When the power to suppress the Twelve Pins of Annihilation Black Lotus disappeared, above the completely liberated Annihilation Black Lotus, a monstrous ferocity was suddenly released, directly towards Luo Nan to devour it.

This point, Luo Nan had already expected, so he was not panicked at this moment.

A cold glint flashed in his eyes, and Luo Nan’s cold hum directly sounded in the dark space: “Your body has not known how many years of extinction, and only a residual thought dares to be reckless in front of me?!” ”

As soon as the words rang out, Luo Nan pointed directly in front of him, colliding with the monstrous ferocity!


Just listen to a muffled sound, which suddenly reverberates throughout the dark space.

After a bombardment, Lonan kept moving, and the second and third fingers fell one after another!

Suddenly, an incomparably thick force poured out of Luo Nan’s body and directly crushing towards Na Luo’s remnant thoughts.

If it were the real Luo Hu, Luo Nan’s current power might be difficult to deal with.

But just a remnant of the thought attached to the magic weapon, how could it stop Luo Nan’s bombardment!

When Luo Nan’s fourth finger fell, the monstrous ferocity could not hold on and retracted back into the Black Lotus of Annihilation.

The next moment, above the dark Twelve Lotus Platform, a faint shadow appeared.

The shadow was wearing black armor, and because it was too thin, it could no longer see its appearance, but only a human figure with six arms.

“How many years have passed, and how much has the heavens and the earth changed?” Even a heavenly immortal dared to beat me up with the idea of destroying the Black Lotus? ”

A cold voice came out of the shadow, and the strong piercing nature made Ronan’s brow frown slightly.

After snorting coldly and using his own power to break through the piercing technique in the cold voice, Luo Nan said, “I don’t know how much the heavens and the earth today have changed from you then; But Heavenly Immortal, why can’t you come and refine this world-destroying black lotus? ”


A contemptuous laugh came from the shadow, “Because this kind of magic weapon is not something that the Heavenly Immortals can touch at all, if you don’t want to die ugly, you should quickly leave and let the fire player come.” ”

The so-called fire in the mouth of this shadow must refer to the Fu Ren Clan without a doubt.

Apparently, when it was first discovered by the Fulinist Clan, this shadow had also been seen once with the Fulinist Clan.

But this has nothing to do with Lonan.

At this moment, Luo Nan was not prepared to say much about this shadow, and directly issued an ultimatum: “If you honestly give way, I can still leave your remnants of this thought to survive in the world, but if you insist on blocking it, I don’t mind sending you a form and a god to perish!” ”

“Just by you, hahahahaha…” A dismissive laugh came from the shadow: “You can try, I would like to see how a single immortal can make me disappear!” ”

Hearing these provocative words, Luo Nan didn’t say much more, and directly pointed the fifth finger that had been brewing for a long time towards the shadow!

At the moment when Ronan’s finger clicked, the sky above this dark space suddenly exploded.

Immediately afterward, a huge finger wrapped in the rich breath of the Great Desolation directly broke through the air and went towards the remnant point of Luo Ju on the Black Lotus of Annihilation.

But at this moment, the shadow of Luo Ju’s remnant incarnation suddenly screamed!

“This is the Great Desolation Prisoner Heavenly Finger, this is the man’s magic, this is the extraterrestrial divine power!!!!”

“Why did you learn such magical powers!!??”

This terrible scream was mixed with unbelievable shock.

And Luo Hu’s violent reaction also made Luo Nan slightly stunned.

The Great Desolation Prison Heaven refers not to the products of the Pangu world, let alone to several other worlds, but to the magical powers recorded in a novel.

This novel, Luo Ju, who died countless years ago, must not have read it, and besides, he said that his current magic power was far from what was recorded in the novel.

So, why was Luo Hu able to call out his name in one bite?

Faintly, Ronan felt that there might be a big secret involved in this!

Under doubt, Luo Nan stopped the attack, frowned and asked, “Who is the person you are talking about, the supernatural power outside the boundary, and which outside the realm does it refer to?” ”

In the face of Luo Nan’s persecution, the shadow of Luo Ju’s remnant thought of the avatar, but there was no intention of responding.

Instead, it was like constantly muttering to himself in a language that Ronan couldn’t understand.

After a few moments, the shadow that had been murmuring suddenly looked up and asked Ronan, “You answer me a question, and I will answer your question, how?” ”

“Good!” Lonan did not hesitate and nodded directly.

Luo Junian asked, “After the three groups of great battles, how many times has this heaven and earth already passed through the catastrophe?” ”

“Three times.” After Luo Nan answered, he immediately asked, “What kind of extraterrestrial divine power do you just refer to?” ”

Luo Hu said quietly, “Nature is outside this ancient world!” ”

Luo Nan did not frown at the words, and was very dissatisfied with this answer: “I naturally know that it is outside the Pangu World, but which world is it?” ”

Luo Hu said, “I don’t know about this, I just encountered a powerful being while floating in the endless chaotic void, and when I saw him perform such a spell, the breath was very familiar to me, so I could easily identify it.” ”

“Who?” Lonan asked.

“Hey, that’s the second question!” Luo Hu waved his hand, and with a little excitement in his voice, asked, “You just need to tell me whether there are completely different worlds in the outside world today, except for the Pangu World?” ”

“Yes, there are already several great worlds that have met in the chaotic void and connected together.” Lonan replied.

When Luo Junian heard this, his excitement could no longer be concealed, and the black mist that made up his body also churned, as if he was rejoicing.

“Sure enough, sure enough! Hahahahaha, since the Great Avenue Robbery has arrived, and the day of my turning over is not far away, what is left of this remnant thought? ”

As he spoke, Luo Ju’s residual thoughts actually began to dissolve spontaneously.

Luo Nan frowned when he saw this, and the prisoner pointed to the next pressure, directly imprisoning all the surrounding Black Lotus, and even the dissipation of Na Luo’s residual thoughts came to a standstill.

“What do you mean by that, bastard, let go of me, don’t hurt me!”

Luo Junian screamed, and his voice was full of anxiety.

Luo Nan said coldly, “I can’t afford to lose this person, you haven’t answered my question, how can you let it dissipate?” ”

Luo Ju gritted his teeth and hurriedly said, “That person’s surname is Lin Mingdong, he calls himself Wuzu, he comes from a distant alien world, and I don’t know other information!” ”

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