When the four eyes were facing each other, Chang’e’s reaction was unexpected by Luo Nan’s calm, and instead of the expected scolding, she whispered a greeting: “You are here?” ”

Listening to Chang’e’s words, Luo Nan raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, “Why don’t you call me a disciple?” ”

Chang’e glanced at Luo Nan: “The matter has come to an end, is it useful to scold you?” ”

Luo Nan nodded thoughtfully, “It’s really useless.” But now I want to do something, I may have to spend a lot of time to find you a place to live in Dongsheng Shenzhou, with two people to accompany you, it should not be as lonely as in the sky, are you willing or not? ”

Hearing Luo Nan’s inquiry, Chang’e, who was always calm and cold, actually had some nervous hesitation on her face.

Too long and too long of loneliness had made her worry a little about whether she could get along with her.

After looking down and thinking for a long time, Chang’e gently bit down and shook her head: “I don’t know…”

Luo Nan took a step forward to Chang’e’s side, reached out and patted Chang’e’s slightly thin shoulder, and comforted: “If you don’t know, try it first, if you are not used to it.” ”

If it had been before, Luo Nan’s such a move would definitely make Chang’e avoid it like an electric shock.

But at this moment, Chang’e, who was in a state of hesitation, just trembled and let Luo Nan’s palm press on her fragrant shoulder.

After that, Luo Nan left the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda with Chang’e.

When Chang’e appeared in front of Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s two daughters, it also surprised the second daughter.

In general, it is difficult for women to be shocked by the beauty of other women.

But the appearance of Chang’e really shocked Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan.

They didn’t even know how to describe Chang’e’s beauty, and it seemed that the adjective of sinking fish and falling geese and closing the moon and shy flowers was a kind of tarnishment to the beautiful woman in front of them, who was not mortal and dusty.

“Wow, sister you are so beautiful!”

Body size is larger. Small, cute-looking Song Yuyan couldn’t help but marvel.

Whether Chang’e was in ancient times or above the heavenly court, where had she heard such a blunt praise?

At this moment, Song Yuyan said this, and he was a little overwhelmed, and he quickly responded: “Sister, you too… Also very cute…”

Seeing Chang’e, who has always been cold, was actually a little cramped at the moment, and Luo Nan couldn’t help but laugh.

“You three women talk slowly, and I’ll flash people first.”

After saying goodbye to the three daughters, Luo Nan directly flashed away from the courtyard and returned to the pond where the Twelve Pins of Extinction Black Lotus were located. 、

At this moment, the Flintlock Clan had gone to more than where it went, but this had nothing to do with Luo Nan, anyway, he refining the Twelve Pins of Annihilation Black Lotus, and he didn’t need the help of the Flintlock Clan anymore!

After taking a deep breath and adjusting his physical strength and spirit to the peak state, Luo Nan took a step forward and stepped directly into the pond!

This pond looks like a pond from the outside, but its essence is the heterogeneous space opened up by the array, which belongs to the pioneering application of space.

There are common points in thinking about the space magic weapon such as the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda and the space magic power of the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the hand.

After Ronan stepped into the pond, he only felt that the situation around him had changed suddenly, as if he had stepped into another space.

The space was pitch black, with only a hint of light in the center, and beneath that light there was a black lotus platform, bound by layers of prohibitions!

“Looking at the appearance of the heterogeneous space, it should be that the Lingren Clan casually opened it up, just to cooperate with the formation prohibition and suppress these twelve products of the Black Lotus of Annihilation.”

As Luo Nan murmured, he took a step forward and came directly to the black lotus platform.

Although the breath of the Twelve Pins of Extinction Black Lotus had been completely cut off by the layers of forbidden formations, just by looking at the appearance of this lotus platform, Luo Nan’s heart could not help but throb.

“The Extinction Black Lotus is the most ferocious of the Twelve Pinnacle Lotus Platforms, and its old lord Luo Hu is even more of a Hong Huang xenomorph, and after being contaminated with Luo Hu’s killing intent and evil qi, this Extinction Black Lotus is even more terrifying!”

“No wonder the Lingren Clan wants me to obtain the Great Merit Thing before I can try to refine this Extinction Black Lotus, because only that great merit thing can wash away the karma accumulated on this Extinction Black Lotus, otherwise if I refine it directly, this karma will inevitably transfer to me, and my luck will be bad!”

After entering the Heavenly Immortal Realm, Luo Nan was already able to faintly perceive the existence of the Heavenly Dao and Qi Luck.

Although it is not very clear, it can roughly infer some clues related to oneself.

Above these twelve Black Lotuses, the greatest threat to Luo Nan that remained now was not the few remaining Luo Hu’s fierce intentions, but the karma left by Luo Hu’s murderous killing.

“Fortunately, the flower above the Jade Emperor’s head is a gift from the Heavenly Dao, and it has great merit, enough to offset karma!”

With that, Ronan’s hands began to squeeze the complex seal.

Around these twelve Black Lotuses, the Fu Ren Clan laid out thirty-six formations and seventy-two kinds of prohibitions, which could be said to be quite complicated.

And Luo Nan now wanted to unblock all of these prohibitions, and only in this way could he contact the twelve Extinction Black Lotus and refine them!

The method of unlocking the prohibition, Luo Nan had already kept in mind, at this moment, his hands were constantly changing the Fa seal, and the outermost layer of the prohibition was quickly opened by Luo Nan.

After opening one prohibition, Ronan did not pause in the slightest, and went straight to the next prohibition.

In this way, Luo Nan was cracking one forbidden formation after another in this dark space.

Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttles, and three months will pass quickly!

In the dark space, the thirty-six formations around the Twelve Pinnacle Annihilation Black Lotus, and the seventy-two prohibitions had been broken by Luo Nan at this moment!

Only the last prohibition remains!

Once this last prohibition was broken, the power to suppress the Twelve Pins of Extinction Black Lotus would completely dissipate.

After three months of sleepless cracking, Rao Luonan also felt slightly tired mentally.

Therefore, he did not rush to break this last prohibition, but carefully waited for himself to return to the best state.

After another three days, Luo Nan, whose mental and physical strength had all recovered to its peak, finally squeezed the seal and opened the last prohibition to suppress these twelve products of the Black Lotus!

Suddenly, a monstrous ferocity came directly towards Luo Nan!

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