“As for me, I once claimed to have no beginning!”

As this sentence came out of the dazzling streamer, Luo Nan’s eyes suddenly narrowed, and his face was full of disbelief.

The being in the streamer in front of him could recognize the Nine-Character Secret Technique on his body, and he could also recognize the Fighting Holy Law he possessed, plus he had no beginning, and his identity seemed to be ready to come out!

“Beginningless Emperor?”

Ronan couldn’t help but be surprised.

In that world, there have been many amazing and brilliant emperors, each leading the way for a period of time.

But among these emperors, the Beginningless Emperor is undoubtedly the most amazing.

It is itself an innate Eucharistic Dao fetus, and it is also the last Terran Emperor of the Ancient Era, who has never lost a battle in his lifetime, and has shocked the forbidden area of life for an era!

At the end of the Immortal Road, whoever fights for the battle will become empty in the face of beginninglessness!

This is the best evaluation of the Beginningless Emperor!

Any talented and talented person will be as dim as the stars meeting the Haoyue Moon in front of the Beginningless Emperor!

How could Luo Nan not be surprised to encounter the Beginningless Emperor in this endless chaotic void?

Luo Nan was surprised, and the Beginningless Emperor in the streamer was even more surprised.

A rather curious voice soon came out: “How do you know my name?” ”

Luo Nan could only say a haha: “Oh, I heard it elsewhere, the world I live in has your legends there, the Wild Heaven Emperor Qing Emperor or something…”

“Desolate … A lotus in the ancient sky…”

The voice in the streamer, with a little remembrance, murmured silently.

After a long time, the Beginningless Emperor sighed for a long time: “Those are all memories from a very long time ago…”

The remembrance in the voice of the Beginningless Emperor made Luo Nan’s heart move, and he immediately thought of many things.

In this way, even if that world exists, it has been an unknown amount of time.

Just from the beginningless emperor walking through the endless chaotic void, you can see one or two.

After a sigh, the voice in the dazzling streamer resounded: “Why are you in this endless chaotic void?” Intruding into this place with your cultivation is undoubtedly a dead end, and I am very surprised that you can survive. ”

Hearing the Beginningless Emperor’s inquiry, Luo Nan shrugged his shoulders helplessly: “I entered the Endless Chaos Void in order to cross the Great World from the space node, there should have been no problem, but I was ambushed by a fat monk, and I was banished into the Chaos Void.” ”

“That’s right!”

The Beginningless Emperor said, “It is also fate to meet you in this vast chaos, you have heard of my name again, and you have to help you once again.” ”

“Coincidentally, this place is connected to a big world!”

As soon as the words fell, it was as if a figure in the dazzling streamer of light had slapped it lightly.

Then, in the originally dark and endless chaotic void between Luonan, it was suddenly shattered by this chapter, and a completely strange world suddenly appeared in Luonan’s field of vision.

“Even if I forcibly break out of the space passage, it won’t last long, so leave quickly!”

The Beginningless Emperor said.

Luo Nan heard the words and hugged his fist in worship: “Today’s grace, no toothless unforgettable!” ”

After the words fell, Ronan did not hesitate and rushed directly into the strange world.

Although it is a strange world, it is always much better than the endless chaotic void.

After stepping into the Great World from the Endless Chaos Void, Luo Nan suddenly felt the rich Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi and began to frantically pour into his body.

At this moment, his body was like a sun-dried sponge, frantically absorbing the water pouring in from all directions.

After that, the dried up Immortal Force in Luo Nan’s body was finally restored.

Only then did Luo Nan turn his head to look at it, only to find that the space rift that had been slapped by the Beginningless Emperor was about to heal completely.

Through the space rift that was only the last foot left, Luo Nan looked at the dazzling streamer where the Beginningless Emperor was located and asked the doubts in his heart.

“Beginningless Emperor, is it convenient to tell you what is going on in the world you are in?”

A long sigh came from the dazzling color: “Ruined…”

In just two words, there is an inexhaustible heartache in the Tao.

As for whether the Beginningless Emperor said anything else after these two words, Luo Nan was not clear.

Because after these two words came out, the crack in the space that was only the last foot left was finally healed.

However, although only two words came out, it still made Luo Nan’s heart shake.


Lonan whispered to himself, his brow furrowing involuntarily.

“What destroyed the world of the Beginningless Emperor?” And what can destroy the world they live in? Is the reason why the Beginningless Emperor wanders in the endless chaotic void related to the destruction of his world? ”

One by one, the mysteries in Ronan’s mind were one after another, but at the moment, no one could answer them for him.

Moreover, Ronan quickly thought of another person!

“When refining the Twelve Pins of Annihilation Black Lotus, the remnant soul of Luo Hu once told me that he had seen a person cast the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger in the endless chaotic void, and that person Xinglin was famous and called himself Wuzu…”

“After Wuzu ascended from the Heavenly Xuan Continent, he should have gone to the Great Thousand Worlds to create the Martial Realm, but Luo Hu saw Wuzu in the Endless Chaos Void, is it true that the Great Thousand Worlds were also destroyed by some unknown force?”

Thinking of this, Luo Nan couldn’t help but feel a pang of horror in his heart.

Lament what terrible existence it is that can destroy those two worlds.

And whether the Pangu world will fall into the footsteps of the future…

“There is no point in thinking about this at the moment, anyway, as long as that degree of danger comes, I will definitely not be able to stop it, and the most important thing at the moment is to improve my strength as soon as possible.” Only by reaching the quasi-saint or even sub-holy realm can we have the ability to face those crises head-on! ”

After muttering a word in his heart, Ronan suppressed all the chaotic thoughts in his mind and focused his attention on the strange world he was in now!

This world looks no different from the Pangu world in the blink of an eye, the green mountains and green waters are still the same, and the sky is full of tomorrow.

However, the breath mixed in this world gave Ronan a strong sense of strangeness, as if he was vaguely rejecting his entry.

And just when Ronan was wondering about this, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear!


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