After that Xuanwu Seven Star Jun heard Luo Nan’s words, the first one directly hummed coldly: “Seeing that I don’t wait to go around, I actually dare to speak provocatively, it is almost like death!” ”

“If you go to that Ling Xiao Hall and hurt the Jade Emperor, is it true that no one in the court can cure you?”

“Now give you a chance to release the White Tiger Seven Star Jun and the Third Prince of Nezha who you are imprisoned, otherwise… Hum! ”

With a cold hum, this Xuanwu Seven Star Jun’s gaze when he looked at Luo Nan was full of unkindness!

And those players below almost stared out of their eyes.

Have you been to the Ling Xiao Hall and injured the Jade Emperor?

Isn’t this just a big fuss!!!

This guy in front of him actually made trouble in the Heavenly Palace!

If these players looked at Ronan before, there was only fear in their eyes.

So now, in addition to awe, there is already a hint of adoration and admiration!

Today’s players in the Pangu world are basically Chinese people on the previous earth.

And which god is the Chinese people most familiar with?

Isn’t it the Qi Heaven Great Saint Sun Wukong?

And Sun Wukong is most talked about, isn’t it the Heavenly Palace?

At this moment, I heard that Luo Nan had actually made trouble in the Heavenly Palace, not to mention those ordinary players, even if it was Mu Bai, who had always had eyes higher than the top, a pair of beautiful eyes were also colorful!

At this moment, Luo Nan, who was being watched by thousands of players, faced the threat of the Xuanwu Seven Star King in front of him, the zui corner also flashed a sneer: “Otherwise, what then?” ”

“Then you’re forcing us to strike!” The first of the Seven Stars of Xuanwu opened his mouth.

Another continued, “On the way here, Suzaku told me not to hurt you if it was possible, but it seems impossible for me to do so right now!” ”

As this person’s voice fell, Xuanwu Seven Star Jun’s body suddenly flashed with starlight, turning into seven stars and fusing together.

In a blink of an eye, the seven stars merged into one, and a strong man with slightly darker skin appeared in front of Ronan’s eyes.

Name: Emperor of the Gods

Grade: lv297

Identity: Northern Xuanwu incarnation, one of the first four gods of the Taishang Old King’s throne!

The breath emitted by the Celestial Emperor was incomparably strong, even if it was only undoubtedly emitted, it had already made it impossible for many players to float in the sky and fall directly downwards, even Mu Bai was no exception.

Those who were repaired to a worse level were directly crushed to the ground by this might, and there was no capital to get up at all!

Luo Nan looked at the Zhiming Divine King in front of him, unlike the Lingguang Divine Emperor and the Overseer Divine King wearing Daoist robes, the upper body of the Zhiming Divine Emperor was naked, revealing a lean muscle block, and no one would doubt that there was an extremely terrible explosive power in this body!

Luo Nan knew very well in his heart that if he fought against the Celestial Gods here, it would only take a second for the entire valley and thousands of players below to be directly reduced to ashes!

Therefore, Luo Nan also turned into a stream of light at this moment, directly towards the distance!

“Want to run? Where is it so easy? ”

The voice of the Celestial Emperor was as thick as the sound of a bell, and he snorted coldly and directly stepped forward to chase after it, and his speed was not much slower than that of Luo Nan.

Of course, this is also because Lonan deliberately slowed down.

After all, Luo Nan didn’t really want to escape, but only led the Celestial Lord to a suitable place to fight.

After this process, Luo Nan also shoved the little fox who was already frightened and hardened into the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.

The two of them ran one after the other, and soon came to the sky above a desert!

In the skies above this desert, Ronan finally stopped his running and stopped here!

The Zhiming Divine King followed closely behind, and when he saw that Luo Nan was no longer running away, a cold glint flashed in his eyes: “Finally not to escape?” ”

“Do you really think I’m on the run?”

Luo Nan couldn’t help but feel funny, and secretly said in his heart that the brain of this god-holding god king seemed to be a little inadequate, just a stupid big one.

“It really doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, if you don’t release the White Tiger Seven Star Jun, then I’ll take it myself!”

The Celestial Emperor let out a cold snort, then clenched his fists and slowly pushed out directly towards Luo Nan!

Although the speed of this punch was slow, Ronan felt as if he was imprisoned around his body, and it was difficult to dodge!

This made Ronan’s eyes flash a different color, and he had experienced the vast majority of the battles he had experienced along the way, and most of the time he had imprisoned others, and rarely had the experience of being imprisoned.

“This Celestial Divine Emperor is one of the first four Star Kings of the Taishang Old King’s Throne, and the Fixation Technique is also one of the Supreme Divine Powers of the Taoists, presumably this Celestial Divine King’s fist also contains some of the power of the Fixation Technique!”

While thinking about it, Ronan tried to break free from the shackles of this fixation.

But after trying, Ronan discovered the domineering nature of this fixation.

“No wonder it is called the supreme power of the Taoists, and it is actually impossible to break free!”

Luo Nan murmured in his mouth, feeling the great destructive power carried by the fist of the Noble God King, and his brow frowned involuntarily.

But soon, Ronan had already thought of a way to deal with it!

“The art of fixation is said to be able to fix the body, the soul, the immortal, the yuan, the heaven and the earth, the stars and rivers, the time and the years, and the changes in space. However, this Divine Emperor was obviously not proficient in training, and could only fix his body, but he could not determine the Yuan! ”

Luo Nan tried it and found that the immortal power in his body could still flow, and the fairy baby did not have any problems.

At that moment, the zui corner went up: “It’s also time to experiment with the protective effect of this lotus platform!” ”

As the words fell, the Luonan Immortal Infant squeezed a few handprints, and then the twelve Pins of Extinction Black Lotus appeared directly in Luonan and sat down.

After Black Lotus appeared, he directly propped up a shield to envelop Luo Nan in it!

At the same time, the attack of the Divine Emperor finally arrived, directly hitting this shield!


With a fierce roar, the fist of the Divine Emperor and the Black Lotus Shield met!

The terrible impact from the Ninth Order Great Luo Golden Immortal surged directly from the fist of the Celestial Divine King.

This terrible impact, if it fell on Ronan’s body, could make Ronan directly turn into ashes in a blink of an eye.

However, at this moment, the Black Lotus Shield that was blocking Luo Nan’s body was only sunken in three points in the face of this impact, and it directly dissolved this shocking impact!

Luo Nan’s eyes lit up, and he was very satisfied with the Black Lotus’s defensive ability.

The next second, above the Twelve Pins of Annihilation Black Lotus, they directly scattered ten thousand black rays and went straight to the Divine King!

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