


Just as Luo Nan was considering the five strands of chaotic power in his body, the humming sound emitted by the collision of the four knights of the Apocalypse had been heard three times!

Because of the spontaneous protection of the Chaos Force in his body, Luo Nan was not harmed.

But the heavens and the earth within his field of vision were already scarred by these three sounds.

Large areas of space cracks can be seen everywhere, and the color of this square world has even dimmed.

And just when Ronan was surprised by this scene, the final blow of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was finally issued!


Far louder than before, the large space above the four horsemen of the Apocalypse directly shattered, revealing the turbulence of the space hidden behind it!

Space turbulence and chaotic void are two completely different things.

Space turbulence can be said to be behind the big world, is a part of the big world, as long as you advance into the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, you can forcibly tear open the space into the space turbulence, long-distance shuttle.

The chaotic void, on the other hand, is a being outside the great world, and only quasi-saints and above realms can survive in them for a long time.

Of course, there is now an exception like Ronan.

With tens of thousands of consecutive deaths, he only had the body of the True Immortal Realm, and accumulated five traces of chaotic power, which could resist the impact of the chaotic void.

This can be said to be unprecedented after the ancients!

And the Four Knights of the Revelation, after shattering the space overhead, each of them put down the spear in their hands, and then silently read the characters that Ronan could not understand.

The tone was as calm as if it were some kind of old song.

Although Ronan could not understand the content of the song, he could hear the meaning of desolation and sadness.

With the sound of the song, four long lines of different colors suddenly spread out from the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

A long crimson line spread over the body of the War Knight.

A long turquoise line spread from the Plague Knight’s body.

A long line of gray spread over the Famine Knight.

As for the Death Knight, a long dark line spread out of his body!

These four long lines of different colors, starting from the four knights, intersected in mid-air, and even converged and merged into a cloud of white light.

And this white brilliance can also be constantly changed with the naked eye.

It soon evolved into a circle hundreds of meters in diameter.

The white circle entered the dark space chaos, and then flashed a different picture in the middle, as if connecting to another world.

In that picture was a rich emperor’s palace, all of which were shrouded in holy light.

Above the clear blue sky, there are countless angels who are either handsome or beautiful, flashing the white wings behind them!

“That portal is indeed connected to the world of Jehovah!”

When Ronan saw this, he murmured in his heart.

Compared to the Christian doctrine of peace on Earth, the real world of Jehovah is clearly belligerent.

Long ago, the twelve winged angel Raphael led many angels to attack the Pangu world.

In the five years that Lonan refined the Twelve Pins of the Black Lotus, the thirty-six-winged blazing angel Michael also led a large number of angels to occupy Warnerheim and continued to fight in the Nine Planes of the World Tree.

Now, with the powerful beings of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as the spearhead, opening this portal to Jehovah’s world is clearly preparing to start a new war again.

“I just don’t know which world this is strange to me today!”

Lonan wondered.

However, this kind of doubt, at present, no one can answer for Ronan.

After the huge portal in the sky appeared, it continued to condense.

When the portal was fully structured, in the world behind the portal, the army of angels who could not see the edge at a glance shook their wings behind them and rushed out along the portal.

When Raphael brought to the Pangu World, there were only a few two thousand angels, and most of them were only two-winged angels equivalent to the Yuan Infant Realm!

But now, the army of angels pouring in through this portal is innumerable, and there is no edge at a glance, and Ronan estimates that there are hundreds of thousands of them!

Moreover, these hundreds of thousands of angels are basically born with more than six wings on their backs!

You know, if you are born with six wings on your back, that is equivalent to the energy angel of the Heavenly Immortal Realm!

“The four quasi-saints lead hundreds of thousands of heavenly immortals, and this kind of combat power can already be said to be quite frightening!”

Luo Nan couldn’t help but murmur, “If Raphael’s attack on the Pangu World was just a test, then this attack of the Jehovah’s world can be said to be a war in the true sense!” ”

“I just don’t know how tragic the outcome of this war will be!”

After the successful arrival of hundreds of thousands of angels, the circular portal finally dissipated.

Immediately afterward, the angelic army led by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse did not pay attention to Luonan, but the purpose was very strong, and they directly marched towards the center of the world.

This army, which has always had great combat power, has brought about a destructive power that is simply sensational.

In particular, the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, who was the leader, really passed by like the end times.

War, plague, famine, death!

Four knights set foot in the land, and four calamities struck at the same time.

Not only did the grass and trees wither and the land dried up, all the animals and plants were directly wiped out, and even the entire heaven and earth lost their color and became dim and dull because of the appearance of these four knights, and had come to the end of their lives.

Luo Nan, who was far behind, also widened his eyes after seeing this scene, and secretly sighed in his heart the horror of these four knights.

Even the life span of heaven and earth can be deprived!

Although the angelic army did not care about Lonan, Ronan had followed closely, but it was obviously dissatisfied.

Soon, a twelve-winged angel equivalent to the Golden Immortal Realm led more than ten eight-winged main angels (true immortals) and hundreds of six-winged energy angels (heavenly immortals) to rise together in the direction where Luo Nan was located.

These angels looked indifferent, without the slightest hint of compassion, and were like war machines.

After rushing to block the way before Lonan entered, the angel who was the leader pointed at Lonan: “O servants of the Lord, spread the glory of the Lord and purify the filth of the other world!” ”

The words fell and the Holy Light came! _

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