Thrown out a hundred miles away by Luo Nan’s finger, the face of the Divine Emperor couldn’t help but be very ugly.

“This boy seems to be much stronger than when he first broke into the Heavenly Court!”

There was a hint of shock in the eyes of the Divine Lord.

An ordinary human being who was only a hundred years old had grown to the point where he could fight with the Ninth Order Great Luo Jinxian in just a few years, something that could not have happened in the past years.

“We all blame this goddamn Dao Quantity Robbery, which will give birth to so many mortals to become immortals!”

The Celestial Emperor gritted his teeth and was obviously very dissatisfied with this result.

In the past years, even if you spend a hundred years, you may not be able to get immortals alone.

But in the past few years, the number of people who have obtained the immortal has shown a spurt of growth.

The mortals of this Southern Zhan Bu Continent alone have become immortals in the past five years!

Although these tens of thousands of people are all things that are not in the eyes of the Divine Lord, this is only the beginning after all.

If in another five and ten years, or even a hundred years from now, how far will these guys who are cultivating to grow extremely fast?

For this result, the Divine Emperor is very reluctant to see it.

In the eyes of the Celestial Lord, these immortals who had been quickly formed by the Dao Dao Measure had no immortal background at all, and they did not deserve to be called immortals at all!

His bad attitude towards Luo Nan was partly because Luo Nan had imprisoned the White Tiger Seven Star Jun for five years, and on the other hand, because of this.

“I didn’t expect that the Emperor of the Flints had actually given the twelve products of the Black Lotus of Annihilation to this boy, and I thought that it was also for this reason that he had taken away the golden flowers on the top of the Jade Emperor!”

The Celestial Emperor stared at Luo Nan in the distance and said to himself, “At this moment, just by relying on ordinary methods, it is impossible to break through the protection of the Extinction Black Lotus, and if you want to break through the defense of the Extinction Black Lotus, you can only use that move!” ”

This trick is the ultimate learning of the Divine King, and it is also the mastery of the Four Elephants Xuanwu!

One move, the mountains and the sea are shocked!

Gazing at Luo Nan, the Divine Emperor Zouiba suddenly opened his eyes widely, and then took a deep breath.

This breath stretched for a long time, and Luo Nan, who was hundreds of miles away, could even sense that the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi around his body was also pouring into the zuiba that was opened by the Celestial Lord.

One gulp, swallow a hundred miles!

The Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi within a hundred miles was swallowed up by the Divine Emperor in a flash of time.

I saw that the abdomen of the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty clapped and swelled up like a balloon full of air.

The next second, the Zhiming Divine King’s hands lightly patted the bulging abdomen, and with each slap, the Zhiming Divine King’s abdomen would shrink a little, and above his dark face, an abnormal flush color would also appear.

“Is this person using his own body to compress the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi in his body?”

Luo Nan’s eyes narrowed, and he was a little stunned by the actions of the Divine Lord: “If you want to compress the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi within a hundred miles to the size of a belly, then he has already crystallized, right?” ”

Judging from this preparatory action alone, Luo Nan could also guess the divine terror that this Divine Emperor was about to unleash.

Therefore, at this moment, it is certainly not allowed to be completed by the Divine Emperor of the Immortals.

At the moment, Luo Nan took a step forward, instantly crossed a distance of hundreds of miles, came to the front of the Zhiming Divine King, and then threw a punch at the Zhiming Divine King.

Luo Nan’s punch contained the double bonus of Super Match and Battle Saint Law, and the power attached to it even made the space that crossed it shatter every inch and turn into space fragments!

At this moment, the Celestial Emperor was compressing the vitality in his body, and he had no time to care about Luo Nan at all, and he could only choose to temporarily retreat when he saw the situation!

However, the Divine Emperor himself was known for his speed, and the speed of his flashing back was not at all qualified to compare with Ronan, who was stepping on the Writing Mystery.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Nan had already caught up with him, and the punch that shattered the space was also smashed the belly of the Zhiming Divine King!


At this moment, the Celestial Divine Emperor was like a drunkard who was eating and supporting, and he was punched in the stomach by Luo Nan, and a pure Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi directly erupted from his mouth at the moment.

After being compressed in the body of the Celestial God King, this Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi had become so viscous that it had almost become a liquid.

Luo Nan’s eyes flickered, and he directly reached out and took that exquisite Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi into his hand!

After that Yuan Qi fell into Luo Nan’s hands, it was completely integrated into Luo Nan’s body in just a few moments, and was absorbed by Luo Nan to the fullest.

This rich and pure Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi not only supplemented the loss of Immortal Force in Luo Nan’s body, but even improved Luo Nan’s experience a little.

After discovering this, Luo Nan’s gaze at the Divine Emperor was different.

Before, the strong and strong Zhiming Divine Emperor was just a test stone in Luo Nan’s eyes.

But at this moment, in addition to the test stone, the Divine Emperor has become a mobile experience pack!

Although Luo Nan didn’t know exactly what magic magic the Divine Emperor was using, Luo Nan was very clear that the Divine Emperor who had not yet completed it was just a sandbag that could only be beaten.

And this sandbag, as long as you punch, will spit out a mouthful of experience!

“This kind of good thing is unattainable, and it is almost comparable to the first time I went to the Heavenly Court to eat and upgrade.”

After muttering a word, Luo Nan no longer hesitated, and unleashed the Battle Holy Law to punch and kick, and the attack fell on the body of the Celestial Emperor like a fierce storm.

Although the defensive ability of the Zhiming Divine Emperor was amazing, even under the attack of Luo Nan, he was not too seriously injured.

However, Luo Nan’s attack was dedicated to picking his stomach, and every punch and every kick could make the Zhiming Divine Emperor spit out a mouthful of extremely compressed pure vitality, and then Mei Zizi gained experience.

After just a few breaths, an ethereal voice sounded in Ronan’s ears.

“Ding, congratulations on your promotion to lv151!”

The hint of the upgrade made the Luonan attack more and more fierce, and there was a great desire to squeeze the survival out of the belly of the Celestial Lord.

But at this moment, the Noble Divine King, who had been passively bearing Luo Nan’s attack, suddenly roared in his mouth: “Enough!!!” ”

With this loud cry of the Celestial Lord, a fist-sized crystal emitting pure white light directly swept through a stream of light towards Luo Nan.

The white crystal suddenly pierced through the protection of the Annihilation Black Lotus and came to Luo Nan.

The next second, the cry of the Divine Emperor sounded.


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