Nowadays, the entire Pangu world can be roughly divided into three major forces!

First, it is the Buddhist forces of the two Western saints who play a role such as the Buddha, the Burning Lantern Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, and many other Buddhas!

Second, it is the many Daomen forces led by the Taishang Laojun and the Yuan Shi Tianzun!

The third is the Terran forces led by the five sub-saints of the Terran race.

Of course, in addition to these three larger forces, there are other weaker forces and idle powers.

For example, the group of demons occupying the Northern Julu Continent, or the Ancestor of the Earth Immortals who swayed between the Buddha’s paths, Zhen Yuanzi, and the Nuwa who never participated in the fight, and the discouraged Tongtian, who did not ask about the world, could not be underestimated.

Among those three forces, the struggle between the Buddhas and the Tao was the fiercest, and what they were fighting for was the human race!

The most victorious in today’s world is the Terran race!

Whoever can get more Terran believers will get more Terran luck.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, both the Buddhist and Taoist saints, even the saints, are not willing to offend the Terran sages.

Moreover, there is no difference between the saints and the saints in their own cultivation economy.

It is only because there are so many holy places between heaven and earth, and those who come first and then come down, and those who sit on the holy throne early are saints, and those who come later can only be sub-saints.

And once a saint leaves the world to which he belongs and enters the endless chaotic void or other worlds, he is only a sub-saint.

It is precisely because of the five sub-saints, so the human race that has never given birth to a saint can become one of the three major forces in the Pangu world!

However, the five sub-saints of the Terran race have different ideas, so they are not linked by the same qi, but they are independent, and they invisibly weaken some of the strength of the Terran race.

If only the Lingren Clan wanted to protect Luonan, the Buddha might be able to resist the pressure and continue to cooperate with the Jade Emperor at the cost of offending the Lingren Clan.

But when the Lingren Clan told Rulai Buddha that the other four sages would also protect Luonan, Rulai Buddha had to think about it carefully.

Offend the five Terran sub-saints in one breath, not to mention that he is a Buddha, even Amitabha Buddha is not willing!!

The Buddha looked at the Furen Clan not far away, and his eyes flashed with a little doubt: “The five sub-saints of the Terran race are not in the same breath, how can you prove that what you are saying is true?” The other four sages never seemed to pay attention to this boy? ”

“Well, a few of us are just a battle of ideas, but Ronan is very important to our human race, and anyone who wants to deceive the small with the big is absolutely not OK!”

When the Flints saw that the Buddha actually doubted the authenticity of his words, he suddenly let out a cold hum, and there was a slight unpleasant color on his face.

And just as the voice of the Fu Ren Clan fell, suddenly there were four breaths of incomprehensible things that suddenly descended here!

After feeling the existence of these four breaths, Rao was the Buddha who had always been smiling and not alarmed, and his body was also trembling!

“There are the Chao clan, the Xuanyuan clan, the Shennong clan, and the Fuxi clan… How long has it been since I’ve seen you show up at the same time, and do you really value this boy so much? ”

The Buddha’s smile was a little stiff, and there was a deep jealousy in his eyes.

A whole five Terran saints had come at the same time, how could he not have fear in his heart?

Soon, living on the south side, full of the breath of the emperor’s domineering spirit, suddenly a cold rebuke came out: “Rulai, if you take care of him again, I will not be as good tempered as the flintlock man!” ”

As the words fell, a purple light poured out directly from that breath, turning into a sword shadow and slashing directly at the Buddha.

When the Buddha saw this, he was shocked to see this, and he quickly reached out and sat down on the lotus platform, and a golden curtain suddenly appeared, wrapping his whole body in it, emitting a Buddha’s light!


After a roar, the golden curtain supported by the Buddha suddenly shattered, turning into pieces and falling from the sky, and the Buddha was directly blasted out of the distance, and his face turned a little pale in the blink of an eye.

The power of the Alessis, the horror is so!

The Buddha was indifferent at this moment, and his eyes widened in anger: “Xuanyuan Clan, do you want to start a war with my Buddhism?” ”

“Why fight? Have I ever feared in my life? In the domineering breath of the emperor, a thick voice soon sounded.

But at this moment, another breath suddenly came out of the voice of persuasion: “Xuanyuan, if you have something to say, why did you start at the beginning?” ”

“Yes, going to war with those bald heads will not be of any benefit to my human race, and it will not be able to draw it!”

With the sound of two sounds, Xuanyuan Clan, who was preparing to continue to move, stopped the action.

But he still raised an eyebrow and pointed at the Buddha: “Do you really let people go?!” ”

A trace of anger flashed in the depths of the Buddha’s eyes, but at this moment he did not dare to vent it, and could only stretch out. Out of the palm of your hand.

“He is in the palm of my hand at the moment, I will not intervene, if he can jump out of it, I can guarantee that before he enters the Great Luo Golden Immortal, Buddhism will not be allowed to shoot at him!” But if he can’t jump, he must enter the nineteenth floor of the Hell Wall! ”

The Buddha said in a deep voice, “This is my last concession, if you still have to wait step by step, then you can only fight!” ”

Hearing this, Fu Ren’s brow frowned, “Let a little guy from the Heavenly Immortal Realm jump out of your palm Buddha’s Kingdom, it will be too deceitful!” ”

“I see that your big head is deliberately provoking trouble!”

Xuanyuan Clan was also angry, and as he spoke, he once again shot out a blue and purple light, turning into a giant sword and slashing towards Rulai.

If you see a change in your face, you immediately fly back and retreat.

Fang Cai’s hard resistance to a blow has already caused him to suffer some minor injuries, and naturally he will not resist hard at this moment!

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared, facing Rulai with his back to Xuanyuan, blocking the blow of the giant sword.

This person looked ordinary, with innate gossip printed on his back, a river map in his left palm, a Luo Shu in his right hand, and a starry sky flickering in his eyes.

After Fu Xishi blocked Xuanyuan’s blow, he chuckled and said, “Since the Buddha wants to gamble, we will accompany him to gamble.” ”

Hearing this, several Terran sub-saints had a twinkle of joy in their eyes.

But then, his heart couldn’t help but cluck, and his eyebrows were tightly wrinkled.

The Fuxi clan deduced innate gossip and was famous for its exhaustive strategies.

When he said such things at this moment, could it be that the boy could really get rid of the Buddha’s kingdom in his hands?

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