“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to lv21!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to lv47!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to lv69!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to lv93!”

“Ding, congratulations on your level increase to lv100!”

That ethereal voice kept ringing in Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s ears at the same time.

At the moment when the sound stopped, the Second Daughter’s cultivation realm also directly broke through to the Heavenly Immortal!

“Is this the power of the Immortals?”

“It’s magical…”

Between the two women’s murmurs, the figure has floated up in the air.

Song Yuyan’s palms fluttered lightly, and the stars around his body suddenly lit up, like fairies dancing among the stars.

At this moment, Wu Mengyu is even more beautiful and beautiful, with a slender neck like a swan, full of charm.

Whether it was Wu Mengyu or Song Yuyan, they originally belonged to women with good posture.

At this moment, all the way to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, it has become more and more beautiful, becoming a fairy in the true sense!

The white and translucent skin, just by looking at it, must be smooth as satin, and there is not a single flaw at all.

Women are beauty-loving animals when two women see each other more beautiful. After Yan, it was even happier.

In particular, Song Yuyan, at the instigation of Wu Mengyu, even deliberately threw a few winks at Luo Nan, and even deliberately made a temptation. Confused posture, Luo Nan’s heart itched, and even began to think about whether to deal with this little woman between these mountains.

However, thinking about what he had to deal with next, Ronan still put this idea behind for the time being.

After having fun with the two girls for a while, the two daughters asked Ronan about his plans for the next step.

“I need to go to the Emperor of the Flintlock Dojo in Dongsheng Shenzhou now, where there is still a treasure waiting for me to refine, and you can go with me.”

After saying that, Luo Nan took Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan, the two daughters, and began to fly over the Southern Zhanbu Continent and flew towards the Dongsheng Shenzhou!

After entering the Yuan Infant Realm, you can fly in the air.

Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan were both Heavenly Immortal Realms now, and although they were still very unskilled in the use of the strength they had just acquired, there was no pressure to fly autonomously.

Moreover, as early as a long time ago, Wu Mengyu had comprehended a magic power called “Calling the Wind”.

Under the blessing of this divine power, the speed of Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan’s second daughter was not slow at all.

Without opening the Wording Secret Technique, Luo Nan was still unable to catch up with these two women.

But if you open the Writing Secret Technique, it will be a hundred times faster than the speed of the second daughter.

In the process of flying, Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan also felt a continuous shock.

After all, the second daughter had never had flying experience before, and her understanding of this new world was limited to the land around Misakawa City.

Even if he had been taken to the Heavenly Court once, most of the time had been spent in the Seven Treasures Pagoda.

Therefore, now flying in the sky, the field of vision has expanded countless times, and after seeing this incomparably vast southern Zhanbu Continent, it is also shocking.

Especially along the way, Luo Nan also told the second daughter a lot of secrets, which made the second daughter stunned.

“At our current speed, it would take about a month or two to fly before we could cross the entire Southern Expeditionary Continent!”

Luo Nan was in the shocked eyes of the two women, and then said: “After crossing the Yue Nan Zhan Bu Zhou, there is an endless ocean, and it will take only a lot more time to cross, and when we cross that ocean, we will be able to reach Dongsheng Shenzhou.” ”

“Dongsheng Shenzhou is different from the Southern Zhanbu Continent where mortals gather, where the Heaven and Earth Yuan Qi is several times richer, and there are a large number of immortals and cultivators living there, which is very different from the Southern Zhanbu Continent!”

After all, the second daughter has seen less, so it is also a pleasure to listen to Luo Nan tell these stories, and although the three of them fly all the way, although slow, they are not boring.

In line with the appreciation of the famous mountains and rivers of the Southern Zhanbu Continent, it is also quite emotional.

Half a day later, Luo Nan and Wu Mengyu Song Yuyan’s second daughter were on a towering high peak.

Looking at the two girls in front of her rather boyishly piling up three snowmen with their hands, Luo Nan couldn’t help but laugh.

But at this moment, Luo Nan’s face suddenly turned to one side, and then he immediately turned his head to look at the snowy mountain on the other side!

At this moment, above that snowy mountain, there was suddenly a flash of golden Buddha light!

Under the golden Buddha’s light, the winter snow melts and everything recovers.

Originally a snow-capped mountain. The peak, in an instant, actually gave birth to lush grass and trees, among which birds and beasts roared, full of life!

However, this scene made Ronan’s face change!

Being able to change the rules of nature so easily is definitely not something that ordinary immortal Buddhas can do!

Thinking of this, Luo Nan didn’t have time to say more, and directly sacrificed the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, while shouting at Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan: “Don’t resist!” ”

Wu Mengyu and Song Yuyan were originally playing in the snow, hearing Luo Nan’s anxious voice, they also knew that things were not good, and they did not resist when they saw the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda hanging overhead, and they were very obediently included!

After putting the second daughter into the tower, Luo Nan was slightly relieved, and then he re-incorporated the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda into the Yuan God.

The next second, Luo Nan did not hesitate, and directly moved the Writing Secret Technique, instantly turning into a stream of light and heading for the distance.

However, the golden Buddha’s light at the top of the snowy mountain was also close behind Luo Nan, and the speed was even much faster than Luo Nan.

In just a few breaths, he passed by Ronan and blocked in front of Ronan!

The road ahead was blocked, and Luo Nan no longer fled, stopping to face the golden Buddha light in front of him.

And between Luonan’s gaze, in the golden Buddha’s light, there was already a figure of Buddha sitting on a lotus platform, twisting his fingers and smiling!

Name: Rulai Buddha


Status: The head of Buddhism, the teacher of all sentient beings, enjoy the worship of ten thousand Buddhas!

After seeing the information of the Buddha in front of him through the art of exploration, Luo Nan also couldn’t help but smack his tongue.

Rulai Buddha, this is the Buddha who broke out of Kong Xuan’s belly, suppressed Qi Tian Dasheng for five hundred years with one slap, and enjoyed the worship of ten thousand Buddhas!

“It seems that this time, I bumped into a terrible existence…”

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