Endless chaotic void, pitch black, without a trace of brilliance.

Apart from chaos, there is no trace of anything else.

In it, you can feel the ultimate loneliness of time!

Fortunately, Ronan’s mind has been honed now, otherwise I am afraid that it will not be long before he will go completely crazy in this endless loneliness.

However, Ronan’s current situation is not much better than going crazy.

One day, two days…

January, February…

In the turbulence of space and time, even Ronan himself did not know how long he had spent in this endless chaotic void.

He could only rely on the rate of loss of the Immortal Force in his body to calculate the date.

After an unknown amount of time, Luo Nan, who had always been silent, finally sighed: “Hey, the Immortal Force is about to be exhausted, and the conjecture of repeated deaths has finally come, and now, even if there is a space crack around me, I will definitely not be able to run out.” ”

With this last murmur, the immortal power in Luo Nan’s body was exhausted, and the twelve Extinction Black Lotus directly returned to Luo Nan’s body.

Without the protection of the Twelve Pins of the Black Lotus of Annihilation, the terrible chaotic power directly invaded Luo Nan’s body, and in a flash, Luo Nan’s body was completely destroyed!

A moment later, Ronan was resurrected somewhere in the Endless Chaos Void.

However, before his form had fully condensed, it was once again destroyed by the Chaos Force.

Compared to the horror of the chaotic power, his body was extremely fragile, shattering with a single poke!

After all, this chaotic power can only be borne by quasi-saints, and only sub-saints can absorb and utilize them without being affected!

For Ronan, this power is not yet consensual.

In this way, Ronan began the process of being destroyed again and again and resurrected again and again.

This process continued thousands of times, and by the end Ronan himself could not count how many times he had died and been resurrected.

However, after being mercilessly destroyed by the Chaos Force once again, Luo Nan was surprised to find that a trace of Chaos Power was actually left in his body!

This discovery made Luo Nan a little confused in addition to being surprised.

As we all know, the Chaos Force can only be absorbed and used by the Sub-Saints and the Sages, and even the other quasi-Saints cannot absorb it, and can only ensure that they are not hurt by the Chaos Void.

But at this moment, Luo Nan, a true immortal, had accumulated a trace of chaotic power because of countless deaths in the endless chaotic void!

“Although this trace of chaos is very weak, it is a good start!”

Luo Nan’s originally desperate heart suddenly appeared at this moment with a glimmer of hope, and it continued to expand.

In the days that followed, Ronan’s full attention was focused on the chaotic forces in his body.

After accumulating the first trace of Chaos Power, Ronan found that the speed at which his body was absorbing Chaos Power again suddenly increased by hundreds of times.

After only a hundred deaths, a second ray of chaotic power appeared.

This progress made Ronan quite happy.

However, after the appearance of the second trace of chaotic power, Ronan could also hold out in this endless chaotic void for more time, so as not to be killed as soon as he was resurrected.

After that, the third silk of chaotic power, the fourth silk of chaotic power came out one after another.

When the fifth trace of Chaos Power was finally accumulated in his body, Luo Nan’s body was finally able to resist the invasion of Chaos Force and would not continue to die!


After taking a long breath, Luo Nan muttered, “In this way, you can wander around in the endless chaotic void to search, and if you encounter a space crack that opens, you can take the opportunity to escape.” ”

“However, although I now have five more gossamer-like chaotic forces in my body, the Immortal Force still has no half-point, and I can’t open the Twelve Pins of Extinction Black Lotus, nor can I summon that little fox.”

After shaking his head, Ronan stopped thinking about it and began to wander through the endless chaotic void.

During the period of time when the Endless Chaos Void came back from the dead, Luo Nan was not only paying attention to his own chaotic power, but also carefully observing the surrounding Void.

With a long period of observation, Ronan found that this endless chaotic void was not actually eternally dark.

Occasionally, there were flashes of brilliant streamers, but they appeared very few times, and most of them were fleeting, so Ronan didn’t know what it was.

Unable to rely on the Immortal Force Loss Speed to record time, Luo Nan was completely unaware of the passage of time.

After walking in this endless chaotic void, on this day, Ronan saw a brilliant stream of light again.

However, this dazzling stream of light was different from what Lonan had seen before, not flashing in a very distant place, but coming in the direction where the disaster was located.

When the streamer of light crossed the top of Luo Nan’s head, it suddenly stopped, and then a thick voice came out of it: “Strange, I didn’t expect to see such a young little guy as you in this chaotic void.” ”

The sound of that voice surprised Luo Nan first and then delighted, he did not expect to be able to meet others in this endless chaotic void.

And if every brilliant stream of light is actually a powerful being crossing the endless chaotic void, then this endless chaotic void is actually not lonely, but quite lively.

After all, such a streamer, Ronan had seen it dozens of times.

However, the dozens of streamers encountered before were too far away to discover the existence of Luonan.

Of course, it is also possible that it was discovered, but chose to ignore it.

But in any case, the sound in the streamer in front of him is undoubtedly a life-saving straw for Luonan.

And just when Luo Nan’s heart was excited, he suddenly felt a powerful and terrifying divine consciousness sweep through his body, and then a voice of surprise sounded in the stream.

“It’s strange that your little guy actually has the breath of the Nine Secrets on his body, and the breath of the Battle Saint Emperor…”

Hearing this, Luo Nan’s heart was shocked, and he asked in a loud voice, “Who are the predecessors, and why do you know the name of the secret art on me?” ”

“This secret art originally came from the side of the world I was in, how could I not know?”

A voice in the streamer sounded, “As for me… He once called himself beginningless! ”

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