ronan’s attention to the past.

After leaving the Endless Chaos Void, Luo Nan had once forgotten the five strands of Chaos Power in his body.

After all, this chaotic force is really as fine as gossamer, and it is difficult to attract people’s attention.

However, after Luo Nan focused his attention on these five chaotic forces at this moment, he found that the chaotic forces entrenched in his body could actually mobilize for himself!

This discovery made two clusters of essence directly burst out of Ronan’s eyes!

The power of chaos, which only Yasheng and Sage could control and use, was more than a hundred times more powerful than the Immortal Force!

Although the Immortal Force in his body at the moment was only five filaments.

But once used, the power of the explosion can definitely surprise people!

“I didn’t expect to be trapped in the endless chaotic void this time, not only did I meet the Beginningless Emperor, I confirmed the conjecture in my heart, but I also accidentally obtained the power of five rays of chaos!”

Ronan looked with a hint of excitement.

When he was still in the Jindan Realm, he could hang and scatter the Immortal Heavenly Immortals with the pure Immortal Force obtained by the peach.

And now, with the power of chaos that only Yasheng and Sage could master, what kind of surge would his strength be?

In Ronan’s heart, he was looking forward to it!

“Maitreya, on the day of goodbye, how do you say I should thank you?!!”

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