Lin Dong, Wu Zu!

Hearing these two names, Ronan only felt a bang in his head!

“These are obviously characters in the novel… Why…… Can it be that the world really exists, somewhere far away in this endless chaotic void? ”

Luo Nan had wondered early on, was there really only a few worlds in the endless chaotic void, such as the Pangu World, the Olympus World, the Jehovah World, and the Great Brahma World?

Nowadays, the worlds that have gathered together because of the great road robbery do not add up to ten in total.

Ronan never quite believed that the Endless Chaos Void had given birth to less than ten worlds.

And now, judging from Luo Hu’s answer, it was obvious that in the distant chaotic void, there were other worlds!

Thinking of this, Ronan couldn’t help but think that he had obtained the Line-Writing Secret Technique.

“Since the Martial Ancestors really exist, those amazing and brilliant emperors who have ruled through the ages will also exist.” The two magical powers that I should have obtained were the evolution of Dao Dao’s reading of novels by himself. But now it seems that the creators of these magical powers actually exist somewhere below this avenue. ”

Luo Nan murmured in his heart, “Since there is a list of Honghuang Divine Powers to record the Honghuang Divine Powers, maybe there will also be a list of Dao Divine Powers to record all the divine powers under the entire Great Avenue!” When I can one day step under the avenue, I may be able to get the list of the avenue! ”

Thinking of this, Ronan looked forward to the unknown world with an unknown road ahead.

“I’ve told you everything I know, won’t you let go of me?”

Luo Ju looked evil and roared at Luo Nan.

Luo Nan’s eyes flickered, and he directly withdrew the suppression, allowing Luo Hu’s residual thoughts to dissolve on his own.

Anyway, for Luo Nan, it was a good thing that Luo Hu’s residual thoughts dissolved, and he didn’t have to bother with his own efforts.

After only a few breaths, Luo Ju’s residual thoughts completely dissipated and turned into nothingness.

And Luo Nan also seized this opportunity and directly jumped up and sat on top of the world-destroying black lotus, trying to enter the twelve lotus platforms!

But just as Luo Nan sat down on the lotus platform, the huge karma that this annihilating black lotus had accumulated in the early days of the ancient world surged towards Luo Nan in unison.

At this moment, Luo Nan only felt as if he was in the middle of the endless Wang Yang, sitting down on the boat and being hit by the monstrous waves and threatening to capsize at any time!

This danger is not just alarmist, because if Ronan is not careful, he will really be engulfed by this karmic ocean.

At that time, even if he has the Saiyan bloodline and is not afraid of death, and the endless karma that plagues him and damages his luck, it can also make him worse off than dead!

Therefore, Ronan is extremely cautious at this moment!

When the huge wave of karma roared towards Luo Nan, Luo Nan did not hesitate for a moment, and directly sacrificed the top flower that he had fished from the Jade Emperor!

But all the golden immortals will have three flowers on top, and the xiong will store five qi!

And the higher the cultivation realm, the three flowers and five qi will be about pure and concentrated!

The identity of the Jade Emperor is different, and his three flowers and five qi are also different!

The three flowers and five qi of others are either accompanied by their own hard work!

The Jade Emperor first practiced for hundreds of millions of years, and then, at the time of the 101st century, he directly received the Three Flowers and Five Qi, which was given by the Heavenly Dao, and became the administrator of the Three Realms selected by the Heavenly Dao.

What is given by the Heavenly Dao is naturally incomparably strong!

Although the Jade Emperor Xiu was only the first to enter the Great Luo Golden Immortal, the quality of these three flowers and five qi had already far exceeded the level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal and reached the quasi-holy realm.

It was precisely for this reason that the Fu Ren Clan would say that the Qi in the Jade Emperor’s Xiong was the ultimate in the world, thousands of times better than the ordinary Spirit Root.

It is also officially because of this that the flower on the top of the Jade Emperor can wash away this boundless ocean of karma!

“It’s just a pity that these three flowers and five qi cannot be transformed into combat effectiveness, otherwise I would not have easily fished out one of the flowers and two qi.”

After muttering a low word, Luo Nan controlled the golden flower on the top to levitate in front of him, and then squeezed the complex seal with both hands, and a trace of immortal power directly penetrated into the golden flower on the top.

After Luo Nan used a special method to penetrate the Immortal Force into it, the golden flower on top of it suddenly bloomed with a holy light!

This holy light shone down and enveloped Lonan in it, sparing Lonan from the onslaught of the great waves of karma.

Under the premise of ensuring that his own safety was not threatened, Luo Nan slowly cast a spell and began to use this golden flower to wash the karmic ocean!

Only by washing away all this karma can Luo Nan become the new master of this world-destroying black lotus!

“It looks like it’s going to be a long process!”

After muttering, Lonan closed his eyes and began to close the five senses to concentrate on washing the karmic ocean with golden flowers!

After closing the five senses, Lonan’s thoughts gradually came to a standstill, and all his actions were made by conditioning.

In doing so, the risk of his being attacked by karma can be minimized.

But as a result, Ronan couldn’t receive any information from the outside world, not even knowing how long the time had passed.

In this way, the outside world passed day by day, and Song Yuyan and Wu Mengyu and Chang’e got along more and more harmoniously.

Chang’e also went from the initial discomfort to now like the liveliness of the three together.

In addition to this Imperial Dojo, Dongsheng Shenzhou, Pangu World, and even other worlds were all undergoing changes of great or small in the midst of the storm.

And these seemingly small changes now, in a short period of time, will evolve into surprising changes!

With the Six Forms of Time, the golden flower that represented great merit in front of Luo Nan had become smaller at the same time as the karmic ocean.

The two melt and disappear and consume each other.

After a long time, the golden flower completely dissipated, and the originally raging karmic ocean also dried up at the same time!

Luo Nan, who had closed the five senses for a long time, finally opened his eyes!

In the instant that he opened his eyes, two golden rays suddenly burst out from the depths of Luo Nan’s pupils: “Now that karma has been eliminated, you can enter this world-destroying black lotus!” ”

As soon as the words fell, Ronan raised his palm and slammed it under him.

Just listening to the ‘boom’, the ground where Ronan sat down cracked directly, and a dark hole appeared to swallow Lonan into it!

And in this cave, there was a lotus heart the size of a palm, suspended in mid-air!

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