After using the Detective Technique to identify the fat-headed and big-eared monk in front of him, Luo Nan’s face couldn’t help but flash a trace of surprise, and he murmured, “It’s actually him!” ”

When Luo Nan escaped from the Buddha’s clutches in Rulai Buddha’s hands, the Fu Ren Clan had warned Luo Nan that although they had made a bet with Rulai that the quasi-saints would never take any more action against Luo Nan, Luo Nan had to be careful of the two people in Buddhism.

The first was the original usher, the present Amitabha Buddha, because the binding force of the covenant on the saint was almost zero.

The second is this Maitreya Buddha.

According to the Lingren clan, Maitreya Buddha did not have any taboos in doing things, and did not have as many scruples as other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and did everything.

Luo Nan hadn’t cared before, but now it seemed that this guy had really done everything and had been ambushed here long ago.

The Maitreya Buddha outside the crack still had a smile on his face, looking like a fat monk who was harmless to himself.

“Little benefactor, you must not stare at the poor monk so much, the poor monk has no choice but to make this decision.”

Maitreya Buddha shook his head and sighed darkly, “The poor monk cannot fail to complete the task given above, but if you kill you, you are not afraid of death, and if you are trapped, you will not be trapped, which makes the poor monk very melancholy.” The poor monk pondered and meditated for several years before he came up with such a clever trick, but as the saying goes, there is a debt and a master, and if the little benefactor wants to take revenge in the future, he will go to find the Buddha, don’t come to the poor monk. ”

After Maitreya Buddha finished speaking, he smiled at Lonan and then stretched out. Two fat hands grasped the two sections of the crack and pulled directly at each other, and the crack closed instantly!

“Little benefactor, we have a reason to see you again!”

As the last words fell, Ronan’s eyes were pitch black, and there was no longer any light.

The cracks in the space behind him had already dissipated without a trace!

At this moment, Luo Nan was already blue in the face, and the little fox lying on his shoulder was also looking at the darkness, and his eyes were confused.

“This time it was really a ship capsized in the gutter, I didn’t expect this fat man’s heart to be so deep!”

After it was pitch black, Ronan cursed.

The Endless Hybrid Void is a place of despair for anyone.

Because in the endless chaotic void, everything is in constant and uncertain factors.

For example, since Lonan entered the Endless Chaos Void, he had not moved a step yet.

But in fact, in the instant that the space crack closed, Lonan’s position had already undergone countless changes.

At this moment, Lonan was still lost, not knowing where he was, not knowing how to go to the Olympus world, and not knowing how to return to the Pangu world.

Only a saint or a saint can discern the direction in this endless chaotic void and find the way home.

However, even a saint or a saint cannot find a being in the endless chaotic void.

Unless the soul of the other party is also strong enough to be a saint or a saint, it is possible to find it.

In other words, now that Luo Nan was lost in this endless chaotic void, even the five Terran Yasheng could not save him!

He has been banished into the Endless Chaos Void!

If you want to leave, you can only hope for luck.

If he was able to wander through the endless chaotic void and happened to encounter someone tearing open the crack of the world node, he could take the opportunity to escape.

Thinking of that slim possibility, Ronan couldn’t help but sigh.

With the strength of his body, in fact, it was impossible to be in this endless chaotic void, and normally speaking, as soon as he entered, he would be directly decomposed by the chaotic power.

It was also fortunate that it was the existence of the Twelve Pins of Annihilation Black Lotus that allowed Luo Nan to have the qualification to be in the endless chaotic void.

However, there was nothing in the Endless Chaos Void except the Chaos Force, not even the Heaven and Earth Yuanqi, and that Chaos Force could not be used by Luo Nan at all.

That is to say, Luo Nan now only has the clump of immortal power left in his body that can be used, and it is used a little less, and when it is exhausted, it is also the time when he dies.

“In this endless chaotic void, even if I die and come back to life, I am afraid that I will not restore the immortal power, then I can only continue to die and be reborn again and again, and fall into the eternal and unchangeable cycle of reincarnation…”

Thinking about what he might have to face in the future, Luo Nan could not help but have a desperate feeling in his heart.

Correspondingly, Luo Nan’s heart was also more and more jealous of Maitreya Buddha’s smiling tiger.

“If one day we can see the light of day again, Lao Tzu will definitely knock out a bag on your bald donkey’s head!”

After scolding darkly, Luo Nan turned his head and said to the little fox on his shoulder, “You also see my current situation, whether you can get out this time really doesn’t look at yourself, but depends on the destiny, I can’t hold out for long in this endless chaotic void, so you still hurry back to the tower, but this time I can’t guarantee when I can let you out.” ”

After the little fox heard Luo Nan’s words, a trace of sadness flashed in his small eyes, but the next second he waved his little paws, and at the same time, a childish voice also sounded in Luo Nan’s heart: “That fat monk is so hateful, you must beat him up when you see him here.” ”

Luo Nan heard the words and patted the little fox’s head: “It is always a good thing to be able to dream.” ”

The little fox glared at Ronan with some dissatisfaction, as if to blame Ronan for hitting his enthusiasm.

However, the little fox also knew that the situation was not objective now, so he could only sigh bitterly with a small face.

Later, seeing that Luo Nan had summoned the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, the little fox’s eyes were even more reluctant, and he winked at Luo Nan: “Then you must be careful.” ”

“Got it, got it.”

Luo Nan rubbed his eyebrows, and then grabbed the little fox and stuffed it into the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.

This lonely and lonely endless chaotic void, it is enough for him to run alone.

“Besides, Sai Weng lost his horse and knew that it was not a blessing, Na Luo Hu was the Wuzu who he met in the endless chaotic void, and I was trapped in it this time, maybe I could also encounter some familiar powerful existence.”

Ronan’s eyes burned and he whispered to himself.

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