At this moment, the black light emitted by Luo Nan was produced by the black light of the Spirit Erosion that he had cultivated, which was produced after merging with the twelve Pins of Annihilation Black Lotus, and it was much more powerful than before.

However, when the Wise Divine King saw this black light coming, a trace of disdain flashed on his face.

“Daydreaming, even with this eclipse of black light, you want to hurt me?” It’s ridiculous! ”

After a cold snort, the Zhiming Divine Emperor narrowed his eyes, crossed his arms in front of him, and then a dark green square shield blocked in front of him.

This dark green square shield, which looked like a turtle’s shell from a distance, was covered with dense traces, and on each trace there was an extremely terrible and powerful aura.

These breaths are left by the owner who caused the attack, and they have not dissipated even after endless years.

How terrible is it to see those who have left traces on this shield?

And even such a terrible existence has not been able to break through this shield, and it also proves from the side that the strength of this shield is simply sensational!

According to the Furen clan, the four ancient elephants were divided into the Eastern Green Dragon, the Western White Tiger, the Southern Suzaku, and the Northern Xuanwu. These four elephants were born with heaven and earth, and they were even older than before the three clans of the Dragon and Phoenix Qilin were established. However, later the heavens and the earth changed greatly, and the four elephants were all gods, and their respective souls flew seven ways scattered between heaven and earth, and later they were found by Taishang Laojun and canonized as the twenty-eight stars of Zhou Tian. ”

Luo Nan remembered the information he had learned from the mouth of the Fu Ren Clan: “Sanqing is the Pangu Three Dao Divided Souls, Taishang Laojun has studied this deeply, and created a method that can make the seven souls unite and reunite the four elephants, which is the so-called four god kings, but these four god kings are really much worse than the four elephants at the beginning of the opening of the heavens, and at most it is only the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm.” ”

“Among the four elephants, with the green dragon as the head and the white tiger as the tail, the so-called cloud from the dragon wind from the tiger, the power of the two attacks is incomparably powerful.” As for the other two, Suzaku is difficult to kill Xuanwu and does not die, one can be reborn, and the other can defend against the heavens, all of which are trouble! ”

Now, Luo Nan could be said to know quite a lot about these four god kings.

The tortoise armor shield held in the hands of this Ming Divine Emperor was obviously the reason for his defense against the heavens.

Sure enough, when the Guardian God King propped up the Tortoise Armor Shield, the Eclipse Black Light that Luo Nan shot out was completely rebounded, and it was impossible to cause any damage to the Tortoise Armor Shield at all.

The Guardian God King, who was hiding behind the tortoise armor shield, was naturally safe and sound!

“This level of magic, even the White Tiger can ignore it, and still want to hurt me?” Amusing! ”

The Divine Lord’s eyes flashed with self-satisfaction, and then he held the tortoise armor shield and rushed straight towards Luonan.

This tortoise armor shield can be attacked and defended, and the defense is amazing, and at the same time, it is by no means weak when used for impact.

Combined with the terrifying power of Shangxuanwu from the earth, it is even more terrifying!

When the Zhiming Divine Emperor was still tens of miles away from Luo Nan, Luo Nan could already feel the oncoming fierce breath, and even made his skin faintly ache!

However, although Ronan was surprised in his heart, he did not panic at all.

In fact, if he wanted to deal with the Divine Emperor in front of him, it was not too simple.

After all, no matter how you say it, it is not a true Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal, but a patchwork of the Seven Souls forcibly returning to their original origins.

This patchwork of strong people, no matter how cohesive they looked, was nothing more than a mess in front of Ronan.

Luo Nan only needed to use the Twelve Pins of Annihilation Black Lotus to temporarily protect his body, and then unfold the technique of fishing for the moon in the well, and he could easily solve the Observant Divine King.

But Ronan didn’t intend to do that!

“I have just finished deducing the Fighting Holy Law, and now I am just trying to test the sword with this Divine Lord!”

Luo Nan looked at the eyes of the rushing Celestial God King, and made a decision in an instant!

The next second, the breath on Luonan’s body instantly soared dozens of times, the blood vein burned, and the super race state finally opened!

This is the first time that Luo Nan has opened the Super Race State after entering the True Immortal Realm!

Feeling the terrible power surging in his body, a confident smile appeared on Ronan’s face.

“Although it was only a level of promotion before, from the Heavenly Immortal to the True Immortal, the improvement was too much, and then it was magnified after the super race state…”

Luo Nanzui Corner rose slightly: “With the Battle Holy Law, you may not be able to fight with this Iron King Bayi!” ”

The next second, Luo Nan rushed out directly with the black lotus under his feet, and his five fingers were used to go towards the Void Point of the Noble God King, who was already very close.

Seeing that Luo Nan did not retreat but advanced, a different color flashed in his eyes: “A little bold, but in the end it will not help!” ”

At the same time as the words fell, the Celestial Emperor suddenly reached out and grasped the void, and then jerked upwards.


The sound of an explosion resounded through the voice of the Divine King.

And along with the explosion of the Zhiming Divine King, the originally flat space was actually torn open by the Zhiming Divine King!

After the dark crack, there was a chaotic flow of space with astonishing destructive power, and if there was no protective magic weapon, even if the true immortal touched it, it would undoubtedly die in an instant.

These several dark cracks were all swept towards Luo Nan at this moment, and in the blink of an eye, Luo Nan was already included!

However, there was no hint of panic in Luo Nan’s eyes, and with his physical strength, he naturally couldn’t resist the turbulence of that space, but with the Black Lotus Protective Body, this space chaos couldn’t hurt him!

Using the Black Lotus to forcibly resist the tearing of the turbulent flow of space, Luo Nan’s five fingers lit up one after another.

Suddenly, a finger with the aura of the Ancient Desolation descended directly from outside the heavens and went directly to the point of the Celestial Lord.

At this moment, the face of the Celestial Emperor changed slightly, and he only felt as if the space around him was imprisoned, unable to move.

However, the Divine Emperor was also a powerful being who had learned the Concentration Technique, and coupled with his amazing strength, he quickly forcibly broke free of this bondage effect.

But just as he was breaking free, the huge finger that had fallen from the sky had already fiercely pointed at his body, so that the Zhiming Divine Emperor had no time to raise the tortoise armor shield as a block!

The defense of the Ming Divine Emperor was basically concentrated on the tortoise armor shield, and its own defense power was actually not exaggerated.

At this moment, Luo Nan’s finger was a double bonus of the Battle Saint Law and the Super Tournament State!

The body of the Celestial Emperor was directly hit, and he immediately turned pale and was thrown back a hundred miles away!!

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