After the boy’s voice fell, he turned around and returned to the grass room, leaving the Jade Emperor standing outside.

At this moment, the Jade Emperor’s eyes were sluggish, and his mouth was constantly repeating and muttering: “Re-repair the top of the three flowers, return to the original and restore is immortal… Reconstruct the top three flowers, return to the original restoration is immortal again…”

After reading it over and over again, the bitterness in the Jade Emperor’s heart was also getting stronger and stronger!

How could he not understand the meaning of this sentence?

Hongjun Daoist let the close boy pass out such a sentence, the meaning has been expressed very clearly.

Rebuild the top of the three flowers, return to the original restoration is immortal!

This was to let Zhang Bai Ren reincarnate and rebuild the top three flowers and the five qi in xiong.

Although the Hongjun Daoist promised to stay until he became an immortal in the future, he could still sit in the position of the Jade Emperor.

However, the Jade Emperor was still not satisfied with such a result!

Why, obviously a mistake made by a little bastard who is no more than a hundred years old, did he want to be reincarnated and repaired?

“Daozu has not asked about worldly affairs for too long and too long, and this time seeking his help is just a matter of luck, and since Daozu is not going to help me out, then I can only find another way!”

After murmuring in his heart, the Jade Emperor bowed to the grass and then turned away!


In the empty Ling Xiao Treasure Hall, the pale Jade Emperor sat alone on the Supreme Emperor’s throne, looking up at the starry sky dome with twinkling eyes.

After a long time, a golden light suddenly flashed in the center of the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall, and then a shadow of the Buddha was revealed.

The Buddha was smiling, looked extremely kind, and gave people a feeling of harmony like spring light.

When the Jade Emperor saw the shadow of the Buddha descending, his brow frowned slightly, and his tone was slightly dissatisfied: “Why didn’t you arrive before?” ”

“Just out of the Lei Yin Temple, I was stopped by the monkey and delayed for a long time.” The Buddha twisted his fingers and smiled, and his voice was soft enough to hear no joy or anger.

The cold light in the Jade Emperor’s eyes flashed when he heard the words, and his teeth couldn’t help but clench: “That monkey, do you like to live with me so much!?” ”

In the face of the Jade Emperor’s secret scolding, the Buddha did not say a word, did not speak up.

After the Jade Emperor secretly scolded a few words and vented some anger in his heart, he said to the Buddha of Rulai, “Daozu is in retreat, I can’t see him, and now I can only rely on you to help me retrieve the lost things!” All that is lost! ”

“What should be done with the person who broke into the heavenly court?”

The Buddha asked softly.

The Jade Emperor’s eyes flashed a fierce color: “You have many Buddhist means, is there a way to kill that guy completely?” ”

The Buddha shook his head, “Monks. ”

The Jade Emperor frowned, a trace of disdain flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he waved his hand and said, “Then beat him into the nineteenth layer of hell, so that he will never be able to live forever.”

When the Buddha heard this, he nodded with a smile and then disappeared with the Buddha’s light.

When the Ling Xiao Treasure Hall was once again deserted, only the Jade Emperor was left.

The Jade Emperor murmured, “Lao Jun, Tianzun, I know that you deliberately connived at that bastard to invade my heavenly court, all because I fell to the Western Second Sect more than ten thousand years ago, but if you are willing to be my backer, why should I go far and wide, in the end, I still blame yourself!” ”

“With my help, the Second Saint of the West will surely have the upper hand, and when the Holy Seat is vacated, maybe he can also have my share!”


In the south of Zhanbu Zhou, between a majestic mountain full of primitive atmosphere, there is a still courtyard located here.

In the small courtyard, two beautiful young women were practicing with their eyes closed.

Soon, one of the slender young women opened her eyes with joy.

And just a breath apart, the other petite woman also woke up!

Wu Mengyu stood up and shouted at Luo Nan, who was standing by the river, “Xiao Nan, I have broken through to the second level!” ”

“Me too! Me too! Song Yu’s bouncing voice echoed.

Luo Nan by the river heard the words, and there was also a flash of surprise in his eyes, obviously the cultivation speed of the two women was also too fast.

“Even if you have A-level Gong Fa, it can’t be so fast, I’m afraid that the reshaped Spirit Root has also made a lot of achievements!”

Thinking that this spiritual root transformed by the Qi of the Jade Emperor Xiong was actually so good, Luo Nan couldn’t help but be a little moved, thinking about whether to go to heaven to grab another one and inject it into his body.

However, as soon as this idea appeared, it was directly ruled out by Ronan.

Because if you want to reforge the spirit root, you must first pull out the spirit root, and once you pull out the spirit root, you will return to level 1!

Now that Luo Nan had been promoted to the Heavenly Immortal Limit, he was reluctant to give up this body cultivation.

Moreover, he was not a practitioner of the Gong Fa, he had relied on his bloodline all the way, and the merits of the Spirit Root did not have much influence on him, as long as he had it.

As soon as his figure flashed, Ronan returned to the courtyard.

Looking at the two women in front of him, Luo Nan stretched out his hand, and two Dan medicines appeared in front of him: “These two Dan medicines are the great gifts I gave you!” ”

“What kind of Dan is this?” Song Yuyan tilted his head and asked with a curious face.

Luo Nan explained, “This elixir is called Sheng Immortal Elixir, and if you take it below the Heavenly Immortal Realm, you can directly ascend to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and even the crossing will be saved!” ”

“So powerful!!” Song Yuyan’s eyes widened in shock.

Although Wu Mengyu did not jump as fast as Song Yuyan, he was also shocked not lightly.

After all, this was a elixir that could directly ascend to the Heavenly Immortal Realm!

Thinking of this, the two women couldn’t help but glance at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

“Well, don’t be shocked here, take these two elixirs quickly, we have other things to do.”

Hearing Luo Nan’s urging, the two women no longer hesitated, and directly swallowed the Sheng Immortal Elixir into their abdomen!

The elixir entered the abdomen, and the two women only felt as if a warm flame entered their bodies, warming their limbs and veins.

The originally empty meridians and dantian were suddenly filled with soft vitality.

These Yuan Qi were constantly strengthening and opening up their Dantian meridians.

A moment later, the two women’s originally empty Dantian space suddenly appeared a Daoji.

The Daoji quickly spun and fused into Jindan, and then Jindan shattered, and the palm-sized Yuan Baby emerged from it.

As the Yuan Infant became more and more condensed, between these majestic mountains, the two breaths became more and more powerful! _

Fei Lu reminds you: read three things – collect

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