It was said that after Luo Nan obeyed Hongjun’s words and stayed, it didn’t take long for the dojo crowd to disperse.

With a loud noise, the gate of the Zixiao Palace slammed shut, and the entire hall was solemn, leaving only Luo Nan and Hongjun to stay there quietly.

“Little boy Lonan Xie the grace of not killing the seniors!” Luo Nan gave a deep salute to Hongjun, and his heart was sincere.

Hongjun said, “If it weren’t for the relationship between Earth Yuanzi and Cang back then, Poor Dao wouldn’t have left his hand!” If you want to thank them, thank them! ”

For Hongjun’s coldness, Luo Nan can understand, after all, he is the Chaos Demon God, and Hongjun hates the Chaos Demon God the most, if he can have a good face, it will be strange!

Luo Nan smiled bitterly in his heart, originally he wanted to communicate with Hongjun, but now it seems that he is shaving his head and picking a hot head.

Just when he was about to ask about the red cloud, Hongjun made a move first, only to see him whisk the dust and a purple jade box float in front of Luo Nan.

“What the Daoist friend asks for is inside the jade box, and that jade jian records the cause and effect of the red cloud, and the Daoist friend will know it when he sees it!”

“The boy thanked the seniors for their generous gifts, and also thanked the predecessors for the great kindness of Brother Hongyun!” After saying that, Ronan gave another deep salute.

“Giving that thing to a Daoist friend is not what the poor Daoist wishes, so Daoist friends don’t need to say thank you!” Hongjun paused and said, “As for Hongyun, he is loyal and kind, and this time he has experienced the calamity on behalf of others, and as a person in the Daomen, the poor Dao naturally cannot stand idly by!” ”

As soon as the words fell, Hongjun’s figure gradually blurred, disappearing without a trace in a moment, leaving no room for Luo Nan to speak.

Seeing this situation, Luo Nan couldn’t help but shake his head and smile bitterly, he really didn’t expect that Hongjun had such a deep prejudice against him, it seemed that the exchange could only be stopped, fortunately, the first two purposes were achieved one and a half, and it was not worth the trip!

Luo Nan first inspected the jade jian, and after a while, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Originally, he was still very strange, Red Cloud had always been an old and good man, how could he have formed such a cause and effect, resulting in the tragic end of being calculated by the Heavenly Dao and finally ending up in death.

Although not long ago, he calculated that this matter was related to Pangu, but after all, he did not calculate the details, and now through this jade Jane, the truth has finally come out.

It turned out that the source of this cause and effect was on the red cloud’s original magic weapon, the ninety-nine scattered red sand.

When he was in Yingzhou Immortal Island, he had calculated that Wu Dang was the incarnation of a stone needle, and she would transform into a form, and even escape safely in the Great Disaster of the Fengshen God, all because she had a wisp of heaven-opening merit in her.

The origin of this strand of merit is that it was obtained by chance for Pangu who was opening the heavens to relieve his eye disease. And the ninety-nine scattered red sand was the culprit that fascinated Pangu’s eyes that year!

After Pangu Kaitian succeeded, the red sand was punished by the Heavenly Dao, cutting off the innate qi and no longer being able to transform into form!

Logically, sooner or later, the red sand that has become the day after tomorrow will drift away with the wind and there will be no trace, but the heavenly path is incomplete, and all things have a glimmer of vitality, and the vitality of this red sand is the red cloud!

Therefore, when the Red Cloud refined the Nine-Nine Scattered Red Sand into it, it indirectly suffered the cause and effect of the Red Sand, which would be calculated by the Heavenly Dao, and there would be such a fate!

Although this calamity is fierce, it can be resolved, and the solution is in the red cloud itself, but unfortunately, the red cloud knows that after having purple qi, it will inevitably be robbed, but it still can’t let go, and finally embarks on the road of no return!

If there is no Lonan appearing, it will turn to ashes as in the memory, but now that the variable of Lonan has appeared, the number of days will naturally change.

According to Yu Jiannei, although the Red Cloud was sinister, his life was worry-free. But once Lonan goes, things get into trouble!

Because the red cloud was destined to have no connection with that purple qi, once Luo Nan followed him, and the strength of the red cloud and others increased greatly, that purple qi would inevitably be preserved, thus exceeding the calculation of the Heavenly Dao. At that time, in order to strip this purple qi from the red cloud, the Heavenly Dao would inevitably turn face with Luo Nan, but this situation was something that the Heavenly Dao did not want to see!

At this moment, Luo Nan already knew that this was actually a deal made by Tiandao and him, as long as he did not interfere with Tiandao’s calculations, Tiandao would give Red Cloud a glimmer of life!

After knowing that the red cloud was unimpeded, Luo Nan’s hanging heart also let go, so he checked the jade box, and as expected, it was indeed filled with a peach spirit seed. I saw that the spirit seed was the size of a baby’s fist, and the blue light flowed endlessly, looking magnificent, like a blue jewel!

Recalling what Hongjun said, Luo Nan couldn’t help but smile slightly, although Hongjun did not explicitly say who sent this thing to him, but he knew very well that in this flood, the only thing that could convince Hongjun was the Heavenly Dao!

Luo Nan also had some speculations about why Tiandao would be kind to himself, but after contact with Elder Brother Cang, he realized that the reason why Heavenly Dao was like this was actually because of Elder Brother Cang. If it wasn’t for Elder Brother Cang’s choice of self-sacrifice, then the Flood Heavenly Dao at this time would inevitably perish. And in order to repay the favor, the Heavenly Dao naturally took good care of Luo Nan, who was a Cang Descendant!

After a few moments, Luo Nan put the two things into the Cang Realm, and began to calculate the Red Cloud and the others, although the Heavenly Dao had already given the guarantee that as long as Luo Nan stayed in the Zixiao Palace for one hour, the Red Cloud would be free, but somehow, he still had a feeling of shock in his heart!

After a long time, Luo Nan suddenly opened his eyes and became angry!

“Luo Hu, if you dare to ruin your brother’s life, I will not die with you!”

After some calculations, Luo Nan finally knew where that worry came from, although the Heavenly Dao promised to let the red cloud have a way to live, but what about the Dao?

At this moment, Luo Nan had a hidden realization, compared with the true Chaoyuan Sage, although the Heavenly Dao Sage had many shortcomings, it was undeniable that they were also part of the Enlightenment beings, and as long as they became the Enlightened Beings, they were bound by the Dao.

The most taboo thing about the Dao is opportunistic in the process of preaching, and as long as the preaching beings take shortcuts, they will have to pay a corresponding price. The Heavenly Dao Sage of the Flood is the product of this shortcut, otherwise, how could all six of them “preach” in more than a hundred years?

If the Honghuang Heavenly Dao acted in this way, how could the Dao Dao not punish him severely? I’m afraid that the moment the seven of them left the Purple Heaven Palace, the punishment of the Great Avenue would have already begun!

As for why Sanqing, Nüwa, as well as the introduction and quasi-mention will be safe and sound, but the red cloud is robbed, in fact, it is also very easy to explain. Because the first six people are all Heavenly Dao stators, their Dao test has been inherited by the Heavenly Dao and directly corresponds to the Hong Desert World, that is to say, the six of them have been bound to the Hong Famine into one, and the Hong Famine will also die, and the test of the Dao to the Hong Famine is the test for them!

But Red Cloud was different from them, because Red Cloud was an outcast son of the Heavenly Dao, and it was already extra-legal grace for the Heavenly Dao to let him have a way to live, so how could he bear the Dao Dao test for him again?

And Luo Nan would shout out the name of “Luo Hu”, not because he calculated that Luo Hu would be unfavorable to the red cloud, but because of his speculation.

By now, he had come to the realization that he had given the test of the enlightened beings, and the Dao Dao would not intervene directly, but would use other enlightened beings to complete this test.

Like the Cang of that year, his Dao Dao test was Pangu, and Pangu’s test was three thousand demon gods, and the test of the three thousand demon gods was also Pangu, as for the Chaos Qinglian, it was also folded in Pangu’s heaven-opening catastrophe, and Luonan’s test was Cang!

To sum up, the Dao Test of the Red Cloud must come from the Daoist beings, and in the flood and famine at this time, there are only a few Daoist beings, only Luo Nan, Hongjun, Luo Ju, and Sanqing.

Hongjun and Sanqing and others will not harm Hongyun, so it is self-evident who the Hongyun Avenue test is! But at this time, Luo Nan couldn’t leave the Purple Heaven Palace at all, otherwise without the Dao Dao’s hand, the Heavenly Dao would destroy the Red Cloud!


Just when Luo Nan was anxious, Hongyun and the others also encountered big trouble! Only to see two Daoists blocking the way of the Wuzhuang audience, it was Kunpeng and Styx! _

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