Come to the Buddha!

These four words are placed in the ears of any Chinese person, and they are like thunderous existence!

Especially under the influence of the famous work Journey to the West, the four words of the Buddha almost represent the great divine power.

And in that whole book, the Buddha is almost the most capable of fighting, standing in an invincible position from beginning to end.

Although it is only a novel, it is not true, and there are many differences between the plot described in it and the real myth.

But the Buddha’s arrogance is absolutely unquestionable.

If nothing else, the Lonan Detective Technique probes the target, and it has been a long time since he saw the three question marks followed by the rank.

After all, even if it was the True Martial Emperor of the Great Luo Golden Immortal Limit, Luo Nan could directly detect it.

This also proves that the cultivation realm possessed by the Buddha is definitely higher than the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm!

After the Great Luo Golden Immortal, that is a quasi-saint!

Thinking of this, Luo Nan also couldn’t help but smirk.

With his current strength, even if he opened the super competition form, he could at most play a draw with the Sixth Order Luo Jinxian.

In the face of beings beyond the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, there was no ability to resist at all.

Moreover, the Buddha had already shown the terrible speed he possessed, and Lonan could not run even if he performed the Writing Secret Technique.

Since he couldn’t fight or run, Luo Nan could only surrender: “Why did the Buddha block my way?” ”

The Buddha always had a constant smile on his face, and his voice was soft and gentle: “You broke into the heavenly court, killed the heavenly soldiers, seized the magic weapon, and injured the Jade Emperor… Having committed numerous crimes and violated three hundred and seventy-four heavenly rules, I have been entrusted by the Jade Emperor to arrest you and bring you to justice! ”

Hearing what the Buddha said, there were not many surprises in Lonan’s heart.

Long before he fished the Jade Emperor for two flowers, the Lingren Clan had already told him in the transmission that the Jade Emperor had fallen to the Western Sect during the dispute over the Buddhist Tao more than ten thousand years ago.

When the monkeys made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, they were eventually stopped by the Buddha of Rulai.

When he had entered the heavenly court before, the Buddha did not appear, obviously because of something delayed.

Free your hands at this moment, and look for them immediately.

However, even if the Buddha himself came out and wanted Lonan to tie his hands, it would be impossible.

Rulai Buddha put his hands on his knees and twisted up the Buddha seal, and said to Luo Nan: “You have taken a lot of things from the Heavenly Court that did not belong to you, and now release the Third Prince of Nezha, the White Tiger and the Seven Star Jun, return the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, and return the Jade Emperor’s flowers and two qi, maybe you can be exempted from some guilt.” ”

Luo Nan sneered, “Then I’m sorry, the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda will not be handed over, Nezha and the White Tiger Seven Star Jun are not going to release it now, as for the Jade Emperor’s two qi, don’t hide from you, in fact, it has been used.” ”

When the Buddha heard this, the smile on his face remained unchanged, but there was still a cold feeling in his eyes: “Since this is the case, then go back with me to meet the Jade Emperor and punish him after listening!” ”

As the words fell, Rulai Buddha’s palm that had originally twisted the seal of the Buddha suddenly stretched out towards Luonan and slapped it!

Suddenly, Luo Nan only felt that the space around his body was directly frozen, and it was as if he had lost the ability to move between them!

Ronan tried to break free, but he soon discovered that it was not space that was imprisoning him at this moment, but time!

At this moment, it is not the space around him that freezes, but time stands still!

This kind of attack method standing on the time level has never been encountered by Luonan before, and he does not know how to break through for a moment and a half.

But between the electric light and the flint, the palm of the Buddha had come to Luonan.

Then, as soon as the palm of his hand was grasped, Luo Nan’s figure disappeared directly into that palm!

He knew that Ronan had the ability to come back from the dead, so naturally he would not slap Lonan to death.

“More than 10,000 years ago, that monkey could not jump out of my Five Finger Mountain, and was suppressed by my palm for five hundred years. Today, I would like to see if you can jump out of the Five Finger Mountain, and if you can’t jump out, then honestly think about it for a million years on the nineteenth floor of hell! ”

The Buddha looked at his empty palm and murmured in his mouth, and the sound of the Buddha resounded all around.

If you listen closely, you will find that between these aftersounds, there are chanting sounds that rise and fall.

At this moment, a cheerful voice suddenly sounded: “A word can affect the sound of the Ten Thousand Buddhas, and the depth of the Buddha’s mana is indeed worthy of the name!” ”

With this hearty sound, a faint flame suddenly flashed in mid-air.

This flame fluttered, as if it could be easily blown out with a single breath, but the Buddha Rulai, who had been smiling all along, suddenly looked solemn when he saw this flame.

“The Fu Ren Clan has traveled thousands of miles to this place, what is the matter?”

The Buddha’s voice was as soft as ever, and he looked at the faint flame that was gradually transforming into a human form, and asked.

The Furen Clan, whose body gradually condensed, said to the Buddha Rulai, “Ming people don’t say secret words, why am I here, you don’t know?” ”

If the Buddha heard the words and his eyes flickered, he was silent, silently put his palms together and twisted up the seal of the Buddha.

Seeing this small action of the Buddha Rulai, the Lingren Clan had a cold glint in his eyes and said in a cold voice, “As the lord of a sect, you actually rushed to a little guy in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and really didn’t want your face?” ”

The Buddha frowned slightly, and forcibly defended: “I am the Buddha of Pudu sentient beings, and the butcher knife in this son’s hand is stained with too much karmic blood, and I am persuading him to put down the butcher’s knife, become a Buddha on the ground, and save him from the boundless sea of suffering.” ”


In the face of the Buddha’s defense, the Furyaki clan gave only two words of evaluation.

After that, the Fu Ren Clan also said bluntly: “This little guy is a person I value, if you want to deal with it, even if you send someone to deal with it, I will not stop it.” But the premise was that before he entered the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, no quasi-saint could strike. Otherwise it’s not just me, those four guys wouldn’t sit idly by! ”

If the Buddha’s eyes trembled when he heard the words, the palm of the palm that twisted the Buddha’s seal could not help but shake slightly.

The “other four guys” in the mouth of the Furyo people, the Buddha naturally knew who it was.

If there was only one of the Fu Ren Clan, he might still be able to ignore it hard, but if he added the other four sub-saints to exert pressure.

Don’t say it’s him, even the Second Saint of the West can’t ignore it!

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