“The Heart of the Black Lotus of Annihilation!”

Looking at the palm-sized black lotus heart in front of him, Luo Nan’s face flashed a trace of irrepressible joy.

At this moment, this Black Lotus Heart of Annihilation was floating in the void, and there was no defense around it!

Because, its last line of defense has been broken through by Luonan!

Now, Luo Nan only needed to imprint his divine thoughts on the heart of this Extinction Black Lotus to successfully enter the twelve Extinction Black Lotuses!

Thinking about it, even Ronan couldn’t help but breathe. A few points of promotion, not to mention the excitement in my heart.

After taking a deep breath to calm his mind for a while, Luo Nan did not hesitate, and directly separated a wisp of divine consciousness and probed towards the black lotus heart.

Perhaps because of the obstacles he had experienced before, Luo Nan’s temptation this time was quite smooth, and without encountering any obstacles, the divine consciousness was already connected with this black lotus heart.

And Luo Nan also seized this opportunity to directly use the methods he learned from the Fu Ren Clan to carve his own imprint on the heart of this world-destroying black lotus!

In the moment of imprint, Luo Nan only felt that a wonderful feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, as if this entire Black Lotus of Annihilation was already under his control!

With a single stroke of his heart, Luo Nan’s figure suddenly left the place where the Heart of the Destroying Black Lotus was located and returned to the Lotus Platform.

If at the beginning, Luo Nan sat on this lotus platform, and all he felt was the invasion of endless karma and the resistance of the lotus platform itself.

So now, Luo Nan only felt that this lotus platform was no longer half resistant to himself, but was very affectionate.

“After successfully entering the master, it is really different!”

Luo Nan muttered a word in his mouth, and then he closed his eyes and stared at it, carefully appreciating the wonderful use of this world-destroying black lotus!

Leaving one’s own spiritual imprint on the Heart of the Black Lotus was only the first step in refining these twelve products of the Black Lotus.

After all, this world-destroying black lotus is not much higher in rank than the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, is it so easy to refine?

If you really want to wave this world-destroying black lotus like an arm, it will take a lot of hard work.

And the most important one of these hard work is to feel the true meaning of the magic weapon!

Every magic weapon, whether artificially refined or born of heaven and earth, has its own true meaning.

Of course, the true intent of magic weapons of different levels is not the same, and the true meaning of most magic weapons is very vague, and even cannot be perceived.

For example, the magic weapon of the level of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda is already very good according to theory, but the true meaning of the magic weapon is not strong, so it will be refined by Luo Nan with the simple and rough method of confessing the Lord with blood drops.

And the Twelve Pins of the Black Lotus of Annihilation, as the Flood Treasure born of Heaven and Earth, the true meaning of the magic weapon is incomparably powerful.

Only when Luo Nan realized the true meaning of this magic weapon could he truly use this world-destroying black lotus.

Otherwise, even if he left a mark on the heart of the Black Lotus and successfully entered the Lord, he would not be able to use this Black Lotus.

In other words, this black lotus can only be a pure ornament.

Therefore, Ronan’s top priority was to perceive the true meaning of the magic weapon.

Once the perception is successful, these twelve products of the Extinction Black Lotus will be able to be used by him!

Realizing the true meaning of the magic weapon is a rather long process.

But Lonan even washed the karmic ocean, so what did that mean?

One day, two days, three days…

January, February, March…

Luo Nan’s uninterrupted realization, uninterrupted recommendation, trying to find out the true meaning of this black lotus.

On this day, Luo Nan’s face suddenly moved, and a trace of surprise flashed between his looks.

After months of calm, Ronan finally made his first progress.

What surprised Luo Nan was that this progress was actually related to the Eclipse Black Light on his body!

Just when Luo Nan captured the true intention of the Black Lotus, the Spirit Erosion Black Light in his body suddenly activated spontaneously, merging with the True Intention of the Black Lotus very well.

This scene surprised Ronan, and what surprised Ronan even more.

With the fusion of the Eclipse Black Light and the Black Lotus’s true intentions, his control over this Destroying Black Lotus was actually getting stronger and stronger!

“The true meaning of this black lotus is actually a little similar to the black light of the Eclipse Spirit!”

After discovering this, Ronan seemed to have finally found his way as if he were a lost man.

The true meaning of the black lotus, which was originally like a cloud and fog, was becoming clearer and clearer in Luo Nan’s vision at this moment.

At this moment, Ronan’s speed of perception soared, and every second of progress far exceeded that of the previous three months!

To understand the true meaning of the magic weapon, the most difficult thing is to find, just like looking at flowers in the fog.

However, when that cloud was dispelled, the refining progress would skyrocket several times!

Less than an hour later, Luo Nan had completely realized the true meaning of this black lotus, and since then, this world-destroying black lotus has been under his control!

And in addition to that, there is a bonus.

That is, the black light of the Luonan Eclipse Spirit, inexplicably fused with this Black Lotus, which actually enabled Luo Nan to release a more lethal Eclipse Black Light by sitting down on the Black Lotus.

As for why, Ronan is not quite sure.

“However, since I have already refined these twelve Immortals Black Lotus this time, it is also time for me to leave the customs!”

After the words fell, Luo Nan, who was sitting on the black lotus platform, squeezed a seal with both hands, and then a doorway appeared in this dark space.

Looking out through the doorway, the Emperor of Flames dojo was close at hand.

After taking the Black Lotus into his body, Luo Nan took a step directly along the doorway and stepped into the outside world again.

After returning to the Pangu World, Luo Nan closed his eyes for a moment, and a little deduction appeared in his mind, and a little surprise appeared on his face: “It has been five years since I stepped into that pond!” ”

“I don’t know what has changed in the outside world in the past five years!”

Just as Ronan was secretly pondering, a female official suddenly came from afar.

“Congratulations to Luo Xian for successfully refining the Black Lotus, the Emperor of the Flints has been waiting for a long time, and invites you to come and see you.”

The female officer bowed her head to Ronan with a very respectful attitude.

As female officials on duty in the Imperial Tomb Dojo, they were naturally extremely well-informed, and they had long known that Luo Nan had caused a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace to severely damage the Jade Emperor, and their awe of Luo Nan could be said to come from the heart.

The title of ‘Luo Xian’ made Luo Nan slightly stunned, and he did not expect that now he also had an honorific title.

However, Ronan quickly returned to his senses.

Anyway, he also had some things to ask about the Fu Ren Clan, so at the moment, he also directly pointed at the female official: “Please lead the way!” ”

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